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The Web Pirate

ASCII Character Codes 

     ASCII characters are symbols that send information to your computer when contained in HTML code. You aren't able to type them in as text without causing a page fault, or false command, unless you know the code to use in its place.

     There is another list available that uses a numeric string instead of alpha characters for coding ASCII. The list below is the way I learned to enter ASCII codes, and is also the way that Front Page and Front Page Express enter the ASCII characters.

     Please feel free to copy and distribute this list as needed.
Copyrighted © '99 & '00 The Web Pirate KC Crane.

  1. " = "

  2. & = &

  3. < = &lt;

  4. > = &gt;

  5.   = &nbsp;

  6. ¡ = &iexcl;

  7. ¢ = &cent;

  8. £ = &pound

  9. ¤ = &curren;

  10. ¥ = &yen;

  11. ¦ = &brvbar;

  12. § = &sect;

  13. ¨ = &uml;

  14. © = &copy;

  15. ª = &ordf;

  16. « = &laquo;

  17. ¬ = &not;

  18. ­­ = &shy;

  19. ® = &reg;

  20. ¯ = &macr;

  21. ° = &deg;

  22. ± = &plusmn;

  23. ² = &sup2;

  24. ³ = &sup3;

  25. ´ = &acute;

  26. µ = &micro;

  27. ¶ = &para;

  28. · = &middot;

  29. ¸ = &cedil;

  30. ¹ = &sup1;

  31. º = &ordm;

  32. » = &raquo;

  33. ¼ = &frac14;

  34. ½ = &frac12;

  1. ¾ = &frac34;

  2. ¿ = &iquest;

  3. À = &Agrave;

  4. Á = &Aacute;

  5. Â = &Acirc;

  6. Ã = &Atilde;

  7. Ä = &Auml;

  8. Å = &Aring;

  9. Æ = &AElig;

  10. Ç = &Ccedil;

  11. È = &Egrave;

  12. É = &Eacute;

  13. Ê = &Ecirc;

  14. Ë = &Euml;

  15. Ì = &Igrave;

  16. Í = &Iacute;

  17. Î = &Icirc;

  18. Ï = &Iuml;

  19. Ð = &ETH;

  20. Ñ = &Ntilde;

  21. Ò = &Ograve;

  22. Ó = &Oacute;

  23. Ô = &Ocirc;

  24. Õ = &Otilde;

  25. Ö = &Ouml;

  26. × = &times;

  27. Ø = &Oslash;

  28. Ù = &Ugrave;

  29. Ú = &Uacute;

  30. Û = &Ucirc;

  31. Ü = &Uuml;

  32. Ý = &Yacute;

  33. Þ = &THORN;

  1. ß = &szlig;

  2. à = &agrave;

  3. á = &aacute;

  4. â = &acirc;

  5. ã = &atilde;

  6. ä = &auml;

  7. å = &aring;

  8. æ = &aelig;

  9. ç = &ccedil;

  10. è = &egrave;

  11. é = &eacute;

  12. ê = &ecirc;

  13. ë = &euml;

  14. ì = &igrave;

  15. í = &iacute;

  16. î = &icirc;

  17. ï = &iuml;

  18. ð = &eth

  19. ñ = &ntilde;

  20. ò = &ograve;

  21. ó = &oacute;

  22. ô = &ocirc;

  23. õ = &otilde;

  24. ö = &ouml;

  25. ÷ = &divide;

  26. ø = &oslash;

  27. ù = &ugrave;

  28. ú = &uacute;

  29. û = &ucirc;

  30. ü = &uuml;

  31. ý = &yacute;

  32. þ = &thorn;

  33. ÿ = &yuml;

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The Web Pirate KC Crane
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