Saturn,astrology,planets,symbolism,unaspected planets,unaspected Saturn,under-aspected planets,under-aspected Saturn,least-aspected planets
From: The Role of the Least Aspected Planet in Astrocartography


Transcendental Nations:
Least-aspected planets in the Birth of Nations

1. On the Peculiar Role of Least-aspected Saturn in
National Formations and in Presidential Horoscopes


nation. Middle English nacioun, from Middle French nation-, natio birth, race, nation,
from natus, pp. of nasci to be born; akin to Latin gignere to beget [...] (14th century).


Which planet may we expect to find “Transcendental” — that is, underaspected and for that reason potent, fecund, and central in importance — in the life of a nation? Perhaps not surprisingly, — given our other research into the lives of notable personalities whose lives embodied a grave, even overburdening sense of responsibility toward the social collective and whose least-aspected planet was Saturn — Saturn is found here in a high number of cases, particularly when we have precisely recorded times (and even with some notable approximate national birth-times,1 such as for the arrival of Mohammed in Medina at sunset, marking the horoscope for the emergence of the Islamic nations (a chart cited by Noel Tyl in his work on mundane astrology), or for the more recent “Sagittarius Rising” chart of the United States — both of which are distinguished by underaspected Saturn).
        How can we explain the appearance of least-aspected Saturn in the formation or ‘birth’ of nations? If we conceive of Sun, Moon, and Mercury as symbolizing the fundamental personal levels of the psyche; and the interpersonal planets — Venus and Mars — as signifying the progressive evolution of the personal fundament, moving in an ontological, telic manner, toward the interpersonal realm; and the final level of psychic or cosmic evolution — the transpersonal or archetypal realm — as signified by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto; that leaves Jupiter and Saturn, the planets which stand between the personal / interpersonal and the transpersonal realm: thus, the collective is formed. As the planets of expansion and constriction, of collective soul as manifest through culture (Jupiter) on the one hand, and of collective spirit (Saturn) as manifest largely through law, government, and fixed rules and regulation — including governmental institutions with their respective structures, laws, and ordinances — on the other, then the appearance of least aspected or Transcendental Saturn here, at the natus of the nation, makes great symbolic sense. The state, after all, usually serves the function of “constricting, ordering, and regulating” the social-collective group — all keynote Saturn attributes. “Law and order” (that often chilling refrain that is mostly promulgated by those who are overidentified with such matters) is the key ingredient of the Saturn archetype, and law and order is created, maintained, and institutionalized by those who seek to lead and to represent, at least on the governmental level, the nation. 
        It is also curious that many American presidents have had Saturn as a key Transcendental Planet, as if the core of their personality, psychological orientation, and interpersonal manner were in accord with this Transcendental placement of Saturn (as a Tertiary Transcendental) in the chart of the United States. (According to my research, 11 out of 42 U.S. presidents were born with a Primary Transcendental Saturn: the highest percentage of any planet (26.1%), and 16 out of 42 (38.1%) were born with Saturn as a least- or second least-aspected planet.)2
        We also find Saturn appearing as a key Transcendental in the principal horoscopes of Germany. For the 1871 chart we have Tertiary Saturn and for the 1949 Bundesrepublik we again find Tertiary Saturn. For the relatively short-lived (and unsuccessful) 1918 German horoscope we have the reverse: Leading (or most aspected) Saturn with Secondary Leader Jupiter. This reflects a central notion in my initial hypothesis: that is, that overaspected or “Leading” planets may, if not properly integrated, symbolize areas where we may overreach, act with hubris, and even suffer a fall of some kind: they symbolize how and under what terms nemesis will approach. This Germany was noted for its economic deprivations (Leading Saturn) as well as its inflation (Secondary Leader, Jupiter) and rampant nationalism (Tertiary Leader, Sun).3 Hitler’s Secondary Leading Saturn and Tertiary Leading Sun mirrored the same tendencies in his life — an overcompensating need for constrictive psychological structures and for an unbridled exhibitionism — all of which fits neatly into the portrait of the national psyche of the time (thus the “ Führer” really did, in that sense, embody the “Leading” — though not necessarily healthy — tendencies of the body politic of this German epoch). In the horoscope of the more recent (1955) Federal Republic of Germany Saturn is the Tertiary Transcendental (with an aspect rating of only 111).
        In the chart of Israel, a state which has always suffered from economic inflation (Secondary Leader, Jupiter) we have a rather amazing portrayal of the entire recent history of that nation: the “spiritual yearning” (the nature of the Transcendental Planet) for “a homeland” and for “peace / with security” reflected by its Secondary Transcendental Moon / Primary Transcendental Venus / Tertiary Transcendental Saturn combination. Israel’s Leading or most-aspected planets reflect the “obsession with war, secret intelligence, and terrorism” (Leading Pluto); as well as what might be termed an obsession with “religious / and ethical matters” on a state level (Tertiary Leader, Neptune / Secondary Leader, Jupiter).
        We find one of the most recent and significant Jupiter-Saturn Transcendental pairings in the formation of the European Union: when the Treaty of Rome was signed by the member states Jupiter and Saturn were “equally underaspected” Secondary Transcendentals, each with only one major aspect and no minor aspects (= 100). The Tertiary Transcendental was Mercury; this is quite fitting as the EU is such a bureaucratically oriented organization and, too, since the Saturn-Mercury Transcendentals often appear during events in which contractual agreements are signed or formalized. For the horoscope of the formal existence of the European Union, which astrologer Nicholas Campion considers the horoscope for “the organization” of the EU (while the Treaty of Rome chart “has been used as a chart for the EEC itself”),4 Saturn appears as the Primary Transcendental Planet (in that horoscope, Saturn bears an aspect rating of only 020). Another example of Saturn’s relationship with contractual agreements is found in the horoscope for the formal surrender of the British forces to George Washington. For the chart drawn for this moment, Mercury was a “triple-zero” Transcendental — hosting no traditional major, minor, or Midheaven / Ascendant planetary contacts — followed by second least aspected or Secondary Transcendental Saturn.5
        Although it is my personal belief that, in general, only charts with accurately timed birth-data are of true value, in this “Nations” section I have included many other charts as well, both in the spirit of occult inquiry as well as for the astrologically curious. The fact that certain charts have been studied at such great length and over such extended periods may also justify this inclusion. However, I would urge readers to pay the greatest attention to those horoscopes based on accurate data; I believe it is there that we have the most to learn, especially when exploring such unknown terrain as the effect of underaspected planets and the symbolism that such planets can mysteriously portray.


1. As indicated in the quotation that opens this essay, the word “nation” is firmly rooted in the word natio: “birth, race, nation, from natus, pp. of nasci to be born.”  The precise moment of national independence of certain nations (i.e., the birth of “selfhood”) seems quite clear, and in these instances I have no problem in speaking of a nation’s actual “birth.” For other nations that moment may have been lost to history or even obscured, in that a series of events, often of a seemingly equal importance, may make it difficult to ascertain precisely when a nation becomes a nation. In the latter case, there may not be a “single moment” that we can select as the key moment; their may instead be a series of “births” (and deaths) that we must carefully examine (perhaps like a series of dreams that must be analyzed in toto in order for meaning and continuity to emerge). In such instances, I might agree with the astrologer Nicholas Campion who feels that, when dealing with national horoscopes, we must speak of a “series of significant charts for important moments.” (Campion; private communication.) Nations evolve through time, and through space, perhaps, as well (travel; war; immigration; etc). For more on this see, my “FAQ: The Birth of Nations,” below.
2.Although George W. Bush was referred to as the “43rd president,” one president, Grover Cleveland, served two nonconsecutive terms (as the “22nd” and “24th” U.S. president. See my “Transcendental Biographies.”)
3. The same could easily be said for the short-lived Italian 1871 chart, which hosts exactly the same overaspected planets: Sun (Leader), Jupiter (Secondary Leader), and Saturn (Tertiary Leader).
4. Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, p. 478.  
5. At the moment of Cornwallis’s “formal / communiqué” (Secondary Saturn / Primary Mercury) of the surrender of the British forces to George Washington (at Yorktown, Virginia), the entire eastern half of the United States was framed in a wide Mercury / Saturn Transcendental Midpoint-Field. This decisive “Transcendental moment” marked the virtual end of hostilities between the Colonial forces and the British, and it signaled the inception of the actual independence of the American Colonies.

*   *   *

Nicholas Campion’s The Book of World Horoscopes (2nd ed., revised, 1996) was relied upon for providing data for national horoscopes; other sources are cited below. Ascendant and Midheaven degrees may vary slightly due to the longitude / latitude coordinates utilized and according to which software programs are used for calculations (in the occasional cases where the degree results vary, I have presented only my own results). For information on aspect orbs, see appendix A. The three-digit numerals indicating planetary strength are based on major aspects (first numeral); minor aspects (second numeral); and aspects to Ascendant and Midheaven (third numeral). The Node is calculated separately.


nation: [Middle English nacioun, from Middle French nation-, natio birth, race, nation, from natus, pp. of nasci to be born; akin to Latin gignere to beget [...] (14th century).]

country: [Middle English contree, from Old French contrée, from Middle Latin contrata, from Latin contra against, on the opposite side (13th century).]”
— Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary.

“Country is a defined geographic territory under the authority of an independent government. The term may also be used to refer to the government of such a territory. A country may also be called a nation or a state. In 1994, there were 191 countries in the world, more than ever before. The number of countries has increased since the mid-1900s as more colonies have gained independence and large countries, such as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, have split up. In size, the countries of the world range from the Vatican City, which covers 1/6 square mile (0.4 square kilometer), to Russia, which covers 6,592,850 square miles (17,075,400 square kilometers).”
— “Country,” The World Book Encyclopedia, CD-Rom edition, 1997.

2. The G7 Nations and Least-aspected Saturn:*

In this extraordinary example of Saturn symbolism, we will see that each of the seven nations that compose the G7 have Saturn as the least-, second least-, or third least-aspected planet. In addition, in each horoscope Saturn falls well below the classic “130” aspect rating, making it a very Transcendental energy, indeed:

Japan = Primary Saturn (010)
France = Primary Saturn (030)
United States = Secondary Saturn (111)
Germany = Tertiary Saturn (111)
United Kingdom = Secondary Saturn (112)
Canada = Tertiary Saturn (121)
Italy = Tertiary Saturn (121; with equally underaspected Neptune)


* “Since 1975, the leaders of the major industrial nations have been meeting annually to deal with the major economic and political issues facing their countries and the international community as a whole.

        “The G7 members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

        “The six countries at the first Summit, held at Rambouillet, France in November 1975, were France, the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan and Italy.

        “They were joined by Canada at the San Juan, Puerto Rico Summit of 1976 and by the European Community at the London Summit of 1977.

        “Since then membership in the G7 has been fixed, although 15 developing countries' leaders met with the G7 leaders on the eve of the 1989 Paris Summit.

        “The USSR and then Russia have had a post-Summit dialogue with the G7 since 1991. The 1998 Birmingham Summit saw full Russian participation, giving birth to the G8.
        “The G7/G8 Summit has consistently dealt with economic management, international trade, and relations with developing countries.” From “What is the G7?” BBC News (online), Friday, October 2, 1998. Published at 12:01 GMT 13:01 UK.


Mercury = 021
Venus = 120
Saturn = 121
Pluto = 130

Neptune = 210
Uranus = 302

Mars = 320

Jupiter = 402

Moon = 422

Sun = 502

Node = non-Transcendental (320)

Canada: The Dominion of Canada, July 1867

Primary Transcendental Mercury, Secondary Venus, Tertiary Transcendental Saturn.

Jul. 1, 1867
12.05.00 PM LMT (+00)
73W42'00”; 45N25'00”
Asc: 7Li58; Mc: 9Cn40

Source: Astrologer Rab Wilkie, citing a newspaper published on July 2, 1867: “The 12:05 P.M. moment is based on an eye- (and ear-) witness account published in the local Ottawa newspaper the following day [...] the time [cited] was when the Canadian cannon boomed in a most public and ceremonial manner. It was scheduled in fact for noon on the dot, but a dud fuse had to be replaced which delayed the salute for 'about five minutes', according to the newspaper reporter.” (Private correspondence with Wilkie, November 9, 1998.) It is probably due to similar research results that Campion states: “The advent of the state was hailed at 00.05 hrs. by the ringing of bells and a 101-gun salute, although the legislation would have come into effect five minutes earlier.” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), p. 110.

Saturn = 030
Uranus = 031
Mercury = 100
Sun = 110
Moon = 211
Venus = 211
Jupiter = 211
Mars = 221
Pluto = 300
Neptune = 320

Node = non-Transcendental (201)

France: The Fifth Republic

Primary Transcendental Saturn, Secondary Uranus, Tertiary Transcendental Mercury.

Oct. 5, 1958
12.00.00 AM CET (-01)
02E20'00”; 48N52'00”
Asc: 24Cn50; Mc: 0Ar30

Source: “The Fifth Republic came into existence with the publication of the new Constitution in the Journal Officiel on 5 October 1958, in Paris. It is understood that the legislation creating the Republic came into effect at 00.00 hrs ...” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), p. 167.

Mars = 011
Venus = 030
Saturn = 111
Mercury = 120
Sun = 140
Uranus = 320
Pluto = 321
Neptune = 400
Moon = 410

Node = non-Transcendental (330)

Germany: The Federal Republic of Germany

Primary Transcendental Mars, Secondary Venus, Tertiary Transcendental Saturn.

May 5, 1955
12.00.00 PM CET (-01)
7E05'00”; 50N44'00”
Asc: 20Le46; Mc: 06Ta58

Source: “West Germany — the capitalist Federal Republic of Germany — came into existence in May 1949 following four years of British, French and American military administration. […]
         “However, full independence was only attained when sovereignty was transferred from the allied powers to the West German Government at 12.00 noon on 5 May 1955. Unlike East Germany, which seems to have publicly ignored the equivalent event in its own history, the gaining of full independence by West Germany was an occasion of public celebration, and this, rather than the proclamation of 1949, was regarded as the true beginning of the state’s existence.” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), p. 181.

Pluto = 030
Saturn = 112
Jupiter = 120
Sun = 122
Moon = 140
Mercury = 140
Uranus = 140
Mars = 212
Venus = 321
Neptune = 330

Node = non-Transcendental (411)

United Kingdom: 1801 Act of Union

Primary Transcendental Pluto, Secondary Saturn, Tertiary Jupiter.

Jan. 1, 1801
00.00.00 AM LMT (+00)
0W07'00”; 51N30'00”
Asc: 7Li10; Mc: 9Cn20

Source: “The Act [of Union] had received the royal assent on 2 July 1800, and, in accordance with general principles, came into effect at 00:00 hrs. LMT ... I have found that this horoscope is the most useful for the United Kingdom.” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), p. 392

Mars = 020
Pluto = 120
Saturn, Neptune = 121
Mercury = 201
Venus = 212
Uranus = 220
Sun = 232
Moon = 241
Jupiter = 301

Node = non-Transcendental (320)

Italy: The Italian Republic

Primary Transcendental Mars, Secondary Pluto, equally aspected Tertiary Transcendentals Saturn, Neptune.

Jun. 10, 1946
6.10.00 PM CED (-02)
12E29'00”; 41N54'00”
Asc: 19Sc20; Mc: 1Vi22

Source: “Pressure for Italian unification built up following the wave of liberal revolutions across Europe in 1848.... The Kingdom of Italy formally came into being on 17 March 1861 when the Official Gazette … published a law by which King Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont assumed for himself and his successors the title of King of Italy … The time of 00:00 hrs. is assumed, consistent with the general principle that laws published in Official Gazettes came into force at 00:00 hrs.
        “…The horoscope for the Italian Republic is set for 10 June 1946 … On 2 June a referendum was held on the future of the monarchy which produced a majority in favour of abolition. The announcement of the referendum results at between 6:00 P.M. and 6:10 P.M. on 10 June was taken as a de facto proclamation of the Republic, and Chart 168 is set for 6:10 P.M.” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), pp. 211-213.

Mercury = 001
Saturn = 010
Jupiter = 031
Uranus = 031
Sun = 121
Mars = 201
Neptune = 310
Venus = 331
Moon = 420
Pluto = 510

Node = non-Transcendental (200)

Japan: The postwar constitution goes into effect

Primary Transcendental Mercury, Secondary Transcendental Saturn.

May 03 1947
12.00.00 AM JST (-09)
139E46'00”; 35N00'00”
Asc: 26Cp32; Mc: 16Sc55

Source: “The history of modern Japan is often dated from the U.S. Commodore Perry’s arrival in Tokyo, the restoration of Imperial Power, or the promulgation of the first modern constitution, the so-called Meiji Constitution, on 11 February 1889. […] During the 1890s the country experienced an industrial revolution and by 1906 was able to challenge European military power. The promulgation of the constitution took place during the day, and in the absence of accurate information [the chart] ... is set for 12.00 noon LMT, for the capital, Tokyo. Horoscopes for modern Japan are also set for the revival of the country following its defeat in the Second World War in 1945, and its occupation by the USA. One alternative [chart] is set for the coming into effect of the postwar constitution, apparently at 00.00 hrs. on 3 May 1947 in Tokyo.” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), p. 215. For the data source for this ‘coming into effect of the postwar constitution’ chart, Campion cites:  “Report by Japanese astrologer Toshitaka Hifumi of Yokahama to James Russell, Vice-President of the Astrological Association.” See Campion, p. 649, n. 308.

Uranus = 011
Jupiter = 101
Saturn = 111
Sun = 121
Pluto = 122
Venus = 201
Mars = 210
Neptune = 210
Mercury = 220
Moon = 242

Node = Transcendental Node (120)

United States: Sagittarius Rising chart

Primary Transcendental Uranus, Secondary Jupiter, Tertiary Transcendental Saturn.

Jul. 4, 1776
17.13.00 LMT (+00)
75W10'00”; 39N57'00”
Asc: 12Sa59; Mc: 01Li53

Source: Noel Tyl, Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult, p. 50, citing Dane Rudhyar's rectified chart in The Astrology of America's Destiny. “The exact time of the founding of the American states remains uncertain. “[Historian Manley Palmer Hall's] suggestion of 5.00 P.M. finds interesting support in the fact that the anniversary celebrations on 4 July 1778 began at 5.00 PM, and in other years seem to have begun at a similar time which the historian Channing (who believed the Declaration was signed later), regarded as 'early'.” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), p. 414.

3: The EEC and Least-aspected Saturn

Saturn = 020
Sun = 120
Jupiter = 122
Mercury = 132
Mars = 200
Pluto = 201
Venus = 202
Neptune = 221
Uranus = 320
Moon = 410

Node = Transcendental Node (410)

European Union: Formal existence

Primary Transcendental Saturn, Secondary Sun, Tertiary Transcendental Jupiter.

Jan. 1, 1958
00.00.00. AM CET (-01)
4E20'00”; 50N50'00”
Asc: 29Vi36; Mc: 29Ge29

Source: “The EEC came into existence at 00.00 hrs on 1 January 1958.” The chart is calculated “for the administrative capital, Brussels.” Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes (Second Edition, 1996), p. 478.

4: Frequently Asked Questions: “The Birth of Nations”

> How do you define the “birth of a nation?” For example, is the birth time determined by the idea of creating a new nation or by an action that brings the idea into fruition?

I view the ‘idea’ (of a new nation) as something akin to a (biological) conception. For example, Jung says that an intuition must be followed through; it must be brought down to earth, worked through and be made manifest, for something real and valuable to actualize. With a nation, we may have a founding intuition or germinal idea. But then that idea must be made real. It must be fleshed out. That fleshing-out process or action that follows afterward is the thing that makes the intuition real: that “reality” is the birth.
        When the notion of an independent United States was first discussed, the goal was not merely an abstract idea, the goal was the concrete birth of a nation, a nation with definite institutions, structures, a constitution, a set of laws, a physical boundary (akin to a body), and most important, a declaration that would eventually be made public: a declaration that this act of separation, this independence, was now a fit
. That is quite different from a mere intuition or an abstract notion that may not be grounded in any kind of three-dimensional reality.
        Certain moments in the events that lead to a nation’s birth (and even to its demise, transformation, and rebirth) stand out as important steps along the way. Just as one could erect horoscopes that reflects a couple’s decision to create a baby; the act of conception; the stages of fetal development; and the birth (the final act of separation), one could do something similar as regards the series of historic events that lead to the creation of a nation state. Yet until that final moment — the act of separation — we do not know whether this “intuition” will come off. That is why we must consider the final action of separation as the true birth: because finally, it happens. It manifests in outer reality. In this sense the body is not merely the visualization of the soul; it is in fact the soul made manifest.
        Things have to be built, and theories have to be tested. Only then do they become real and enter into the reality of the collective consciousness. After that moment the collective psyche is forever altered. A birth is a separation, as a spark of the original intuitive genius separates from the plethora of the collective unconscious; it is the Promethean theft from the archetypal realm, in which there is no separation but instead an infinite blurred field.
        We are acts of separation from the plethora. Our bodies make the infinite finite, “real.” Our form manifests the intuition and carries it through to completion. Our uniqueness is reflected in our body; intrapsychically, the ego is the point at which all separation, all “I”-ness, coalesces. To say “I” is to separate from the infinite. It means that one accepts this limitation, but in so doing, one helps to define it, to give names to things, which is in itself a further act of separation: distinguishing “the thing” from “the whole.” A birth is therefore more than a mere germ potential or a possibility: it is the moment when the new creature has for once and for all been severed from the “sameness of all things.”
        With nations that moment arrives when, in bringing an intuition round, full circle, a distinct separation occurs — with all its legal and militaristic ramifications. That implies that some flesh has formed on the bones, that now there is a new creature to reckon with.

5. National Horoscopes with Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Transcendental Saturn:

Algeria: Algerian independence, 1962

Bahamas: Independence from Great Britain

Brazil: Portuguese claim possession, 1500

Canada: The Dominion of Canada, July 1867

Cape Verde: Independence from Portugal

China: The establishment of the Communist Peoples’ Republic

China: Communist Peoples’ Republic assumes office

European Union: EEC Treaty of Rome

European Union: Formal existence

France: The Fifth Republic

Germany: Proclamation of William I

Germany: The Federal Republic of Germany

Greece: Independence Day

Iran: Return of Khomeini

Ireland: The Easter Rising

Israel: Creation of the State of Israel

Italy: The Italian Republic

Ivory Coast: Independence from France

Japan: The promulgation of the Meiji Constitution

Japan: The postwar constitution goes into effect

Japan: The postwar constitution

Kuwait: Independence from Great Britain

Latvia: Declaration of independence from the USSR

Latvia: Independence from the USSR

Madagascar: Independence from France

Mexico: Signing of the revolutionary constitution

North Korea: The creation of North Korea, 1945

Philippines: Independence Day, 1991

Russia: Russian Independence, 1991

Singapore: Independence by default

Slovakia: Independence, 1993

Slovenia: Proclamation of independence

South Africa: The Union of South Africa, 1910

South Africa: The New South Africa, 1994

United Kingdom: 1801 Act of Union

United States: Sagittarius Rising chart

United States: Cornwallis’s formal surrender of the British to George Washington

Uruguay: Declaration of Independence

Vietnam: 1954 North Vietnam chart

Yugoslavia: Liberation, 5 Oct. 2000


FROM: The Role of the Least Aspected Planet in Astrocartography


Saturn,astrology,planets,symbolism,unaspected planets,unaspected Saturn,under-aspected planets,under-aspected Saturn,least-aspected planets