Fanart: Mystik

fanart piece

Quick! Give me a rundown of your drawing materials:
Pencil (usually mechanical), eraser, inking pen (any black pen for most lines, and a Sakura Micron 005 pen for extra thin lines), and Prismacolor map pencils if I'm gonna color it by hand. =)

Why do you draw (FY) fanart?
Cuz I really admire Watase Yuu's drawing style and her character designs. Plus, FY has so many different characters to draw!

What's your favorite FY subject (person or otherwise) you like to draw?
Ummmmm...... I try to draw different characters all the time to get variety, but I do like drawing Yui. Must be her hair or something. Hotohori's interesting to draw, too. ^^

When you draw, do you go for the more traditional settings (Konan) or the OT ones (modern world)?
Traditional settings. Definately.

Do you believe in self inserts (drawing yourself into the pic)?
ummmm...... I don't really like to include myself in drawings unless it's a self-portrait, mainly cuz that just spoils the setting, you know?

Do you try to adhere to Yuu Watase's style or the anime style?
Whatever the occasion calls for. If I'm doing a FY picture, then Yuu Watase style. If not, then I don't.=)

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Do your pictures speak words or tell stories? ^_^ (words, as in ideas or concepts. Stories as in ... stories @_@;;)
Ummm... I think my pictures, if anything, speak words. I want my art to convey a certain mood based on the character expressions, format of the art, background and settings, etc. (not sure if i'm successful, tho.) ^^

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