Most people gives up when it comes to book keeping, and pay their accountant a fortune to keep the books updated. This program is designed to serve anyone running a business with easy and understandable accounting. Just enter your daily movements, and you have instant financial overview!
This program will take all the hard work out of budget planning, executing and monitoring. Just enter your forecast figures, and you have instant overview at your budget!
When you plan to start your own business up, the first thing to do is to design a business plan for the first year of operation. This will not only ease the difficulties of borrowing funds from a bank, but also keep your peace in mind as you have a plan to stick to. This program will show your financial progress day by day in your first year of operation!
Say goodbye to calculation mistakes and long nights behind your office desk. Just enter quantities and unit prices, and this program will auto calculate the rest. Great tool for Estimators, preparing calculations, estimations and biddings!
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Keep track of time you or your employees spen on jobs. Don't loose money because you forgot to invoice time used on a job. Great tool for invoicing, project management and after-calculations!
Schedule your maintenance tasks with this program, preventive maintenance, repair work and overhauls of equipment. Once programmed - you can relax, click a date, and you know where to go and what to do! Great tool for any maintenance department anywhere!
If you operate or own a public swimming pool, you are responsible for the water quality, and could be hold liable for anyone being sick viaiting your pool - e.g. Hepatitis or other serious virus attacks. You must check your pool water quality several times during operation hours and log the results, so if you are being sued, you have an excellent proof that your pool water was in good health at all time. This program give you an organized test result log, it is easy to use, and can be re-used year after year!
This program wil calculate and keep track of progress payments within any project, and calculate exactly how much sub-contractors or suppliers are entitled to be paid at any time. Great tool for both Project Management, Contractors and Suppliers!
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STAFF ROSTER MANAGER is a Time Management Tool designed to schedule employee time, and can be used by anybody, with or without keyboard experience.

It will keep track of your employee’s time during the year, and it will give you all the information you'll need to design upcoming tasks and schedules.

STAFF ROSTER MANAGER is designed on a Microsoft Excel platform, and can be re-used year after year to organize your company's people management, and enhance your company's performance.

The program consist of the following four (4) functions:

This is the manual that step by step guides you to operate the program, everything is explained in a way that is easy to understand. You will also find contact numbers here, in case you need further help with the program.

Just enter employees name and scheduled start and end time for each shift during the week. Enter scheduled holidays and annual leaves, and you have instant overview over your available workforce at any time.

As above; Just enter employees name and scheduled start and end time for each shift during the week. Enter scheduled holidays and annual leaves, and you have instant overview over your available workforce at any time.

By transferring data from the scheduler to the composer, you can print weekly shift schedules out, and distribute these to employees, from the composer.

The program will allow you to schedule any number of employees for as many years as you like to schedule.

This program will keep track of you and your employees planned company time during the year.

In seconds you can see what manpower you have available at any time, who is going on vacation and whom have been on sick leave etc.

STAFF ROSTER MANAGER is delivered on a 3.5" floppy disk, complete with instructions and warranty!  



Sales price per 01/01/2002 is US20. -  inclusive world wide postage and handling.

This page was last updated December 19, 2001 12:03 AM