Invisible Files

Finding invisible files
Open Find File - the option key accesses four hidden selectors to the Sherlock and Find File options. Find File can show the invisible files but can not delete them...

Deleting invisible files
The shareware utility, DiskTools, will move, delete, copy, and make visible



When AppleShare won't work
AppleShare and file sharing
When you want to share the files on your Mac with another Mac, you must first use Sharing Setup control panel to configure AppleShare file-sharing options. When you start file sharing from the Sharing Setup control panel, AppleShare creates and maintains a file called AppleShare PDS. PDS stands for Parallel Directory Structure. This parallel directory stores information that is not in the standard file directory.
As files are added to an AppleShare volume, the AppleShare PDS file grows. If this file gets damaged, you can have problems.
File-sharing problems
If file sharing won't start up, you have a couple of options. You can reformat your drive. The second option is to delete the hidden AppleShare PDS file from your shared drive.
If regular troubleshooting has not worked - disabled unnecessary extensions, trashed Users & Groups Data File, and performed a clean installation - and file sharing still won't start up.
Before you reformat the drive, delete the AppleShare PDS file.
The procedure
1. Shut down the Mac and disconnect external hard drives or devices.
2. Restart your Mac and see if file sharing will start up. If it won't, the AppleShare PDS file on your startup disk is damaged.
3. Use a program such as ResEdit, Norton Disk Editor, or a shareware utility like FileTyper to make the AppleShare PDS file visible. Open your hard drive from the Finder; you'll see the AppleShare PDS file there. Throw this file into the Trash.
OR use File Buddy or DiskTools to delete the invisible file directly.
Also, move Users & Groups Data File from the System Folder's Preferences folder and throw it in the Trash. Keep a list of users you've created.
5.Restart the Mac.
6.Open Sharing Setup control panel, enter the information in the Network Identity portion of the Sharing Setup control panel, and turn on file sharing. This creates a new (invisible) AppleShare PDS file on your drive. File sharing should now start up.
NOTE: The AppleShare PDS file on some or all of the other drives may need to be deleted.
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