The Violet genera
includes a wide variety of species that have medicinal
properties. Leaf or flower infusions of heartsease, also
known as Johnny Jump-Ups, may be taken internally for coughs
or bronchitis. Heartsease leaf or flower infusions can be
used externally in bath water, facial tonic, hair rinse or
skin lotion to treat eczema, dry skin, or
itchiness. Fresh or dried
flowers of sweet violet can be taken in an infusion or syrup
can act as a mild laxative , or used for soothing nerves,
headaches and insomnia. Sweet violet can be taken internally
as a leaf or flower infusion or as a root decoction to treat
coughs, chest colds, and congestion. A decoction or infusion
with dried leaves or dried roots may alleviate catarrh and
bronchitis, while fresh leaves can be added to a poultice
for bruising. The rootstock of sweet violet also has a
cooling nature and has been used to treat hangovers in the
past. (I
do not recommend this for the inexperienced medicinal herb
user.) I chose violet to
include because of its versatility and quiet beauty. I have
always loved this herb due to growing up picking it every
spring and summer. I loved to eat the backs of the flowers
and have only recently begun learning about its medicinal