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It was a bright morning and Pumyra had just got up and went to Cheetara's room. Cheetara was already to go. "Just give me two minutes Cheetara" as Pumyra flew back to her room. Within minutes she was back and they proceeded to the front doors. As they walked down the steps of Cat's Lair they began their usual "girl talk". "So have you decided to tell Bengali how you feel about him". "No. I'm afraid he doesn't care about me". "Oh come on Pumyra. You've known him for years. I've seen the way he gazes at you and how you two always go side-by-side". "I'm afraid he'll just wanna be..." Pumyra mumbled the word "friends" to Cheetara as they reached the final step. Cheetara turned to Pumyra. "Look, the only way you're gonna find out is if you ask him". Pumyra shook her head and they proceeded to the end of the walk way. "Well all thoughts aside let's get ready" as Pumyra adjusted her belt. Cheetara got into a set position as they both said "Ready..set..Thundercats HO!" as they both dashed into the feild. Cheetara just watched as all the trees flew behind her. Pumyra gazed out ahead of her and picked up pace. Though she wasn't as fast as Cheetara, she could keep her speed up longer than Cheetara. Cheetara kept up her lightspeed two miles. Pumyra kept her puma speed up to five. Cheetara was pretty far ahead of Pumyra so Pumyra speeded up. When they both reached the end of the field they drew there weapons.
With one finger movement Cheetara's staff grew its full length. She threw it at Pumyra. Pumyra snatched her sling from her side in one brisk movement. She grabbed a marble from her pouch. She swung the sling in the air and let it fly. It hit the staff on contact and blew it back. Pumyra grabbed a nearby tree branch and climbed up. Cheetara stopped for a minute to glare. She quickly regained her staff and it extended so she could pole-vault into action. Pumyra jumped from the tree just as Cheetara got up there. She got onto another tree. Cheetara jumped down just as Pumyra grabbed her sling. Cheetara swung her staff at the tree and cut it in half. Pumyra leaped in the air with several flips and turns to land on her feet. She threw a marble that split into ten different marbles. Cheetara dodged everyone. "TIME!" came from behind another tree. It was Lion-o. "Weh, that was fun eh?". "Yeah Cheetara. that was a workout". "You gals sure did give each other a tough fight". "With things like Mumm-ra and the Lunatacs to deal with..." Cheetara caught her breath. "We have to be ready". Lion-o walked towards them when they heard a loud raging noise. "What is that?!?" Pumyra said as they looked to the sky. "It seems to be a ship, I think". "Cheetara get back to Cat's Lair for assistance. Me and Pumyra will check it out". "Right! Thundercats HO!". She blitzed off.
Lion-o and Pumyra raced to the site where they saw the ship land. "Be careful Pumyra. There is no telling what evil might lurk here!". Pumyra took caution as she approached the ship. She touched it. "By JAGA! It's HOT!" she cried as she withdrew her hand. Lion-o took the Sword of Omens and the Clawshield from his side. "Sword of Omens,give me sight beyond sight. Show me what is in this ship". The sword revealded a banged up ship with nothing in it. "It's empty". All of a sudden someone jumped at Lion-o. They both fell to the ground. Lion-o pushed the person off of him with his leg. "Who are you?". Pumyra swung her sling in the air. "Lion-o step aside". The mystery person jumped to the air and threw some dust into Pumyra's eyes. "AAAHHH!" she screamed. Lion-o grabbed the sword. "Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, THUNDERCATS HO!". A roar fell over New Thundera as the Thunder Tank approached the feild. Tygra jumped out and cracked his whip as to break up Lion-o and the mystery person. "Lion-o we're coming. HO!". ""Lion-o?" the person said. "Who are you?" came from Cheetara. The person removed their mask to reveal a beautiful woman. "I am...." she was interupted by Tygra "Catlani!!!!". He rushed and wisked her up. "Hey Tygra put me down" she giggled. "Catlani. But it can't be". "It is Panthro give me a hug". Panthro hugged her with his bear arms. "What are you doing here?". "After I heard Thundera was destroyed I went to find a place to live. When I heard about the Thundercats I went to Third Earth. When I heard that Thundera was reformed I hurried here but my ship had difficulties and I ended up crashing". "WOW! Well it's great to see you". "It's great to be here. So Lion-o, you have grown from when I last saw you". Lion-o was stunned to see Jaga's daughter before his eyes. He remembered her as a beautiful little girl and now she is all grown up. "Lion-o?". "Oh, it's good to see you Catlani". "Well don't just stand there looking, give me a hug". Lion-o walked to her and gave her a loving hug. She smiled at him and said "So aren't you a handsome Lord". He just blushed. "So what are you doing here Catlani. I thought you wanted to be on your own". "I did. But now it's time for me to be where I belong. If the handsome Lord would grant, I would like to become a Thundercat". "Well...I..uhh". "Looks like you have Lion-o speechless, Catlani" Pumyra giggled. "Yeah..Guess Lion-o has never been in the presence of such beauty..eh Cheetara". Cheetara gave Tygra an evil stare. "Well we'll have to look it over at the council meeting". "Well let's get back to Cat's Lair". "Me and Cheeatra will make the run back". "Right Pumyra. We have some talking". With that the two Thundercats flew off like the wind. "My ship will have to stay here but I'll ride with you guys in the Thunder Tank". "OK!". They all hoped in the Thunder Tank and drove off to Cat's Lair.
Wily Kit and Wily Kat were outside playing hide-n-seek with Snarfer. "Got'cha Snarfer!". "AHHH, snarfer snarfer. Geez Wily Kat this is a tough game, snarfer snarfer". "Oh Snarfer, you just got to hide in better spots". "Oll olly ox and free". Wily Kit yelled from the top of the stairs. "You couldn't catch me. HA Wily Kat!". "Oh Wily Kit, you always get away". Then two swift bodies flew by Snarfer and Wily Kat. All they saw was the dust their feet left. "I almost had you that time Cheetara. If I hadn't slowed at that last minute". "Yeah (huff) almost". "WOW, Cheetara you and Pumyra are so fast". Then they heard a rumble fall over the area. "Look!, snarfer snarfer. It's the Thunder Tank". The Thunder Tank pulled up and Tygra and Lion-o jumped out. Then Panthro and Catlani jumped out. "Thunderkittens I'd like you to meet Catlani. She is from Thundera and is" Tygra was interupted by the thunderkittens saying "She's Jaga's daughter". "Yes. How did you" again he was interupted by Wily Kit saying "Jaga told us all about her when we were younger". "Yeah" came from Wily Kat who was drooling all over Catlani. "Well we are thinking of making her a Thundercat". "We we'll have a council meeting in one hour to decide if she is to become a Thundercat".
Bengali walked down the hall to come to a door. "Come on Bengali. You can do this". All of the sudden the door opened and Pumyra was on the other side of it. "Hi Bengali. Uhm we have to go to the council meeting". "Right, uh, wait first I want to ask you something". "Uhm OK. What is it?". "Well I know we've been uh friends for awhile and...I was just wondering...if you wanted to..uh have dinner with me". "Alone?". "Well yeah. I mean if you don't want to". "I'd love to". Pumyra gave him a kiss on the cheek and they walked to the council room. On the way they met Lion-o. "Well Lion-o what are we going to do about Catlani?". "I don't know. We'll have to vote on it". They all walked into the council room and took there seats with the rest of the Thundercats. There was just a silence of deep thoughts on what to do. Lynx-o broke the silence by saying "I think she would be a good Thundercat but it is up to the Lord of the Thundercats". "He is right Lion-o. It is your decision". "I know Tygra and I suppose she would be a good Thundercat". "Well then it is decided" said Tygra. "We will begin the annoitment trials". "What trials will she go through" Pumyra said as she took a glance at Bengali who had been staring at her all the time. "Well she will have to go through the trials of the mind, speed, strength and agility". "Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro will handle strenth, mind and speed. Pumyra and the thunderkittens will handle the agility. The first trial will begin at dawn tomorrow. Be prepared". With that all the Thundercats left.
Lion-o walked to tell Catlani about the trials but was shocked to see Tygra already talking to her. Lynx-o walked by and could tell Lion-o was bothered. He said "Lion-o is something wrong?". "Do you know anything about Catani and Tygra?". "From what I can remember they were very close and always got along. When she left I remeber hearing that Tygra was upset for awhile". "Well I can only remember little things about her". "You were very young when she left". Lion-o just stampered off. Lynx-o proceeded to the control room. Wily Kit and Wily Kat were helping Snarf in the kitchen when Bengali walked in. "Hey Bengali". "Hi Wily Kit and Wily Kat. Snarf can I talk to you?". "Sure Bengali. What is it?". "Well I need you to make a special dinner tonight. Just for TWO". "Oh, you and someone special, snarf". "Yeah, actually Pumyra and me". "Well sure, snarf snarf. It will be ready at seven". "Thanks Snarf. Bye thunderkittens". "Bye Bengali". "See ya". "I wonder what that was about". "I don't know Wily Kat". They said in unison "SNARF!". "What? snarf snarf". Bengali walked down the hall to meet Tygra and Catlani. "Ah Tygra,uh just the Thundercat I wanted to see. I need to talk to you". "Er,right uhm Catlani..". "It's allright Tygra. I need to get some rest if I'm going to be ready for tomorrow's trials". Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to one of the guest bedrooms. "So Bengali what is it that you need to talk to me about". As they walked down the hall Bengali proceeded to tell Tygra. "Well it's just uhh" Tygra could see it in Bengali's eyes. "Girls huh?". "Well yeah". "So who is it?". "Well it's Pumyra actually". "Pumyra! Wow I thought you two would never get together". "Well I guess it was just meant to be. I mean I've liked her for a long time now but I just haven't had the nerve to ask her out or anything". "Well what seems to be the problem?". "I asked her to join me for dinner and she said yes but I'm not sure what to do". "Look Bengali just treat her with respect. If you truly care for her then just take care of her and be yourself". "Right!". They proceeded down the hall.
"He asked you to have dinner with him!". "Yep. I thought that I was dreaming". Cheetara and Pumyra proceeded down the hall continuing their "girl talk". "Well aren't you happy". "Yeah of course I am but I'm a little nervous". "Don't be. You've waited all this time for him so just be yourself and enjoy it". As they contiued to walk they literally bumped into Tygra and Bengali. "Oooff" came from Bengali and Pumyra as they fell to the floor. "Uh I'm sorry Pumyra. I wasn't looking" he was interupted by Pumyra "It's okay Bengali. Its quite allright". "Come on Tygra. Let's leave these two lovebirds alone". "Right Cheetara". "Let me help you up". Bengali reached his hand to Pumyra and she took it and stood. They looked deep into each other's eyes. "Uh...I should go get ready for tonight". "Right, I have some other things to take care of. Um see you at seven". They bothed walked in different directions and looked back at each other. Then they begin walking again.
Mumm-ra had been watching from his coldrine all the time and had a plan. Then Luna walked in. "Good Luna, I'm glad your here". Luna and Amuck approached Mumm-ra with carefully. "What is it that you want oh GREAT Mumm-ra?". "I want you and the rest of the Lunatacs to attack Cat's Lair and take Catlani, the great daughter of the WISE JAGA". "Fine but what do we get in return". "You will recive Cat's Lair and all the Thundercat resources". "Allright. We will bring you this Catlani". Amuck and Luna left the Black Pyramid and Mumm-ra began getting his plans together for Catlani.
Snarfer and Panthro approached the dinnig room. "I hope Snarf has made something good tonight". "I think Uncle Osbert..eh Snarf was working all day on it, snarfer snarfer". As they entered the dinning room they saw the thunderkittens talking to the side. They also saw Tygra flirting with Catlani. Lion-o was waiting patiently while Cheetara and Lynx-o had a humurious conversation. "Well shall we eat". "We're waiting on Snarf". Lion-o finally spoke by saying "Where are Pumyra and Bengali?". Tygra and Cheetara stared at each other for a moment and Tygra said "They had other plans". And Tygra and Cheetara began laughing as they saw the expressions on all the other Thundercats' faces.
Pumyra and Bengali were in another dining room. "Snarf worked hard on this and I hope you like it". "I love it. I am glad you asked me to have dinner with you Bengali". "Yeah I am" he was interupted with a blast as the were thrown from their chairs. Bengali gets up to see that they were not alone in the room. He looks to see Pumyra being held by her hair by Red Eye. Bengali got to his feet just before Chilla shot ice from her mouth. "PUMYRA!" he yelled, as he ran to her. Red Eye removed the Side Winder from his chest and hurled it at Bengali. He dodged it and jumped at Red Eye. Red Eye punched him in the gut and Bengali fell to his knees.
The dinning room was filled with smoke as Tygra got up. "Catlani...Panthro..anybody!". Wily Kit got up and looked towards Tygra. "Tygra. I'm over here". Tygra removed some rumble and got Wily Kit. Snarfer was blown towards the kitchen when the explosion happened. He got up and looked for anybody. "Hello" he yelled as he looked throught the kitchen. "Snarfer" Snarf scolded his nephew as he pulled him to the side. "Be quiet!". "But Uncle Snarf we have to" "Look Snarfer there are Luntacs here and we have to find Lion-o before it's too late".
Lion-o awakened in the Thundercat dungeon. He saw that Cheetara, Panthro, Lynx-o and Wily Kat in the cell with him. "Is everyone okay?". "Just some bumps and bruises, but everything seems to be okay". "Where is Bengali, Pumyra, Catlani and the others". "We have no idea Lion-o" came from Lynx-o who was sitting in a corner. "But I hope they are safe". Catlani got up from being burried under a deep pile of rubble. She looked up to see Alluro standing over her. "Well you must be Catlani. It's time for you to go". Alluro took his staff and threw his crystal at her. It floated over her then a green light fell over her. She was in his control. "Give up girl. You don't stand a chance". His words had no affect on her. She jumped into the air and threw some dust into his eyes. "AAHHH, you stupid cat". She ran past him and came upon Luna and Amuck. "Amuck, get her!" Luna bellowed to Amuck. Amuck grab her up and began squeezing her in his death grip. She tried to scream but the breath was just taken out of her and she fell unconscious.
Bengali finally regain his breath and jumped back from Red Eye. He took his hammer from his side and fired a blast at Red Eye. Red Eye dropped Pumyra and fired three missles at Bengali. Bengali dodged them and fired another laser from his hammer. Red Eye fell back and Chilla fired fire from her fingertips. Bengali dodged that too and Chilla blew ice upon his hammer. It froze the hammer and Bengali dropped it. "Now you die Thundercat!" she hollered as she charged at him. Then she was caught off guard by a blast of light. It was Pumyra. She had thrown one of her marbles at Chilla. "WHAT?!" Chilla yelled as she tried to regain balance. Pumyra leaped high into the air and withdrew another marble. She hurled it at Chilla. The marble exploded in mid air and caused sparkling dust to fly into Chilla's frozen blue eyes. "AAHHH!!!" Chilla screamed from the dust burning her eyes. Pumyra took her sling and pulled Chilla off her feet. Chilla hit her head leaving her unconscious. Red Eye got back up and charged at Pumyra and Bengali hit him with one of the chairs. Red Eye fell to the ground with a large thump. "Bengali are you" she was stopped when Bengali pulled her into his arms. "Bengali..I..uh" Bengali stopped her again "Pumyra it's OK". He kissed her on her lips and contiued to hold her.
Luna told TugMug to teleport Chilla, Alluro and Red Eye back to Sky Tomb. Then with a rush of wind Mumm-ra appeared. "Ahh, I see you have captured Catlani. Good job Luna. Cat's Lair is yours for the doing". Mumm-ra grabbed Catlani from Amuck. "Not so fast Mumm-ra. What do you want with her?". "With her I can find out more secrets of Thundera". Mumm-ra took Catlani and was preparing to leave when Lion-o entered the room. "Not so fast Mumm-ra!". "How did you escape". "The Lunatacs didn't get all the Thundercats. Tygra and Wily Kit were still free". "That's right Mumm-ra". Mumm-ra raised his hand and fired a burst of energy at the Thundercats. Lion-o quickly took the Sword of Omens and it sprung to full length. He hollered "HO!". A bolt of energy blasted at Mumm-ra. "AHHH!". Mumm-ra flew back. "Luna get them". "I don't think so Mumm-ra. The Lunatacs will fight another day". Then Luna and Amuck teleported out Cat's Lair. "No, I will not give up. But I am too weak. I have to get back to my pyramid". Mumm-ra turned back into his red robe and bandages and teleported back to his pyramid. Catlani awoke to see all the Thundercats surrounding her. "Well she's finally awake". "I'll say. Catlani are you all right?". "I'm fine, thanks Lion-o. So when do we start the trials". "They are already over Catlani". "You have proven all the qualities that is needed to become a Thundercat". "So when you're better you will become an official Thundercat". Catlani had nothing to say but "HO!".
The next day everyone gathered to see Catlani become a Thundercat. Lion-o gave her her ensignia and everyone cheered. She gave Lion-o a hug and a kiss on his cheek. Lion-o blushed and everyone laughed. It was a beautiful day. The thunderkittens and Snarfer were out playing another rousing game of hide-n-seek. Tygra, Cheetara and Panthro were fixing the Thunder Tank. Snarf and Lynx-o were monitoring New Thundera and Lion-o and Catlani were out scouting. Bengali took Pumyra by the hand and led her to a feild filled with beautiful flowers. "Bengali, I've never seen anything so beautiful". Bengali stared at her and said "Neither have I". Pumyra blushed and they sat down and watch some of the flowers fly in the wind. "Pumyra I have to ask you something". "Yes Bengali". "Will you do me the honor of being my mate". He took a ring out of his pocket and put it on her finger. "I know were still young and haven't dated long.." he stopped and looked at her. As tears ran down her cheeks she replied "I would be happy to". Bengali leaned over and kissed her on the lips. He held her and they watch all the flowers fly away.