Techno-Wizard Tools:
T.W. Tool Sets:
As might be expected, techno-wizards have developed magic items to
aid in their mechanical and electrical work. Every person who has ever
worked on a automobile finds that bolt that is either almost impossible
to reach or simply will not budge. Techno-Wizards have similar problems.
In addition, tools can be used as foci for their magic in a similar manner
as wands and medallions are foci for more traditional spell users. As a
result, techno-wizards have developed magical tools to aid in their skills.
Techno-Wizard Tools come in tow basic types. One set is for mechanical
work and the other is for electrical work. The tool sets can be just a
small number of tools or could carry virtually every tool that is standard
for a tool kit of its type. The mechanical tool set has mostly larger tools
and is designed for heavy work. The electrical tool kit contains smaller
tools as well as mini lights and circuit pullers. Each tool has the spells
of 'escape' and 'telekinesis' enchanted onto it. The mini-lights have T.W.
batteries for incredible durations (up to 1 year in many cases.) The spell
of 'escape' enables the mechanic to loosen the toughest bolts including
rusted and otherwise frozen bolts. The telekinesis enable the most intricate
guidance of the tools and helps the user to get the tool into tight spaces
and apply additional force to the tool. These magical tools greatly decrease
time required and make work general easier. The tools would likely be popular
with normal mechanics such as operators if the tools did not require last
amounts of psionic energy to operate for non spell casters. Tools are expensive
because each tool has to be individually enchanted.
P.P.E. Cost: 14 PPE per tool (each tool has to be enchanted)
- 100 piece set will cost 1400 PPE.
Spells Required: Telekinesis and Escape
Physical Requirements: Tool Set (Preferred sets are Pre-Rifts
MAC, Snap-On, and Craftsman tool sets), copper wire, smoky quartz crystal
(one for each tool)
Duration of Charge: 5 minutes per level of user.
To Activate: Telekinesis (6 PPE), Escape Spell (8 PPE), or 16
Black Market Cost: 1,000 per tool.
T.W. Tool Box:
Very popular with many Techno-Wizards because they make a techno-wizard's
life easier. They are an enchanted tool box that magically organizes any
tools that are placed inside of them. There is a wide variety of different
styles of toolboxes, they go from being plain metal to heavily engraved
wooden masterpieces. Tool boxes are normally made from mega-damage materials
and wooden boxes are usually enchanted with the spell 'Ironwood' to make
them tougher. Boxes run from being small hand carried boxes to boxes that
are mounted on wheels. Whatever other decorations, the boxes will be inlaid
with silver wire and will have a sapphire mounted in the center of the
side away from the hinges. In addition to the magic that organizes the
boxes, they have other enchantments. The tool chest has a magical light
that illuminates the section being opened so tools can be found no matter
how much outside light is available. As well, the chest is protected by
a mystic alarm that will alert the owner if someone tries to take anything
from the box or attempts to steal the box itself. In addition, dimensional
pockets (as per spell) can be added to the box. While the 'pockets' are
not standard, they are popular due to adding more space while not increasing
the size of the chest.
P.P.E. Cost: 20 + cost of any dimensional pockets (140 each)
and ironwood if needed (50+).
Spells Required: Blinding Flash, Globe of Daylight, Mystic Alarm,
Telekinesis. Wooden chest will require the spell 'Ironwood' to become mega-damage
material. Spell of 'Dimensional Pocket' is required for each extra-dimensional
Physical Requirements: Tool Box, Silver Wire worth 2000 Credits,
Sapphire worth 2000 credits.
Duration of Charge: Tool Organization: 10 minutes per
level of user. Internal Light: 30 minutes per level of user. Mystic
Alarm: 1 year per level of user (Has to be reactivated every time alarm
is triggered). Dimensional Pocket: Permanent.
To Activate: Tool Organization: Telekinesis (6 PPE) or
12 ISP. Internal Light: Globe of Daylight (2 PPE), Lantern Light
(1 PPE), or 4 ISP. Mystic Alarm: Mystic Alarm (5 PPE) or 10 ISP.
Time to Build: 2D4 days to build
Black Market Cost: 50,000 credits. Fancy boxes can cost 2 to
4 times normal. Add 100,000 for each Dimensional Pocket placed on tool
[Federation of Magic is a trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
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[Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.