Quote from Forget Paris

(Mickey and Ellen just got back from the graveyard where Mickey buried his father. Mickey likes Ellen, and is about to leave to go back to the states, but doesn't want to leave.)

Mickey: Can I ask you a question?
Ellen: Sure.
Mickey: Um, does this ticket have to be for this afternoon?
Ellen: That was prepared for anytime you want to use it, so . . .
Mickey: Oh, oh, oh.
Ellen: Did you want to change it?
Mickey: Well, I was just thinking, it's so silly . . . I've never been to Paris, and maybe I should do some sightseeing.
Ellen: Sightseeing? In Paris? What a bizarre notion.
Mickey: What do you got here?
Ellen: What do we got here?
Mickey: Yeah . . . you got anything?
Ellen: We got some stuff.
Mickey: Yeah, like what kind of stuff?
Ellen: Would you like to see the Eiffel Tower?
Mickey: That's here?!?