My 1989 TransAm GTA



A Journey Through The Trials And Tribulations Of My F-Body


Photo Gallery | In The Begining | At The Track | The T-56 | My Cars Specs | The Modifications So Far | Links | pictures

Here you will learn about my 1989 TransAm GTA and everything i have done to it. I purchased the car in July of 2000 and it has come along way, but like any hot rod it is a work in progress check back often for updates.

Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me with any questions you may have on anything I have done to my car.

What's New?

Here I will add an entry whenever I make an update to my site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change.

09/02/01 -- No new updates.
09/28/01 -- Photo Gallery added.
02/19/02 -- General Update and overhaul of site.
04/01/02 -- I Joined the badest group of F-bodys The SFFBA
04/08/02 -- Overhaul and links added
04/11/02 -- New tires....   BFG Comp TA Drag Radials
                255/50 R16's
06/01/02 -- Installed a NX wet kit..  pics to come
07/17/02 -- New best ET 12.697 @ 109.15 w/ 1.819 60'
07/28/02 -- Clutch Faliure.................$#%@ Me
08/14/02 -- Still No clutch going back to school in a week 
               or so car will be down for a while

Photo Gallery




September 11th 2001




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