Okay, I was
writing fanfiction the other day, and I though, 'Now, if I was
a character, what would I do?' Then it hit me, 'Yeah, what
if, I WAS a character?' So, naturally, I made my own persona
in the Star Sheriff universe, so I can join in their battles or
Finally, the group is completed. Training with the Star Sheriffs,
this team of young people, equipped with excellent skills, are
fighting beside them. A handpicked few, chosen from among many...
Profiles of the NeoPhyte Star Sheriffs and other Original
Nickname: Goddess / FireBird
Age: 16
Height: 5’8”
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Personal Vehicle: Terran Streaker (red motorcycle)
Armor: Red
Nationality: Filipino-American
Circe joined the Star Sheriffs after a long observation. Cavalry
Command recruited her for her combat expertise. Skilled in the
martial arts, particularly taekwondo, judo and aikdo, Circe is a
near match to April. She is named after the goddess of the
phoenix (firebird), an exact description to her. Circe has a
short temper span and gets angry or irritated easily.
Diana Hunter
Nickname: Di / Hunter
Age: 17
Height: 5’5”
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Personal Vehicle: Unica (white mecha horse)
Armor: Black
Nationality: French
Diana is the loner and all-serious persona of the group. She was
taken in by Cavalry Command because of her expertise in strategy
and strategic combat. A loner, Diana tends to isolate herself
from the other Star Sheriffs and express herself in fine arts.
Painting and fine arts is a talent of hers. Named after the
goddess of the unicorn.
Brenton Andrews
Nickname: Brent / B-A
Age: 16
Height: 5’12”
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green
Personal Vehicle: Whip Glider (dark green hovercycle)
Armor: dark green
Nationality: Australian
Brenton or Brent, for short, comes from the Land Down Under. An
expert at infaltrating defenses, Cavalry Command recruited him
for that reason. Although, usually, a quiet guy, Brent has a
sense of humor. He can get past enemy defenses with ease.
Brent’s preferred weapon is the whip and steel boomerang,
which he can both use with great skill. He speaks with a slight
Australian accent.
PathFinder / Peorth
Nickname: Squirt
Age: 14
Height: 4’6”
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Personal Vehicle: none (too young)
Armor: Light Blue
Nationality: Dutch
Pathfinder is the youngest of the NeoPhytes. His area of
expertise is with computers. Hacking files and manipulating
databases are his specialty. An orphan, Pathfinder finds company
with both the NeoPhyte Sheriffs and the Star Sheriffs, whom he
considers as his family. Often, his childish attitude gets on the
nerves of his teammates. Pathfinder makes use of a small
computer, which he calls the Hacker, to break into enemies’
Catherine Quinn Rider
Nickname: Cady / Quinn
Age: 15
Height: 5'3"
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Grey
Personal Vehicle: Wind Chaser (black mecha horse modeled after
Armor: Silver
Nationality: British
Youngest sibling to the famous Saber Rider, Cady has large shoes
to fill in the eyes of not only her family, but also the
universe, near, far and middle as well. Like her brother she is
calm and collected and holds a British accent. Polite and built
like pixie, she often resembles a small child but her size can be
deceiving. The only person other than her father, who has ever
come to a draw at fencing with her brother, Cady has the same
leader like qualities as her brother, but would rather pass the
responsibility onto someone else.
Francis Gerardo
Nickname: Eclipse
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Hair: Ash Black
Eyes: Oak Brown
Personal Vehicle: Equalizer-class starfighter prototype, FoxFire
Armor: Black
Nationality: Filipino
Francis posesses a Phlegma-Melancholic personality. He tends to let people be and hold a great deal of respect for them, just as long as they'd do the same toward him. Ranking third in his batch during his Academy days in New Manila, his skills can only be surpassed by the best... The Star Sheriffs. He finds solace whenever he's playing his flute or when he finds something attractive enough for him to draw. He dislikes battles but will allow himself into one when necessary.