Much later after the fall of Dr. Doppler and Sigma, a large civilization of reploids has developed. This mass of reploids is called the Repliforce. The Repliforce is a peace group of Reploids that see themselves as citizens of the world and do not take kindly to Mavericks. This makes things good for X and Zero, that is, until the Repliforce starts to have problems. Sigma organizes an attack to frame the Repliforce into being accused as Mavericks. In protest to the human accusations, the Repliforce begins a coop against the humans. X and Zero are then sent into action to try to reason with the general and the colonial of the Repliforce and get them to stop the coop. Needless to say, the colonial and the general don't want to hear it. They continue the coop... causing X and Zero to fight again.
The whole time this is happening Zero is suffering from dreams about his origin. In the dreams he sees a man with a mustache and frizzy hair. The man also talks with a German accent (Any Mega Man fan will know how this person is Wily, but for the sake of the story, we don't know). Zero isn't sure who this man is, but as he fights Sigma he hopes to learn more about his past and his purpose.
There's only one distinct way to go through this game, and that is by enemy weakness. The items are achieved nicely in this game so there's no need to switch up the order to obtain certain items at certain times. Just Follow the order below and you should be fine.
The order of bosses by weapon weakness:
1. Web Spider
2. Split Mushroom
3. Cyber Peacock
4. Storm Owl
5. Magma Dragoon
6. Frost Walrus
7. Jet Stingray
8. Slash Beast
Boss | X's Weapon recieved | Zero's Weapon recieved | Boss effected by that weapon |
Web Spider | Lightning Web | Raijingeki | Split Mushroom |
Split Mushroom | Soul Body | Kuuenbu | Cyber Peacock |
Cyber Peacock | Aiming Lazer | Rakuhouha | Storm Owl |
Storm Owl | Double Cyclone | Tenkuuha | Magma Dragoon |
Magma Dragoon | Rising Fire | Ryuenjin | Frost Walrus |
Frost Walrus | Frost Tower | Hyouretsuzan | Jet Stingray |
Jet Stingray | Ground Hunter | Hienkyaku | Slash Beast |
Slash Beast | Twin Slasher | Shippuuga | Web Spider |
Lightning Web - Fires an electrified spider web that can also be used as a ledge to wall kick from. When charged the web becomes bigger.
Soul Body - creates a holographic X that walks a few steps ahead of you and hurts enemies that touch it. When charged it makes X invincible and you control is transfered to another Mega Man clone that you can use for a short time.
Aiming Lazer - The Aiming Lazer has a semi-circle crosshair that can be moved by pressing up and down. When charges the Lazer can be swung vertically like a sword.
Double Cyclone - Shoots two green energy balls, one in each direction. When charged, it fires a spiral of green energy balls in both directions.
Rising Fire - Shoots a vertical fireball. When charged, bigger vertical fireball.
Frost Tower - Creates a spiked block of ice that can be used as a protective barrier. When charged large icicles fall from the sky.
Ground Hunter - Fires a little projectile that crawls along the ground and up walls. When charged it fires in the air across the screen and will shoot vertically when you press up or down when it is fired.
Twin Slasher - Shoots crescent shaped beams. When charged it fires a large crescent beam.
Raijingeki - Press triangle to make Zero's beam sabre turn into a blade of electricity.
Rakuhouha - Press R2 to use Zero's giga attack. This fires energy balls in all directions.
Kuuenbu - This allow Zero to jump twice. Once on the ground and once in the air. It also allows Zero to perform a flip attack when you press square while in the air.
Tenkuuha - This is an enhancement for Zero's beam sabre. It changes it's color from green to purple and also does more damage.
Ryuenjin - Press up and triangle to change Zero's beam sabre into a fire blade.
Hyouretsuzan - While in the air, press down and triange to change Zero's sabre into an ice blade.
Hienkyaku - This enables Zero to perform the Air-Dash.
Shippuuga - When dashing, press triangle to make Zero do a quick power slash with his beam sabre.
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