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The Power Card Venture Inherent

"(Team)'s (Power type) Power Cards are (plus/minus) (x) to (Team)'s Venture Total when they Hit"

Activated: When Venture is totaled.


• This Inherent causes certain cards to either add or subtract from the playing character's Venture Total.

• The Venture value of the cards which have landed is still added in to the Venture Total of the player. The bonus/penalty is in addition to that number.

• The bonus/penalty only applies to cards which exist in the Hits of Current Battle at the time of Venture. Hits which land during the battle but are removed prior to the calculation of Venture do not receive the bonus/penalty.

Home Base Examples:

Blue Area Of The Moon "Blue Area Team's Energy Power Cards are -2 to Blue Area Team's Venture Total when they Hit."
Outback "The Outback Team's Intellect Power Cards are an additional +2 to Venture Total when they Hit."

    OverPower, the Overpower Legion, Marvel, and all Marvel Characters are TM and c 1998 Marvel Characters, Inc.