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The Damage Venture Bonus Inherent

"Plus (x) to Venture Total for each Hit in (character name) Hits to Current Battle."

Activated: When Venture is totaled.


• Gives the character a bonus to Venture Total based on the number of hits that are on the characters Hits to Current Battle.

• Bonus applies to only those cards which are on his Hits to Current Battle at the end of the battle. Any hits which were removed during the battle do not obtain a bonus.

• Inherent abilities that affect Venture require the character to be conscious and on the Front Line at the time that Venture Total is calculated.

Character Examples:

Iceman: The Ice-Man (7-5-3-3) "+1 to Venture Total for each Hit in Iceman: The Ice-Man's Hits to Current Battle."

    OverPower, the Overpower Legion, Marvel, and all Marvel Characters are TM and c 1998 Marvel Characters, Inc.