Books with a Selkie Theme


"He said he wad hae kent her mitherly luck amang a thoosan’. Bit she wus groun a arkmae. Sae that wus the selkie that deud no’ forget."

The selkie that deud no forget  Walter Traill Dennison

Apart from the stories I've compiled elsewhere on my site, here are some books I've found that Amazon supply.  I'll be adding to this list as I find more.

 Simply click on the book cover to go to the respective page.  There you can read a synopsis and review of each book.

However, I'd love to know if there are more books featuring Selkies.  If you know of any, email me and I'll add them along with who sent them in to me.

Title: Seaward Storm Prince Selkie The Dragon Knight
Author: Susan Cooper. Terri Lynn Wilhelm Anne Cameron Gordon R Dickson
Credit:       Heather
Title: The Powers That Be Power Lines Power Play  
Author: Anne McCaffrey & E A Scarborough Anne McCaffrey & E A Scarborough Anne McCaffrey & E A Scarborough  
Credit: Morgan Grey Morgan Grey Morgan Grey  

Thanks go to Heather and Morgan Grey for the above.


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  Last updated: Tuesday, 02 March 1999