-People who make others look stupid because they think it makes them funny -Marshmellows -Models (no offence to the models out here) -Lit and Eve6 1800 collect commercials -Dentists -BHS - DiPilato -Interviews -Big Boobed Blonde Ditzes (britney, christina..) -Spitting -phone calls where the other person isnt listening so you're basically talking to yourself -taking phone messages -Anthropology class -socks you cant find the match to -people who make nasty faces when they turn their backs to you -hot humid days -stupid freshman (not all freshman.. just the stupid ones) -eating until I'm sick just because the food is infront of me -Meetings -Girls who change around guys -My stomach growling -Dave Matthews -Smoking -Spring Break on MTV -Little homey G's -Flying Bugs -Tons of people squished into a tiny space -Spanish Class -Thinking of things to write in emails -The Vanagon -Clam Chowder -People who say they love a certain band, but only know the single -My Pink Carpit -Required Reading -PVTA,it does not go my way -Working on a huge project for a long time and then getting the same grade as someone who didn't. -Stupid boys -DOWN WITH STOP AND SHOP! -Cute boys that use girls -school dances -My cold hands -Gym class -Spandex -Being tired -People who dont listen but say "uh huh" anyways -Teachers who give projects over a break, are they working?! -Most girls in general.. to much drama -Cute mushy couples "no.. I love you more.. no.. no you dont.. I love YOU more" -People making out in the hall, I just want to get to class! -People who use the wrong side of the door and then get pissed when you hit them -Hostess that lie on the wait for a table at resturants -Finding something you LOVE.. but there is no tag on it. -JUSTIN -My parents being overly protective -Having to wash dirty pots -Being called on when you have NO idea whats going on -My french whore computer -Constantly negitive people (i love this one, cracks me up cause I'm sitting here beasting about things.. and yet I dont like negitive people! ha!)
Quickest way to get me mad: Judge me by my age or make a stupid comment that would belittle me because I'm still in high school. Finally, a true picture of Mandy! She looks a little different in normal lighting and without airbrushing, dont you think? Without her professional make up artist Britney just doesn't seem the same either! What I hate in chat rooms... -Asking for hot people to chat with, in chat rooms everyone is hot. -Little 14 year olds that think they can pimp in a chat room -Cyber sex -14/f/tx/cheerleader/blonde/blue eyes/ hot/ super duper cute/ IM me if you want to chat!! ughh.. holy lets give up you'r life story |