Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other

sung by Susan (Loretta Long) and Gordon (Roscoe Orman, Hal Miller or Matt Robinson, depends how old this is!)
not complete yet

The transcriber seems to recall Susan and Gordon clothes shopping during this one. Bits and pieces from memory:

Both: Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Susan: If they don't fit right, I'll give 'em to my brother.

Both: But all the same, don't we have fun?
Half a dozen of the other, six of one.

(not sure where the next line fits in:)

Gordon: Not much money to spend ...

(Somewhere in the song, Susan is admiring some garment, and Gordon sings that he thinks she'd look just perfect in it for Halloween. I think the last chorus goes:)

Both: Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Gordon: If I don't get this, I'll never have another.

Both: But all the same, don't we have fun?
Half a dozen of the other ...
Six of one!

Transcribed by