So You Want to Be a She Urt?
Port Life For A She Urt


Port Life For A She Urt
Example of Gorean Law pertaining to She Urts
A Few Quotes
Common Misconceptions

A Simple, Easy to understand definition of a She Urt.

she-urts: (noun; short for 'she-urts of the wharves') homeless free girls - runaways, vagabonds, orphans, etc. - who live near the canals in port cities, surviving by scavenging, begging, stealing, and sleeping with paga attendants; they sleep wherever they find space, and usually wear a brief tunic instead of Robes of Concealment

Please remember a She Urt may, or may NOT  decide to prostitute herself to paga attendents. It is all up to what risks you wish to take. Of course, a slave is far better in pleasing men, but at times a coin or two could be made. It is not, however, the single most important way to survive. There are plenty of other ways, as well. Again, tho, it is up to how you wish to play the role, and what you are willing to accept.


We are the eyes and ears of the back alleys.

What a job!

Port Life is harsh, and it's the strongest, smartest, swiftest that survive. We love to use are brains and creativity. Always keep your eyes and ears alert to your suroundings. Always report what you've heard or saw to your band leader. It could be valueable information for all in the band.

What does a She Urt wear?

Be creative. Find scraps of cloth to help stay warm. Bright colors and all work wonderful. Keep them brief. Showing leg is not so bad if you need to keep your thighs bare  and unhindered for running. Long robes would only trip you up anyway.

I looked at the girls. They were all comely. There where seven of them there, not including the one in whom I was interested. They wore rags of various sorts and colours; they had good legs; they where all bare foot"

Explorers of Gor page 62