Sylvia Rose Faireweather
Player: Kender


Type: Fairie/Animal Spirit Changeling: Unicorn
Apparent Age: 15
Age: 23
Marital Status: Single

Sylvia appears much younger than her actual age, although growing up in a family of humans and heroes, she has matured far more than her age. Sylvia has silver-white hair and clear blue eyes, that darken when she uses her powers or when she grows angry. She is petite and tiny, but is very strong.

Known Marks:


Character Powers & Abilities:
Unicorns are the step between humans and angels, created to work directly with humans according to the human, Christian God’s will. They answer prayers and defend humanity. To do so, they are strong warriors in either their true form or their human disguise. They can heal most wounds. The older or more powerful the unicorn, the more severe wounds they can heal. They cannot bring back the dead, though. On the other hand, Sylvia can cause the opposite amount of damage, which she can heal. These powers can be utilized through touch, but are strengthened when the unicorn’s blood is mingled with the patient/victim.

Character History:
Sylvia is Cameron’s fraternal twin sister. They’re the only children of both Rachel and Matthias Faireweather. Because of the slowness to age, Sylvia appears much younger than Cameron. However, she also recently graduated from a different college over in Europe, and is working with an unknown group – unknown even to any of the groups that the Faireweathers are now affiliated with. However, she poses a strong loyalty to her family and to her twin brother, despite the fact they have very, very little in common.