The Truth on Daniel's 70 Weeks

I recommend reading Understanding Bible Prophecy before reading this page.

There has been much confusion on the subject of Daniel, especially on the 70th week. No one to my knowledge has ever been able to make the numbers Brother Branham used in "Daniel's Seventieth Week" come out correctly. Since this subject is taken from the Daniel series I will be quoting extensively from the Daniel book. The Daniel Book is the printed verstion of the complete set of messages Brother Branham preached verbatim on July 30, 1961 morning and evening, and August 6, 1961, taken from the tape recorded messages.

In the Daniel book Brother Branham told about an incident where Sister Simpson came up to him and said, “I read the entire book of Daniel, but I know no more when I got through than when I started.” He explained that it was “sealed up until the end time” (Daniel Book pg. 59). All those seals have been lifted now.

In the message What are the works of God 59-0404 speaking of the mathematics he said, “If you stay with them, it will make a picture come into itself. Like putting a Jigsaw puzzle together.” And again in Paradox 64-0418B he said, “the mathematics of the Bible is perfect. If you keep the mathematics right, you can keep your story right.” It would be just as correct to say we could get our doctrine straight.

”Now the 70th week begins (now get this) after the Church is taken out. Now, everbody that understands that say “Amen.” {congregation says “Amen”-Ed.} Now, after the church is taken out.” (Daniel book pg. 15)

The 70 Weeks are Divided into 3 Parts

”Now let’s outline Daniel’s seventy of weeks…They are divided into 3 periods, as we find out in Daniel nine. Three periods. First, a seven week period; and then a threescore and two period, and then a one week period. There divided into three different periods.” (Daniel book pg. 88 paragraph 61.)

The scripture actually divides the 70 Weeks into 3 parts, Brother Branham is accurately pointing this out.

The prophet then provides the following information:

  1. The seven weeks are the period of time for the rebuilding of the temple.
    1. ”One week equals seven years” (Pg. 90 paragraph 73)
    2. 7 x 7 = 49 years. The period of time for the rebuilding of the temple from the time the commandment went forth. Daniel 9:25
    3. The date the commandment was given was March 14, 445 B.C. (Pg. 88 paragraph 64)
  2. From the Time of the rebuilding of the temple to Messiah the Prince is 62 weeks.
    1. 62 x 7 = 434 years.
    2. Add those together 434 years + 49 years
    3. = 483 years.

From the issuing forth of the commandment on March 14th 445 B.C. to Messiah the Prince is 483 Biblical years.

A.D. 33 An Absolute??

”Now heres where the trouble comes” (Daniel book pg 90 paragraph 81)

Brother Branham gives two different dates.

  • On page 90 paragraph 80 he gives Palm Sunday A.D. 30
  • On pg. 92 paragraph 84 he gives A.D. 33.

    The Lord Jesus went into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday as Messiah the Prince, the people yelled, “Hosanna: blessed is the King of Israel.” They took branches of palm tress and went forth to meet him as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of the colt (See John 12:12-15.)

    We’ve always quoted 33 A.D because Christ was 33 years old when he died, but there is NO year Zero B.C. on the Calendar.

    Brother Branham at various times gave AD 30 or AD 33. Some have tried to make AD 33 the standard, but THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER THAT BROTHER BRANHAM EVER MADE AD 33 A DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH!

    QA.ON.THE.SEALS_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0324M 486-3 {188}         "Now we know that Jesus was slain about AD 30. Is that right? About... It was about the middle of--of the--the year, I guess, AD 30."

    So we see even in the Seals Brother Branham has given AD 30 instead of AD 33. Nowhere does Brother Branham give any of these years as an absolute doctrine of the church.


    Seed Shall Not be Heir with the Shuck 65-0429B

    Now the key has been given us to figure it out. On pg. 88 paragraph 65 Brother Branham says, “a prophetic calendar is only three hundred and sixty days.”

    Now if we take the figure already given (from the time of the issuing of the commandment to Messiah the Prince) of 483 years and simply multiply it by the prophetic days we get the correct answer.

    483 years x 360 days = 173,880 days

    Remember there is no such thing as Zero B.C. There is no such date on the calendar. He was Born on 1 B.C. and died in 32 A.D. He was 33 years old when he died by the Biblical chronology.

    Q: Was the Date of March 14, 445 BC the only Date Brother Branham ever gave for the issuing of the Commandemnt to rebuild the Temple?

    A: Yes!

    If we take the date of the issuing forth of the commandment on March 14, 445 B.C. and simply go to the same date of March the 14th in 32 A.D. we get 173, 740 days.

    That is 476 years of 365 day years. 476 x 365 = 173,740 days.

    Take that figure and add the 24 days inclusive to April the 6th A.D. 32, which is Palm Sunday of that year.

    Then we must add in the leap days that occurred in that 476 year period to get the correct figure. To get that we divide 476 years by 4 = 119. However, century years are only leap years when divisible by four (every four hundred years is a leap year on a century year). So in this period of 476 years only one century year occurs as a leap year. Therefore we must subtract three. 119 minus 3 = 116.

    Now add up all those figures:

    1. 173,740 days to Mar 14 445 B.C. to Mar 14 A.D. 32
    2. 24 days to Palm Sunday
    3. 116 leap days that occurred in 476 years.
    4. Equals 173,880 days

    1. It was 49 years for the rebuilding of the temple or 7 weeks.
    2. It was 343 years from the temple to Palm Sunday or 62 weeks.
    3. Together that was 69 weeks of the 70 weeks of Daniel fulfilled to the very day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem as Messiah the Prince on Palm Sunday, April 6 A.D. 32.

    He was crucified the following Friday, Good Friday.

    The Importance of April 6

    The date of April 6th is a possible date for the actual birth of Christ. Spring is the season of life coming forth after the death of winter. April is the month when lambs are born in the spring time, and 6 is the number of man. Jesus definately was not born on December 25, since it would be winter in Palestine and there would be no sheppards tending their flocks at that late time in the season.

    The numbers perfectly show that Christ rode into Jerusalem on April 6, Ad 32. This means, quite possibly, that Christ rode into Jerusalem as Messiah the Prince on his 33rd Birthday. (Remember there is no year 0 B.C.) The view that Christ was 33 and a half when he died because he was 30 years old when he began his ministry is traditional thinking. He was not yet 30 years old the Bible says when he started his ministry.

    This view is supported by Iranaes the 2nd church age messenger who was a direct disciple of Polycarp, who was a direct disciple of St.John who should know! In his work "Against Heresies" Book 2, Chapter 22, Ante Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1 Iraneas wrote: "For when He came to be baptized, He had not yet completed His thirtieth year, but was beginning to be about thirty years of age (for thus Luke, who has mentioned His years, has expressed it" Luke 3:23 "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli."

    So Christ was not yet 30 years old and was 29 and a half, having not yet completed his thirtieth year when he began his ministry. He was 33 when he rode into Jerusalem as Messiah the Prince on April 6th, A.D. 32.

    69 Weeks Fulfilled

    Notice the three and one half years of Christ ministry is accounted for. It is included in the 69 weeks, to the very day April 6th, A.D. 32 that he rode into Jerusalem as Messiah the Prince.

    There were three separate periods in Daniel 9:25. Two periods fulfilled 69 weeks of Daniels 70 weeks, that leaves one week left unfulfilled.

    In the Daniel book pg 94 paragraph 95-98 Brother Branham says the same thing: “If they’ve already had 69 weeks…then there’s one more week promised to the Jew.” “Seven days, seven years.”

    This has caused some confusion over statements Brother Branham has made in Q’s and A’s and in the Seals. We have to get it lined out right.

    The prince that shall come

    Daniel 9:26, 27.

    ”And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

    One day I was studying Ussher’s chronology (misspelled Usher in the E book), Ussher said it was Christ who confirmed the covenant for one week. If that were the case we would have one half the 70th week fulfilled under Christ’s ministry as the Lamb of God, and 3 and one half years left to be fulfilled. Read the scripture above again.

    It’s not Christ that confirms the covenant, it’s the prince (not capitalized) that shall come. Not the same as Messiah the Prince (capitalized).

    While it is true that three and one half years of Christ’s ministry is referred to in verse 26, he was "cut off, but not for himself"-this was the point of the 69 weeks to show when Messiah would come and be "cut off"- it is the "prince that shall come" who is referred to as confiriming the covenant for one week or 7 years. The entire purpose of the 70 weeks was to show when Messiah would come after the rebuilding of the temple (7 week period) and the following 62 week period making 69 weeks when Messiah came and was cut off, there is now one week left for the Jew.

    The one that “confirms the covenant for one week” is the person of the antichrist. Jesus said, “I am come in my Father’s name and you receive me not, if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive” (John 5:34).

    This is clearly taught by Brother Branham in the Daniel series.

    1. Daniel book pg. 58 paragraph 105, “not in the time when Titus took the walls of Jerusalem. That was only at one place. Watch when this antichrist, that prince that shall come, watch when he comes.”
    2. Pg. 59 paragraph 108, “the seventieth week, when that prince, antichrist, will be revealed”

    In the Daniel book he also teaches that the antichrist will break his covenant with the Jews. He teaches that the animal sacrifices will be set up again and at the midpoint he will cause it to cease.

    1. ”And this prince that’s to come, in the middle of the week, will break his covenant and do away with the animal sacrifices.” (Pg. 111 paragraph 177).
    2. ”In the midst of the 70th week, he breaks, the antichrist breaks his covenant with the Jew.” (Pg. 109, paragraph 168).

    Q: Who is the "he" of Daniel 9:27?

    The revelation is quite simply, the answer to this question.

    It’s the antichrist, the prince that shall come. The mathematics are perfect. It fits in perfectly with the message and the teaching on Daniel.

    Brother Branham also said the same thing in the Seals.

    In the 6th Seal (Seals Book 1983 edition) pg. 418 Brother Branham said, “The next thing they asked…when this would be, when the antichrist would arise, and when the antichrist would take up the temple. Daniel how we could go pick up Daniel there, when he said that this prince that shall come…would take away the daily sacrifice and all that would take place at that time.”

    Now compare that to Daniel 9:27. The prince that shall come is antichrist. He takes away the temple and the daily sacrifice.

    Now look at the 4th Seal pg 305 of the Seals book. “He’s false prophet now. He will become Beast after awhile when he breaks his covenant there with the Jews.” What covenant? The one he makes in Daniel 9:27.

    The 5th Seal Jeffersonville, In 63-0322 368-5 /276         "Now, watch. They have to be martyred by the antichrist; we just come through, and notice in his last ride, where he breaks that covenant with them Jews down there, and there she goes. See?"

    Q: Does the Antichrist Make a Covenant with the Jews? Yes or No?

    A: Clearly Yes.

    If this is wrong then the antichrist does not make a covenant with the Jews for there is no scripture for it. Daniel 9:27 is the only place.

    Background on the 70 Weeks

    God had made a covenant with Israel concerning the land. They were to harvest the land for six years wherein there would be plenty, then they were to rest the land on the seventh year and take no harvest of the land. The Jews failed to keep their end of it and disobeyed God’s word and broke the covenant (see Leviticus 25). 490 years later God allowed the children of Israel to go into captivity for 70 years to pay for the years the land was harvested anyway. (490 divided by 7 = 70).

    Israel was taken captive by Babylon in 606 B.C. The land of Israel became desolate. But today, with her rebirth, produces more food per acre than any country on earth, including the United States. There is one week or 7 years yet left for the Jew to atone for their sins (so to speak) concerning the land. They rejected Messiah, Jesus Christ, and will instead accept antichrist. The true Jews, the 144,000 literal Jews, will receive Jesus Christ and will be saved from the deception of Romanism.

    Daniel got the visitation from the angel in the 68th year of Babylonian captivity and was given the revelation of the 70th week though it was Sealed until our day. There were 70 weeks determined. 69 of those were fulfilled to the very day that Christ rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, April 6th, A.D. 32. Jesus said to the Jews, “If thou would have known thy day” (Luke 19:42). If they would have know and understood the prophecy of Daniel’s 70 weeks – which was fulfilled to the very day, they day they were to accept him as Messiah, if they would have known they would have received him. But they were blinded to it, so the gentile peoples could be saved. 69 weeks were fulfilled perfectly so there is one week left or 7 years to the Jews.

    Ezekiel 38 and 39

    This solves completely the problem of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Most place this at Armageddon which makes absolutely no sense. Ezekiel 38 and 39 is World War 3 the Russian invasion of Israel which takes place after the rapture.

    1. COD pg. 198 Q: 47 “Will the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39 be fulfilled before the rapture?
    2. A: “I think not. I think the next thing we look for is the Rapture of the church. And then that, when gog and Magog comes down is the Russian armies.”

    There are actually 3 Apocalyptic battles in scripture. The first one is when the Russian armies come down, which is Ezekiel 38 and 39. Armageddon is Revelation 16 and the other is Revelation 20 also called the Battle of Gog and Magog which is on the other side of the Millennium (see Q's and A's on Seals Q: 38 pgs. 513-514 Seals Book.) That’s three separate scriptures for three separate events.

    There is trouble with the scripture with trying to place Ezekiel 38 and 39 at Armageddon or at then end of the Millenium. For example:

    1. Ez. 39: 12 says they will bury the dead for 7 months. This makes no sense since the earth will be burned off to make way for the millennium at the literal second coming.
    2. Ez. 39:10 says they burn their weapons of war for seven years which fits perfectly with the 70th week, a seven year period.
    3. Ez. 39: 12-14 says that people will be employed to cleanse the land which will be unnecessary during the millennial since the earth is to be cleansed supernaturally.
    4. Ez. 39:15 says that passengers that pass by, if they see a man’s bone they put a sign by it, to mark it for the buriers to come bury it. This is after the 7 months of burying the dead according to the scripture. This clearly cannot happen during the millennium or at the end of the Millenium.

    Notice again Ez. 39:10 says they burn their weapons of war for seven years. This clearly cannot be during the millennium as the Earth is cleansed supernaturally, and the 2nd time at the end of the Millennium there is a New Earth.

    This is clearly taught by Brother Branham:

    The Future Home Jeffersonville, In. 64-0802 E 11-3         "And now, also in the Book of Isaiah (Now if you want to put these Scriptures down), in Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah speaking of the millennium (that thousand years of rest for the--for the people of God)--Isaiah spoke of it, and he said, "I... There was a..." All the former things had passed away, and how they'll build houses and inhabit them. If we had time--maybe we just take time and--and read this just a minute, Isaiah 65. And let's just read for a few minutes here; and here it is right for us. Now, to begin, Isaiah 65:17: And... behold, I create new heavens and a new earth:"

    E 13-1 “It is only the atmospheres around it and the sin that's upon the earth that will be destroyed. See? Now, we realize that the heavens means the atmospheres above. See? What does it do?

    It... Then these thistles, and sickness, and death, and politics, and sinful man, and sinful woman, and evil spirits will all be gone away and annihilated. See? It has to be done that way, because we are going to live right here. We'll prove that by the Bible. Right here is where we live.”

    E-25-3 “So as old world frame… was not destroyed when the first world was destroyed--and the Bible said it was destroyed. But it never destroyed the frame; it just destroyed the sin and sinners that was on it. The framework remained.”

    Brother Branham taught the Earth would be burned off, its Baptism of Water (Noah), Blood (Christ), and Fire (Holy Ghost) to cleanse the Earth for the Millennium, the 7th day rest. All sickness, disease, is wiped off so we can reign on the Earth, and Satan is bound by a chain of circumstances because he has nothing to work through. Then the New Heavens and New Earth is the 8th Day after the Millennium, which is Eternity.

    When taken together all the facts declare that a 7 year period is needed to fulfill all of acripture, which is the remaining 70th Week of Daniel. The Antichrist is the one who confrims the covenant for "One Week". The Russian invasion of Israel will take place after the Rapture, right after for they burn there weapons of war for 7 years, bury the dead for 7 months, and place signs by bones for buriers, none of this can be during the millenium because the earth is supernaturally cleansed. Ezekiel 38 and 39, the Russian Invaion of Israel sets the stage for the antichrist to rise to power with his false peace.

    In conclusion, the 70th week takes place after the Rapture and the one hour war of Ezekiel 38 and 39. It is a seven year period. The antichrist will make a covenant, which also means “treaty” with the Jews and “many.” At the mid-point he breaks it and declares himself to be God. The outpouring of the judgements, the tribulation period, is the last three and one half years of the 70th week. We know that. Daniel 7:25, Rev. 13:5 (power was given him for 42 months). There is yet 3 and one half years of ministry left to the Jews. The two Jewish prophets rise up in middle of the 70th week (Daniel book pg. 109, paragraph 168). They are the ministry of Elijah and Moses, one has the power to stop the rain and the other to strike the earth with plagues. The 6th Seal is opened by them.

    ”Here it is. They’re the ones who bring on this Sixth Seal. They uncover and open it up. It’s the power of God to interrupt nature. See, the Sixth Seal, is completely an interruption of nature. Who does it? It’s the prophets on the other side of the Rapture.” (Seals book, 6th Seal, pg. 432-33)

    At the end of the 70th week is the battle of Armageddon (Rev 16:16), which is not Ezekiel 38 and 39, and then Christ sets up his millennial reign when he returns with his Bride, ten thousands of his saints from the ages. Amen!

    Final Analysis

    There is no other way to make these numbers come out. This is the prophecy of Daniel’s 70 Weeks as given to Daniel the Prophet. The numbers canot Lie! The point of the 69 Weeks was to show the very day that Messiah the Prince would come and then be "Cut-off". The Final week is given as judgment- the one week remaining from the 70 years that the Jews did not keep their covenant with God concerning the Land.

    Consider these Questions once again in Judging the 70 Weeks.

    Q: Was March 14, 445 B.C the date the Commandment was given to rebuild the temple? Yes or No. If no, then what was the date? If yes, then the numbers work out perfectly.

    Q: Who is the “he” of Daniel 9:27? Is it Jesus Christ or is it Anti-Christ?

    Q: Does the antichrist make a covenant with the Jews in Daniel Yes or No?

    Q: Can Ezekiel 38 and 39 and all its ramifications be worked into the beginning or the end of the Millennium, including burning weapons of war for 7 years, the burying of the dead for 7 months, and buriers burying the dead after the 7 months? Could this happen during the Millennium? At the End of the Millennium?

    The answers to these questions should be obvious by now. What will the Bride believe? Tradition or the Truth?

    "THY WORD IS TRUTH"--Amen!