Enter the NeoPhytes!
Enter the NeoPhytes!

Two masked figures stepped up onto the mat, each wearing a padded white coverall suit. The shorter one gripped the practice-rapier in his hand tightly, nervous.

“Ready?” The taller one prompted. The other nodded.

Both readied themselves, and crossed their swords in front.

All of a sudden, the match started. Blades swished through the air, only to be stopped by the other. One hardly moved, while the other struggled to keep his pace.

In a matter of minutes, the duel was over. The smaller one defeated with the tip of the rapier pressed to his chest.

“Touché’ ” the victor said. He removed his mask, facing the class. Saber Rider extended his hand to the loser and shook his hand. The group of young men and women watching applauded.

“Nice going, lad.” He turned to the class and pointed out a few tips when handling swords. Fireball removed his helmet and ran a hand through his hair. He went over to where Colt and April where watching from the back of the room, near the windows.

Colt gave him a thumbs up as he approached, “Fancy footwork you got there, 'pards. You lasted about one minute and 35 seconds with Saber Rider for the record.”

“Man, sword-fighting is really not my thing.” Fireball said, glaring at Colt. He checked his watch, “I have a vehicle handle and maneuvering class in…30 minutes.” He said.

April shook her head, “Nope. If you don’t remember, Daddy called us yesterday. He said our classes in the afternoon were cancelled. We have to check out this potential group of teenagers which Cavalry Command picked out.”

Saber Rider walked up to them, as his class filed out of the room, “Yes, Comm. Eagle said this group of youngsters have shown exceptional skills in combat, tactics, and defense.”

Colt leaned on the windowsill and crossed his arms in front, “You mean them?” he asked, pointing outside.

April, Saber and Fireball went to the window and looked outside. Approaching Cavalry Command was a large transportation truck. Beside it were a motorcycle and a hovercycle, expertly ridden and handled by two figures.

They watched as the truck and the cycles stopped and verified their clearance for entry, then proceeded to the main building. They stopped at the side of the entrance.

Colt snorted, “Don’t look like much to me.” He said, flipping his hat over his eyes.

Fireball checked his watch, “We’re due at the training center in…10 minutes, Saber.” The young captain nodded.

“Let’s go over to the training facility. We’ll see them soon enough.” He said.

The four of them walked off towards the training center.

At the Training Facility, the Star Sheriffs went inside the main observation room. There, they met up with Comm. Eagle and the other leaders at Cavalry Command.

Comm. Eagle nodded a greeting to the Star Sheriffs and turned to the big screen monitor in front of them. Four scenes were on them, showing four young individuals.

“Star Sheriffs, as you know, Cavalry Command has minor training, academies and guard posts in different countries. We have agreed to train young people in different countries who have shown remarkable skills in combat, defense, strategic tactics and others. They will be trained specially by you four as Star Sheriffs.”

He gestured towards the screen. The left upperhand corner enlarged and filled the whole screen. A recorded scene appeared. A figure riding the metallic red motorcycle revved the engine up and skidded to a sudden stop in front of the building, the wheels screeching as the brakes stopped the movement.

“The recorded scenes were taken when they went down from the transportation vehicle earlier.” Comm. Eagle explained.

The scene changed to the current happening. They could see a tall, tanned girl with short, straight, raven black hair in red mecha armor, surrounded by 7 large men in padded armor.

Comm. Eagle continued, “The first recruit is Circe. Age 16, from the Philippine Islands. Is here because of exceptional skill in combat, specifically martial arts. Half-Filipino and half-American.”

Circe looked small compared to the towering men around. Suddenly, as if on cue, the men attacked, using various hand-to-hand combat techniques to attack. Circe deflected and counter-attacked each with ease. In a matter of minutes, all 7 men were down on the floor.

Removing the helmet, Circe removed her helmet and smoothed out her short, straight, raven black hair. She looked up at the camera, at them, and bowed.

April nodded in approval, “Circe seems ok to me…”

Comm. Eagle switched on to the next.

The recorded video of a white mecha horse galloped out of the back of the transportation truck, appeared. It’s rider excellently manipulating the reins. It cantered towards the two others with their cycles and stopped. The rider jumped down and pulled off her helmet revealing a green-eyed girl with long wavy red hair partially tied up in a ponytail.

“Diana Hunter, age 17, from France. She is here because of her expertise in planning strategies and strategic moves. Right now, she is being given a test by our top persons in that area. They will give us the results later.”

Colt shook his head, “That’s all? I mean, this girl has brains and everythin’, but can she hold her own in a real ‘rassle with the enemy?”

Comm. Eagle turned to the screen, “Actually, she is more of staying inside the ship and executing strategies through you. But she can handle a blaster and is one of the best sharp shooters and marksmanship in the France Academy.”

Colt drew out his blaster and twirled it haughtily on his finger, “One of they best, aye? We’ll see about that…”

Comm. Eagle turned back to the screen and switched on to the next one, upper right-hand corner of the screen.

The recorded scene of a rider of a dark green motorcycle, apparently a hovercycle, put on the brakes, smoothly coming to a stop right in next to the red one. The figure wheeled his vehicle in next to Circe’s red motorcycle.

“The third recruit is 16 year-old Brenton Andrews from Australian Outback Cavalry Command. His area of expertise is infiltration and getting past security mechanisms. You won’t see much of him on the screen. The test given to him was to get past Cavalry Command security and get inside this Training Facility, to us. If he passes, you’ll see him here.”

They looked over to the screen. At the start, they saw a young man, in a dark green mecha suit, being given instructions by a tester. A few seconds later, Brenton was left outside the gate.

During his test, they caught a few glimpses of him getting over the wall, accurately timing the traps set for him and getting through with ease and swiftly pinpointing a location to enter the heavily guarded building. At intervals, he used a whip and steel boomerang to get past soldiers, traps and obstacles. Both, the Star Sheriffs noted, were used with skill and expertise.

The next fleeting glance at him showed him already inside the building, crawling stealthily through what appeared to be the ventilation duct. Then he disappeared.

Fireball raised an eyebrow, “He’s already inside? Whoa…” he commented.

“While he is searching for the way inside here, I’ll show you the last one.” He pressed a switch and the fourth panel enlarged to show a very young dark-haired boy typing furiously in front of a computer.

Saber Rider raised an eyebrow at the boy, “Sir, it seems this recruit is a child. How old is he?”

Comm. Eagle nodded, “Yes, I had my doubts about him, too. This is Pathfinder, age 14 from Holland. The branch of Cavalry Command there was astounded when they found out the hacker who broke through their computer security turned out to be a 14 year old boy. They pardoned him under one condition. That he agree to study and train under Cavalry Command. Holland’s Cavalry Command branch thought they could use his abilities.”

On the screen, they could see Pathfinder’s fingers flying swiftly over the panel. His eyes scanning the monitor in front of him at encrypted symbols.

“Right now, our top agents in this field are testing him . He has a limited time to decode the encryption, find the hidden GenQ20 virus, and figure out the password to the Training Facility’s main control room. They will show us the results of his test together with Diana’s and Brenton’s”

Comm. Eagle turned off the monitor and turned to the Star Sheriffs.

“Well? What do you think of them? If all four of you agree on them, they will continue their studies here. Their training will be under you four. Occasionally, they will come along with you on training missions to gain more experience. Is that understood?”

The Star Sheriffs nodded. Saber Rider asked him, “When will we meet these new Sheriffs-in-Training, sir?”

The elder man sat down and looked at his watch, “Hmm…If he made it through, Brenton should come in any –“

The doors slid open, and blasters mounted at the tops of the doors fired for a few seconds.

Beyond the lasers, the Star Sheriffs saw a steel boomerang fly out from the hall. It swerved to the side, spinning strongly. It hit the right blaster and destroyed it, then struck the remaining one. It disappeared back into the hallway.

“HEY! What’s goin’ on?” Colt demanded, startled by the sudden firing of the blasters. Out of reflex, he had whipped out his gun in an expert quick draw, aiming it at the hall. Fireball had also drawn out his blaster, ready to fire at the intruder.

When the dust cleared, the green mecha suit of Brenton became visible. He was walking cautiously towards them, gripping a leather whip in his hand. Clearly, Brenton was very alert to traps. Once he was sure none was left, he relaxed his grip on his whip.

Brenton ran a hand through his straight brown hair, grinning at them with bright green eyes.

“Did I pass?”

Colt breathed out slowly, loosening his trigger finger from his blaster. Fireball replaced his blaster into the holster, looking at Comm. Eagle.

Comm. Eagle rose from his chair, and went over to the young man, “Well, young man, we have been viewing your entrance to the facility. Our top men will report to us your performance.” He went over to the screen. Two men in white lab uniforms appeared.

“Gentlemen, tell me your findings.”

They looked at the clipboards each of them were holding then smiled at Brenton approvingly.

“Comm. Eagle, we are pleased to report that, Brenton Andrews, successfully made it through our defense mechanisms and restriction barriers in 12 minutes and 43 seconds. An excellent performance, sir.”

Saber Rider turned to Brenton, “Good show, lad. Looks like you’re in the group.” He went over to him and held out his hand.

“Thanks, mate. Name’s Brenton Andrews, but please call me Brent. And you’re…? He said, taking Saber’s hand and shaking it.

“Saber Rider. And these,” he said, gesturing to the to others, “are the Star Sheriffs. April, Colt and Fireball.”

Brent stiffened, staring at them each in turn, “No way! You mates are the Star Sheriffs?? Wow, this is a great honor!” he said, walking up to them and shaking their hands.

Fireball laughed, “Whoa! Easy, kid. You’ll be working with us soon enough. Besides, we have other people to train.”

Comm. Eagle went over to them, “The men testing the other recruits are finished. The other youngsters will be entering the room in a short while along with the results of their tests.”

Colt turned to Brent, “So, squirt, think you can handle what the big guys are doin’, eh? We’ll see about that. Anyways, welcome to the Star Sheriffs, neophyte.” He said.

A while later, the doors opened, and the other three recruits entered the room, along with some men in white lab coats. The three recruits saw Brent and smiled a little at him. Apparently, they knew him.

Comm. Eagle went over and introduced them to the Star Sheriffs.

“Sheriffs, this is Circe,” the young girl bowed a little at them, not smiling. Comm. Eagle turned to her examiner, “How did she do?”

The trainer nodded at Comm. Eagle, “Sir, I can report an excellent hand-to-hand combat technique and amazing skill in the martial arts. As you probably saw on the screen, she has beaten 7 men all at once.”

Comm. Eagle nodded then turned to the Star Sheriffs smiling and with an inquiring look in his eyes. He turned back to the recruits and introduced the next one.

“Diana Hunter,” she nodded and smiled at them. Comm. Eagle asked the testers how she fared.

“We tested Ms. Hunter by giving her an example battle situation. We have devised our own methods but in 24 minutes and 32 seconds, Ms. Hunter was able to devise a tactic to overcome the problem. An excellent approach, I might add.”

Comm. Eagle nodded, then turned to the last one.

“And this is Pathfinder.” The boy turned to them, “Hey.” He said, looking at them each in turn. Comm. Eagle nodded to his testers, asking him the results.

The testers looked down at his clipboard then up at Comm. Eagle, shaking their heads. The Star Sheriffs saw Pathfinder’s face fall and disappointment appear.

“Sir, we cannot believe the results of these tests. Not only did such a young man break into our security computers, and the main control panel. He also cracked all the codes and passwords we use and found the encrypted GenQ20 virus in less than 10 minutes. 8 minutes and 28 seconds, in fact.”

Pathfinder wiped his brow and breathed out slowly. “Whew! Though I was out…” Colt heard him mutter under his breath.

“Excellent results. I believe we have formed our new team. Star Sheriffs, meet the NeoPhyte Sheriffs.” Comm. Eagle said.

Later, the NeoPhytes headed outside, after introductions to the Star Sheriffs, to get their personal vehicles and dock them inside Ramrod. Each carried a duffel bag of supplies, clothes and whatever.

Circe remained quiet and serious the entire time. She went over to her metallic red motorcycle, slung her bag over the seat, and switched on the engine. Fireball went over to her, checking out the design of the cycle.

“Nice wheels. I have my own set for racing.” He said, jabbing his thumb behind him, pointing to the Red Fury Turbo.

Circe held her helmet, and smiled a little at Fireball, “Salamat. So, you’re into racing. I don’t really compete, but my Terran Streaker can go fast.” She said, stroking the handles.

Fireball nodded, “I’ve noticed. Maybe we could race sometime, get some practice. I haven’t had a good competition in a while.” He looked over his shoulder at the others.

“Wait, I’ll come with you to Ramrod. I’m pretty sure you won’t know the way.” He said, going over to his racecar.

Circe nodded, put on her helmet and revved up the engine. In a few seconds, Fireball was beside her. They raced off to Ramrod together.

Colt, watching the scene, leaned over to Brent and raised an eyebrow, “Tell me somethin’, pards. Did I just spy my teammate flirtin’ with your teammate?”

Brent shrugged as he got on his cycle, “Don’t ask me, guy. I’m goin’ to head on down to your Ramrod on my hovercycle. This here’s my Whip Glider.” he asked, putting on his helmet. He hitched his duffel bag behind him.

Colt jumped out of the way as Brent’s cycle retracted it’s wheels and hover a short distance from the ground. Brent leaned over the handles and looked at Colt sideways.

“Uh, where exactly is Ramrod, mate?” he asked.

Colt shook his head, “Hang on, hombre, I’ll go along with you. But, uh…mind if I hitch a ride? My Bronco Buster is docked in Ramrod and you wouldn’t want me to run, would you?”

Brent patted the seat behind him, “Strap on you gear and jump in, mate. Don’t mind my bag.”

Colt nodded and looked over to Saber Rider and April.

“Catch you guys on Ramrod. I got myself a ride.”

Once Colt was secured, Brent took off, following Colt’s direction towards Ramrod.

In front of the Training Facility, Saber Rider and April were left with Diana and Pathfinder. Diana watched Brent take off, then went over to her mecha horse and jumped on.

Cest’ magnifique! I never thought I would be accepted as a Sheriff.” She said to Pathfinder, “C’mon, mon petite ami, jump on.”

Pathfinder glared at her for a while, then looked at Saber Rider and April, “How about you two? How will you get to Ramrod?”

April went up to Diana’s mecha horse and stroked it gently, “Nice horse, Diana. Name?”

Diana patted her horse’s neck, “Unica. You can see by the “horn” on her forehead why I named her that.”

April looked up and saw a small horn on the mecha horse’s forehead, “Oh, okay,” she laughed, “Resembles a unicorn, non?”

She turned to Saber, “What say we call our own horses? We can all go to Ramrod together.”

Saber nodded, “Fine with me,” he looked up at Diana and Pathfinder sitting on Unica, “If both of you would want to wait until we call them?”

Diana and Pathfinder nodded. “ Pathfinder and I would love to ride with both of you!” she said.

In a few minutes, Steed and Nova had galloped quickly through the air towards them. Saber Rider and April had used the communication devices on their wristcoms to call them.

Gaaf!” Pathfinder exclaimed, “I would love to own a mecha horse someday.” He said, looking at Steed.

Saber laughed, “I think you are still a bit too young, Pathfinder. C’mon, let’s get to Ramrod.”

They took off for the skies, each on their respective horses, towards Ramrod.

Inside Ramrod, the Star Sheriffs gave the NeoPhytes a tour of the ship. Pathfinder in particular, seemed interested in the control room’s mainframe computers.

“You will allow us on your computers, ja?” he asked April eagerly, “If you won’t, this will give me a challenge to hack and break into this…”

April raised an eyebrow at him, “We’ll see about that.” Pathfinder grinned slyly at her.

Diana looked around, then turned to the Star Sheriffs, “Cest’ fantastique! Are the NeoPhytes going to stay inside Ramrod when you are in battle?”

April nodded, “Yes, but the Star Sheriffs are the ones who will pilot. Got that?”

The four of them nodded.

Saber Rider, April and Fireball led the NeoPhytes into their Lounge. Colt was checking the rooms of the NeoPhytes. Presently, he entered the room.

“Alright, squirts. This way to your cubby holes. Circe and Diana, both of you are sleeping in April’s quarters. Pathfinder and Brent, you boys are bunking together in a separate room. Mighty crowded in Saber’s, Fireball’s and my room.”

The NeoPhytes slung their bags over their shoulders and went with him. Saber Rider, April and Fireball stayed behind, sitting on the chairs around the table.

Fireball called after them, “Better get some shut-eye. Training starts tomorrow along with our classes.”

As soon as the NeoPhytes had settled in their rooms, they returned with Colt to the Lounge, where Saber, April and Fireball were waiting for them.

“We have been following your battles with the Outriders, mates. Too bad they ain’t’ around any more for us to deal with.” Brent said, sitting down.

Diana and Pathfinder also sat down, but Circe remained standing, a solemn expression on her face.

April reached into a compartment at the side of her control panel and brought out four IDU’s or Identification Units. She brought them to the NeoPhytes and handed one to each.

“Here are your individual IDU’s. You will use them to verify your identity when boarding Ramrod and entering Cavalry Command.” She said.

The NeoPhytes took one and inserted it carefully behind the insignia flag of their mecha suit, for safekeeping.

Merci beaucoup, April.”

“Wow, thanks!”

“Hey, cool. Thanks, ma’am.”

Circe nodded a ‘thank you’ as she tucked the small IDU behind the Philippine flag insignia on her left armor plate.

Colt peered at her from underneath his hat, “Sure don’t say much, do you, missy?”

Circe just shook her head and looked at Colt with steel black eyes, “No, I don’t.”

Colt shrugged and turned to Saber Rider, “I just got this feeling things will be…interesting…from now on. Now all that’s missing are the bad guys.”

Saber smiled at the NeoPhytes, “Yes. Things will be interesting around here. But about the “bad guys”, let’s just hope nothing too serious will come our way.”

Je suis d’accord. I hope a little excitement will come, but maybe after a little bit of training, perhaps. I will make a prediction with my cards.” Diana said.

This got everyone’s attention, “Cards?”

Diana blew her bangs out of her eye, “Yes, tarot cards. I have my own deck and I can read tarot spreads. Wait here, I’ll just be a minute.” She stood up, and went out.

“Yup, things are going to be pretty interesting from now on. And I hope a lot less boring.” Fireball said.

To be continued… What will Diana’s prediction tell? (Sorry ‘bout the lame ending. Feeling kinda weird lately…)

Read on: A Hunter’s Tarot