How to Win My Award
If you think your site has got what is takes to win one of these awards, then please send me an e-mail containing the following:
Your name
Your e-mail address
Your site URL
The # of the award you want to win
I'll look at your site to see if you qualify to win, then I'll decide. If you don't qualify to win an award, you'll get a smaller one for trying. Remember, you can enter to win my awards as many times as you want.
Award 1:
Award Requirements: Atleast 6 separate pages,
(this can include tiny ones, like my info ones) broken links could ruin your chances of
winning, colour must be suitable for background. You must win this award to be able to win
any of the other awards.
Award 2:
Award requirements: Your page must be petite
and can only contain up to 5 main pages (this page would be considered a main page, the
info on Jigglypuff that I have wouldn't) and must have something to do with Jigglypuff or
Wigglytuff. An info page about one of them and a picture would be enough.
Award 3:
Award requirements: Your page must be quite
large, atleast 60 pages in all (this can include puny little pages like my info ones). It
also must have a special section on one of the legendary birds (preferably Articuno, your
chances will be greater with a section on Articuno). This section can't be like my puny
info page on it. It must have added information and a few pictures. Also, you must have NO
broken links. This is a hard award to win!
Award 4:
Award requirements: Your page must have a
special section on water Pokemon. Your site must have atleast 8 main pages. In your water
Pokemon section, it must have another special page about one of the following Pokemon:
Horsea, Seadra, Staryu or Starmie. Preferably, Horsea. This page must contain some info
about the Pokemon, atleast 2 pictures. Good luck winning this award!
Award 5:
Award requirements: Your page must be medium in size. (Atleast 8 main pages, atleast 50
tiny pages.) It also must have a couple of pictures throughout the site of Bulbasaur,
Ivysaur and Venusaur. I would expect one on every main page. This award should be hard to
win! Good luck!
Award 6:
Award requirements: Your site must have atleast 10 main pages, atleast 70 tiny pages and
must have a special section about rock or fighting Pokemon. This section must contain a
couple of pictures of one of the following Pokemon: Golem, Geodude, Machop, Machoke,
Machamp. Also, some info.
Award 7:
Award requirements: Your page must have atleast 9 main pages and atleast 100 tiny pages.
It also must have pictures around your site of Psychic Pokemon and a special section on
Psychic Pokemon.
Award 8:
Award requirments: You must have won atleast 4 of the above awards. You cannot apply for
this one. After I see someone's page that has atleast 15 main pages, atleast 150 tiny
pages (like my info ones) and NO broken links and you have won atleast 4 of the above
awards, I'll give it to you. (The 1st award doesn't count as 1 of the 4 awards. That award
is just for qualification.)