England Horoscope of England Charts of Nations Horoscopes of Nations


Neptune = 022
Mars = 041
Pluto = 110
Saturn = 111
Mercury = 120
Venus = 120
Sun = 121
Uranus = 130
Jupiter = 212
Moon = 220

Node = non-Transcendental (300)

England: Coronation of William I

Primary Transcendental Neptune, Secondary Mars, Tertiary Transcendental Pluto.

Dec 25 1066
00.00.00 PM LMT (+00)
0W09'00"; 51N30'00"
Asc: 22Ai17; Mc: 8Cp42

Also see: "
United Kingdom"

Source: "With William's coronation the English nobles submitted to Norman rule. We have no idea what time he was crowned." Campion, "Book of World Horoscopes," p. 385. See also Noel Tyl, "Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult," p. 46, citing C.E.O. Carter: "Carter endorses the horoscope of the coronation of William I at Westminster in 1066 as the horoscope retaining a marked significance for modern England."





The Role of the Least-aspected Planet in Astrocartography


Awarded the Astro-Pro Website of the Week, 1 June 1998





For information on aspect orbs, go here. The three-digit numerals indicating planetary strength are based on: major aspects [first number]; minor aspects [second number]; and aspects to ascendant and midheaven [third number]. The node is calculated separately.


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Charts of Nations Horoscopes of Nations England Horoscope of England