about the webmistress

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rock: music. the internet. dr grip pens. french. dr pepper. longmeade band shows. photography. painting. art. payless. playing drums. tennis team. comedy central. writing. reading. making my page. driving. east coast. friends. ebonics.

naw son: schoolwork. idiot rules. ms knox. math. incompetence. world history. scene points. food. sketchy behavior. things not coming out the way i want. people with big mouths. 24 hours in a day. due dates. getting silverware.

name: jen
height: 5'2
date of birth: 10/05/85
eye color: green/blue/gray
location: maryland

color: blue
day: saturday
food: macaroni and cheese
bands: see here.
album: green day//1039 smoothed out slappy hours
pizza topping: mushrooms, green peppers, and onions
mall: columbia
city: boston
season: autumn
actors: chris rock, tim allen
actress: julia roberts
fruit: strawberries

random questions.
do you think fat people can be whores?: sure, i.e. john.
do you like deer?: no, they're killers.
would you enter a burning building to save a kitten?: hell no.
at a park, would you rather swing or slide?: swing
what makes life worth living?: little things
what relaxes you?: almost any kind of art, music, writing
what's the worst injury you've ever had?: i broke my wrist in fourth grade.
do you want to meet anyone from the internet?: there are a few people.
do you have a middle name? What is it?: yes, ugh. mary.
are you basically a happy person?: nah
are you afraid of letting people get to close to you?: maybe
what is your favorite quote?: "could this sky open up and accept this tortured soul? but my wings have yet to work. change means nothing when nothing wants to change." -ptw
name something you would like to experience in your lifetime: love.
if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: mind reading
what has been your best halloween costume?: in third grade, i was belle from beauty and the beast.
do you believe in life after death?: i have no reason to.
what's your lucky number?: five.
what does your name mean?: white waves. ugh.
would you suck off your cousin for a million dollars?: heeeey, must be the money
do you spend too much time online?: yes.
are you a good liar?: i think i am, yes.

odd//even: odd
crunchy//creamy peanut butter: creamy
day//night: night
round//square: square
wheat//white bread: white
water//land: land
hi//hello: hello
fish//chicken: chicken
coffee//tea: coffee
jeans//cords: jeans
the way it is//the way it was: the way it will be

finish these.
i cannot: tap dance
i can: figure skate
i will: go to australia
i will not: eat worms
i never want: to forget
i always want: independence