Why the 'no rapture' doctrine is incorrect.

First, it is based on the supposition that the Seals, Trumps, Vials are simultaneous events, which will be shown incorrect.  He claims that while the first Seal says "he opened one of the seals", that the Bible doesn't really mean it's the first seal, because it's not  directly called the first seal, but all the other seals are called in order!, the second, third, fourth, the fifth seal, which embraces the period known as the *Great Tribulation, sixth, & seventh Seals, by name, in order!, leaving only the first Seal to be first!   

Murray goes as far as to change the given order of the Seals to support his "all changed at seventh trump dogma", ignoring who is actually changed [subject & object of 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4, more] at the sound of the trump, the 'gathering' back to Christ. By the way, we are never told it's the *seventh trump, that's just more of Murray's dogma.

More importantly, perhaps you can see how he manipulates, even changes scripture in above paragraph.  The seals are locked in place in Matthew 24, Mark13, & Luke 21...!