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Morgan's Meanderings Blog
Thursday, 23 June 2005
Summer's Here !
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Summertime Blues
Topic: Life
Today is the second day of summer, and the heat and humidity leave no doubt about that fact.
I have been busy working for my Landlord at his car lot, in an effort to reduce my ever-mounting back rent. Still waiting for the bureaucrats at social security or the VA to give me some money for my PTSD and bad back.
Time is on my side, because the amount they owe me in arrears increases every day, but so does my stress about keeping my house, and having utilities, phone and internet, and such things as that. If I weren't crazy when I began this process, I surely will be by the time it is over.

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 5:15 PM EDT
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Saturday, 23 April 2005
Pilgrims Progress ?
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Some Dylan while you read
Topic: Life
Hello Folks !
Welcome to the latest installment from my meandering brain. I call it meandering, for lack of a better way to describe my minute attention span !A Dylan Song I enjoy

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 2:51 PM EDT
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Friday, 8 April 2005
Where have been ?? Lost in space maybe ?
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Sounds of Paradise
Topic: Life
Hi there friends and neighbors !
I'm still working on getting my Video log online, this might be the place because I just posted an audio file posted below, on it and check it out,...Next comes the Daily Web broadcast !
Hooray ! No more typing !!

Sounds of Paradise

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 10:31 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 8 April 2005 10:43 PM EDT
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Saturday, 27 March 2004
Spring Thoughts & Weird Ideations

I may not be who you think I am, but really, down deep, does it matter a Damn ?
I'm probably not who I think either, but I'm tryin' to be, so allow me a breather !
I need some time/space, to think and record,
and a spark [ besides business ], that won't leave me cold.


This time of year, things sprout, and begin,
force up to the light, and live once again,
all pulses will quicken,some hormones will surge,
Lifting even the oldest,with some long dormant urge.
To build, to expand, to grow in some manner,
to pick up a cause, and march 'neath it's banner.


The Garden's too wet to till, or to burn last year's waste.
The earth is full of promise, yet the Mother pauses
unsure to bring forth tender shoots, and risk the killing frosts that lurk to the north.
Brave Jonquils risk it all, lording thier yellow glory over winter's brown remains.

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 8:50 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 27 March 2004 9:09 PM EST
Sunday, 21 March 2004
Another Blog Begins !

My new AngelFire Blog began today, it's pretty cool looking, with some of my own,(borrowed), images in the backgrounds. Working on that one made me have to come here, and edit this one. Check it out too !

Wednesday, 17 March 2004
4 Months Later !

Well, here it is March 17th. That's right, it's St. Patrick's day, and I'm at home on the 'Puter. What a shock !, but I haven't felt well in several days, and ain't exactly flush with money either.
I quit the job mentioned below, and took on a new contract, to start a new restaurant in half of a 2-year-old building on the south side of Kokomo. The people started off real well, tearing out walls I suggested, and buying equipment, etc. Within 10 days, it became obvious that they weren't interested in having a nice place to eat a great meal,..they merely wanted to offer more varieties of Crap to sell to the same gangster wannabe trash that had ruined thier business' name in the first place. They also weren't used to having someone tell them what needed done, and certainly didn't understand who I was, and what I did for a living. I quit under reasonably good terms, so as not to leave any new enemies behind. I have few regrets about quiting the other job, and am now trying to get my outdoors cafe set up and running for the year.

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 5:50 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 17 March 2004 5:52 PM EST
Sunday, 30 November 2003

3 Months Later

Hi folks ! It's " Shopping Weekend" in America. That legendary weekend following Thanksgiving, when we begin our annual frenzy of purchasing our way into debt for the approaching new year.

I've been a little neglectful of my blog, and all my other web pages, due to a new job I began in late October. Yes, against all odds, and in contrevention of promises made to myself to never work for anyone else again, I took a job, working for a civilian contractor at Grissom Air Reserve Base.

The job is like a total immersion class in school. It's 33 hours of intense labor, packed into one weekend. Very little of that time is spent cooking, as our crew only prepares the foods on one weekend of the two we work each month. I often feel like I'm back in the service, because we work for and with the military.

The really odd part of this gig, is that I enjoy it !, and really like the people I'm working for and with. I have to go 'into training' for a week prior to each working weekend, because it is hard for me to get my 56 year old ass out of bed ,and on the job at 5:00AM, and work until 6 or 7 at night, but I'm doing it, and enjoying it too, though how long that lasts is based on the companie's ability to raise my pay scale in porportion to the responsibility I assume for thier success.

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 10:18 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 30 November 2003 10:24 AM EST
Saturday, 6 September 2003
One Week Later

Well folks, here it is, a week later. The Hog Roast came off well, and the wedding reception was a fun event.
The Guest's, and thier guests loved the Barbequed Pork, and the carved roast pork. The bride's family and friends did all the other foods, and they helped me keep the food line stocked, and that was greatly appreciated by my tired self. I'm going to attempt to post some pictures of the meat, which I've never done on a Blog before, stand by, and we'll see if I can do it !

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 1:41 PM EDT
Saturday, 30 August 2003

First Entry

Hello !, and welcome to my Blog. It's Labor Day weekend, and I'm roasting a 200 pound hog for some friend's wedding. I'm having trouble keeping the cooker closed, because the meat smells so damn good, that I keep wanting to look at it, but everytime I open the lid, I lose heat, and slow down the process.
So,...I'm starting my first blog, and this should distract me for sufficient time to allow the Hawg to cook at a faster rate.

Posted by treymorgan_3 at 11:08 AM EDT

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