-For right now TKO have thrown in the towel. Everyone has other things going on and things were just drifting apart. Consider it a vacation though, and not a retirement.
-Jon is starting to record 18 songs for his solo project asap. He's going to play all the instruments himself so that should be pretty cool. He has also moved to Cleveland and as far as I know is playing in The Slow-Pokes, who are pretty big out there.
-Brian is also in another band now, The Guts. They're from Aubrun NY. So look for them. They are playing out quite a bit this summer. He also has some mystery side project that no one knows about. There is also rumors flying around about The Dreadnoks re-uniting and having the drummer from S.O.B.A. playing. We'll see what happens this fall.......
-Eric has pretty much disappeared into thin air, and no we wait for his return.
-Brian is planning on possibly doing a TKO cd with the new demo plus alot of new unreleased stuff along with live stuff, out-takes, practices, bootlegs, and acoustic stuff. Look for that.
-The new "Rock Out With..." demo is out now. You can get it for $3 from us at a show or you can e-mail us. (There's more info about it on the discograhpy page).