MISSION STATEMENT: CERCOPAN is dedicated to preserving biodiversity through rehabilitation, research and conservation of tropical forest primates and their habitats, as well as through community education programs.
SPECIES SUPPORTED: CERCOPAN is home to six species of two types: guenons (genus Cercopithecus) and mangabeys (genus Cercocebus), both of which are found in the tropical rainforests of West Africa. As of February 1998, CERCOPAN provided sanctuary to about 60 monkeys. The species we hold are listed below, along with a note about their range and degree of threat they face. Please remember that CERCOPAN does not "collect" monkeys. We take in animals in distress and never buy, sell, or export monkeys.
Mona Guenon Cercopithecus mona
Eastern Ghana to Western Cameroon
Lower Risk (CITES II)
Preuss's Guenon Cercopithecus preussi
Island of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) and Western Cameroon
Putty-Nose Guenon Cercopithecus nictitans
Liberia to Ivory Coast; Nigeria to Eastern Zaire
Lower Risk (CITES II)
Red-Eared Guenon Cercopithecus erythrotis
Southeast Nigeria, Island of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) and
Southwest Cameroon
Sclater's Guenon Cercopithecus sclateri
Southeast Nigeria
Red-Capped Mangabey Cercocebus torquatus
Southern Nigeria; Southern Cameroon to Angola
Housing Estate, P.O. Box 826, Calabar, Cross River
State, Nigeria. Director: Zena Tooze.
E-Mail: cercopan@compuserve.com
Web site: http://www.uni.edu/museum/cercopan
If you wish to make a donation to Cercopan through IPPL, please send your check to IPPL, POB 766, Summerville SC 29484, USA or IPPL, 116 Judd St.London WC1H9NS, England, clearly marked "For Cercopan."
CERCOPAN would particularly like to thank the International Primate Protection League! Both in the United States and the United Kingdom for its ongoing, dedicated support of the project.
"IPPL has been instrumental in gaining overseas funding for CERCOPAN, as well as increasing awareness about the work we are doing in Nigeria," says Zena Tooze, CERCOPAN's director and founder.
"We are incredibly grateful for IPPL's support and hope IPPL continues
to have the energy and resources to do its excellent and much-needed work."
Meet Arun Rangsi, one of IPPL's
Sanctuary Gibbons