1861 Census

View the map of the Wirral region if you are not sure of locations.

Address H/hold Surname Forename Age Sex Relationship Marital
Occupation Name
Born Parish
. // Oxton William 51 M Head M Bidston Stone mason Self . .
. . Oxton Sarah 46 F Wife M Bidston - William Oxton . .
. . Oxton Sarah 16 F Daughter U Bidston - William Oxton . .
. . Oxton Ellen K 13 F Daughter U Bidston - William Oxton . .
Oxton Road // Oxton Jane 71 F . W Bidston - . . .
Bidston Moss // Much Elizabeth Oxton 58 F Head W Bidston - Self CHS Upton
Bidston Moss . Oxton Thomas 27 M Son M Bidston Stone quarrier Elizabeth Oxton Much . .
Bidston Moss . Oxton Hannah 25 F Daughter-in-law M Bidston - Elizabeth Oxton Much . .
Bidston Moss . Oxton Mary 3 F Granddaughter - Bidston - Elizabeth Oxton Much CHS Birkenhead
Bidston Moss . Oxton Thomas 5m M Grandson - Bidston - Elizabeth Oxton Much CHS Bidston
Newbury Cottages // Oxton John 19 M Head M Bidston Stone mason Self . .
Newbury Cottages . Oxton Mary 25 F Wife M Bidston - John Oxton . .
Newbury Cottages . Oxton Sarah Ellen 2m F Daughter - Bidston - John Oxton . .

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