a good essay always begins with a good introduction. so here goes. there have been so many people in my life that have made a difference, shaped who i am, that they can't all be named. i can only try to do my best on this one small little section of my website. if you don't see yourself in here, it doesn't mean you don't matter. just let me know. i'm not perfect. all names included in here represent a person who has had some sort of impact on me.
preschool was a long time ago. shit's hard to remember. i remember three people from those days, however. bethany was probably my first friend. she lived in what is now erin's house, 3 houses down from me. we had so many good times and little kid adventures, those were the days. she moved away. also, i remember two kids from my preschool class named daniel and natasha. my dad always tells me that daniel was my first boyfriend, but eh. i claim memory lapse. me and natasha hung out all the time, too. we had tea partys in the basement, dress up, played with her kitten, et cetera. fucking word.
next came kindergarten, and with it a bunch of new friends. the neighborhood kids at this point were limited to me and jonathan. he moved away sometime during kindergarten, but he was a "cool older kid" and i sweated his balls. he had an orange flag on his bike, it was the coolest. my daycare lady was melanie, and that's where i met jackie and john. john was another of my childhood 'boyfriends' of cheese and penis fame. yes, even at that age i was a penis-monger, i saw the kid's penis. and his brother's. WHAT NOW?! me and jackie joined daisy girl scouts together and i met a whole bunch of people i don't feel like naming in daisies, although i should mention bonnie since she became my best friend.
erin moved in about second or third grade, bringing her hot brother chris with her. i've had a crush on that kid for about, 7 years now? 8? i lost count.
my friend scheme didn't change much until fourth grade, when the dude crew was formed. this crew included me, jackie, vikki, and connie. vikki lived on my street so we hung out like every fucking day, recording our idiocy on a tape recorder. i probably still have it somewhere. we were all fucking goofy in mr. vigna's class. all our secret elementary school shit, friend codes, crushes, etc. that was all shared in our crew. recess was the time to play feet, dogs, or any of those other games.
fifth grade brought around carlita, who i put the flags up with every morning as a safety patrol. also, the arrival of marie occured this year, when she moved in two houses down from erin.
what's next? middle school. those three years of total shit. meeting brittany, amy, and jessie was crucial to my survival. the four of us would later take on many names, including the GRITS, the Lambent Losers, the NIKNAKS, and i'm sure there were more. we were basically each other's friend core. there are so many memories with each of them i can't even begin to name them all.
i also met britt m. and tayyeba in sixth grade.
teresa, katy and tiffany arrived in eighth grade to round out a new gym class crew which also included myself and kristy. this was the start of the notebook fiascos. eighth grade also found me talking to josh and kira, and got me my first real 'boyfriend', danny, who lasted about a week.
the next step of evolution: high school. i made a lot of new friends (and enemies) in ninth grade. i met natalie, ali, and becky in one of my classes, i forget which. steve was in my u.s. history class, and he and blake were both in my lunch period.
my first kiss was tony, the promiscuous jackass. what fun.
some of these other details are sketchy, because i forget when i met some of these people, if it was sometime during ninth or early tenth grade, but here are those people. ingrid, chris, leo, val and nessa, christian, kambiz, and the rest of the lower H crew including people like jackie, teresa, and katy, are awesome and fucking strange kids. these people were my major crew for quite some time, and they are really great people to be friends with. my softball team/various banneker kids from ninth grade included christie, jean, joycee, jennifer, stephania, jilna, and stefanie, all very nice girls.
i joined the pb tennis team in the fall of tenth grade, and made a bunch of new friends, including some people from my earlier banneker shenanigans as well as virdina (who says i'm black, i love that girl.), tambetta the heffa, leemu, trushna, savy, syrena, krista, laura, wenguel, etc. also, i've known christina forever since she always lived across the street from bonnie, but we never really talked in school until my tenth grade.
i guess i should mention dave, since he was basically my first serious boyfriend. and a really cool guy, aside from dumping me for another girl after denying it.
this brings us to another major section/turning point in this bio. the big changeover started around middle/end of first semester in tenth grade, when i started talking to jenny and sophie. since we had previously been bitter enemies with preconcieved notions, this was a shock to quite a few people. jenny was in my photo class, and so we just kind of started talking. and we found out that each other wasn't as lame as we thought before. around this time, i was going out with dave, and he made me and sophie talk, so that we could stop being lame to each other as well. thus, enemies were made good friends. sooner or later i started hanging with the lower E crew instead of the lower H crew. i started talking to taylor more, as well as steve. blake had moved to columbia, but we randomly started talking one night online and got pretty cool.
jenny and i's friendship developed, and subsequently, as i started going to shows and met some of the kids, i began my longmeade visits. the first longmeade kid i knew was billy saunders, who i met at some show and who initially liked me alot, but eventually discovered he wasn't over his ex. more longmeade kids i met were joël, one of the nicest guys on the planet, billy doll, lukes, jesse, kelly, and sean, as well as being acquaintanced with some of the longmeade girls and the rest of ex-the defiant.
so i guess that leaves us with eleventh grade, or the present. not much has changed from the end of tenth grade, except the decline of the longmeade era and the fact that now i talk to taylor and my favoritest daddy steve more now. and that now i talk to justin, the tennis hata'. i will also mention bill because he fucking rocks. there is that awesome crew of kids i see at a lot of shows, including ian who is an awesome guy, jack from drivers ed, andy the only kid i know whos online as much as me, james and merrick who support me in my misadventures, and all their friendly friends. they are a comfy bunch to be around.
right now i have a boyfriend named josh, another of the longmeade kids who i didnt really meet until recently compared to the others. we just kind of started talking, and after a while he ended up asking me out. it took everybody by suprise, but here i am..
that's pretty much it for now. don't forget to drop me a line if i accidentally left you out, or if you have comments/questions. word.