What can I say? It was fun writing stories for the Tomb of Simorp (while I
writing anyways), and I'd like to give a big 'thank you' to Scratch for
starting this whole thing, Tanuvein, Nollidj, and Oyarsa for contributing, and
to you, the reader, for suffering through my writing. This is going to be my
last story for awhile, and it's not really intended for any purpose other than
to get something I thought of into a text file.
(An unknown number of years after the events of the Tomb of Simorp)
(Late evening)
He staggered into his rented room, soaked and even more tired than before,
sat down on the side of his bed. Loosening his backpack, he reached in and
pulled out a bottle of liquor. He was not normally more than a social drinker,
but now, more than anything, he wanted... no, he needed to cloud his mind with
alcohol, to escape the near-constant visions of the horrors he had seen... and
the horrors that he had had a hand in creating.
Shivering, and not just from his damp clothes, he unscrewed the cap, and put
bottle to his lips. The liquor was sharp and bitter, but he swallowed it anyway.
As he drank, he couldn't help but reflect on the events that ultimately led
to this, so many years ago.
I was a different person back then...
He had gone with that expedition to the tomb, expecting adventure, glory, and,
of course, money. He got all that in spades, but at a staggering cost. So many
friends and comrades, most of which he had not known for more than a few days,
had fallen; their faces still fresh in his mind. Death seemed to surround the
whole expedition, everywhere they went.
And when the lich finally fell, it wasn't the end...
It was only the beginning...
He was transformed... into what, he didn't know anymore, and the only person
knew was in no position to elaborate... not that he would have before...
How many years... at the beck and call of a megalomaniac, worshipping him as
living god, living and dying at his command...
Another chill ran through him, and yet again, the memories of what he had seen
and done haunted him. He took another swig from the liquor bottle, capped it,
and put it aside.
No... mere liquor isn't going to do... there's only one way, only one chance
His hand went to his side as he drew his revolver. Opening the cylinder, he
that it was still loaded. Good. He took a deep breath, and the revolver made
deathly-clear *click* as he cocked the hammer.
He brought his hand up and pressed the muzzle against his temple.
May I find the peace in death, that I was denied in life...
As his finger moved to pull the trigger, his hand suddenly went stiff, and
started shaking uncontrollably, as his grip slowly, inexorably loosened on the
pistol, as though of its own volition... No.... Finally, his hand had forced
itself completely open, and the gun fell to the ground, harmlessly discharging
the bullet that was supposed to send him to his fate...
Even from beyond this world, he continues to torment me...
Cradling his head in his hands, he did something that he thought himself to
completely incapable of.
He wept.
Well, that's it! I hope you all enjoyed it!
Back to PS:T for me (need to find Mar and give him a good butt kicking)
- VT
nollidj * Ghent's final words (for now) *
Standing over the once-frenzied battlefield, Ghent looked over the plains.
would hld iold history one day. He knew it to be so. Strewn across the field
like so many discarded belongings were comrades. At one time he had claimed
allegiance to one side... now it was to another.
The single remaining arachnid stood behind Ghent, silent except for a small
purring noise coming from within its rtificial chest cavity.
Where is Simorp?
Beyond my reach.
The question and subsequent answer pounded into Ghent's mind. Images flashed
before him... there were friends and family never appreciated, never known,
until they were destroyed. There was a people whose story needed to be told.
There was a flash of auburn hair and a glimpse of a saddened face, one that
been hated, loved, and then lost.
Simorp had given him power. Now Ghent needed simple information.
But the Lich was dead. The gods she had served were not and would not be, but
the lives humans are almost despairingly short. Ghent needed to know, and he
needed to find why the Trai'Shan had destroyed Patrya and the Tribus. The desire
burned within him just as the need for power once had...
And still did. Vengeance and power buzzed through Ghent's veins, and with a
bestial scream of rage he turned to the arachnid he had once created and hurled
a lightning bolt at it from the staff he carried, creating a brilliant flash
light as enormous quantities of energy leapt to melt and twist metal together.
The arachnid's remains lay in a slag heap. Small blue fires skittled across
surface, and Ghent gazed at it with glassy eyes, watching the metal dull as
cooled in the setting sun.
He then looked down at the staff and smiled.
Within the modified charge coupling on it was energy captured from the Magick
engine. It was a small, self-sufficient process that used improbabilities to
guess how Magick and technology would interact, and it turned the usually
destructive explosions into a channeled, useful energy.
What of my people? What of my race? What of me?
Ghent turned squinted eyes towards the sunset, and tears began to collect in
Not again... I need them. As much as I might deny it, I need them. And Amberle,
whom I have loved, may the day come again when I may join you.
The years of searching... the loneliness and knowledge of what was lost...
knowledge of the futility of finding home...
Simorp had taken three years to sniff out. Three years were a long time when
were a human.
Ghent turned his back on the sun and walked past the burned metal of the
arachnid. Power, yes, but fulfillment?
One day. Whatever it would take.
Ghent walked into the shadows and towards the Tomb of Simorp. Answers might
And, there was power.
Character roster:
Dr. Renor Firebrand, Dwarf, Master Tech
Dr. Johsirus Monti, Half-Elf, Master Mage
Tim & Jim, two slow (slightly thick) Orc bodyguards
Mr. Perinio Nostrimani, Half-Orc of noble heart
Master Hamfast, Halfling, Tech inclined
Miss Jacinta Rist, of the house of Scratch, Mage inclined
Narrator: Dr. Firebrand
The party set out from the offices of Dodgey Brothers, after a minor altercation
between Jacinta and myself over the need to have the Orcs Tim and Jim along
the party. She can't seem to understand the need for them; well I'm sure she
will learn.
As the party departed Scratch was seen to have kissed Jacinta farewell (as
blushed with embarrassment), and hand to myself and Dr. Monti some sealed orders
and Letters for which the expedition was planned. Oh and Scratch asked me to
remember to take care of Master Hamfast, who was to be picked up on the road
near the Buckland vineyards.
The travel out of South Tarant was as usual laborious, with endless hawkers
street shops cluttering the main road but towards 10am we finally managed to
extract ourselves from the turmoil and venture out into the ring road which
circles Tarant as a whole, and head North.
Travelling in such a small group as ours we had packed the usual "insurance"
had been supplied with some EXTRA help from the vaults of Dodgey Brothers (I
think to ensure young Miss Jacinta's continued health).
Of course Tim and Jim where their usual bright selves and carried the bulk
the heavy equipment as well as the usual Heavy Hammer and LARGE axe that where
their trademark.
About 4pm we finally made the North Road and travel picked up. Dr. Monti was
very restless as the evening drew near so we camped at Point Lux crossing, near
the old tree that lays rotting there, thus providing a ready supply of fire
and a leaning post.
I volunteered to be first watch, with Tim and Jim being second and third, with
Dr. Monti asleep, regaining his vigour, in case it was needed urgently. Of
course nothing much happened our first night so close to Tarant.
We woke up at dawn with the smell of fresh game over a slow fire wafting through
the air. It seems that Jim had taken upon himself to get fresh meat from the
nearby rabbit colony.
The roast rabbit was very refreshing, seasoned with some herbs that Hamfast's
father had sent to Scratch, which he had thoughtfully added to our supplies
the usual "FIELD TEST" items.
I have never had such an economical employer (some may say closed fisted),
never have I been on a mission ill equipped or short of funds, yet he still
managed to get the most out of our adventures. Take the current one: somehow
seems to have combined a simple trade mission with, Training for a prospective
clients son, Field testing of some new product lines, Education for daughter,
and finally Teaming of MAGE and TECH to test out his theory that both may be
needed in the coming conflicts (which have already started to plague our fair
After a sumptuous breakfast of eggs, rabbit (with herbs) and fruit, we packed
our belongings and, flanked by Tim and Jim, once again headed off towards our
Around noon we spied a small party waiting on the road near the Buckland estate
(quite impressive I must say). Unfortunately for me my employer had not
budgeted for our spending much time at this restful spot, and young Hamfast
as eager as the rest of the party to continue. So, adding his meagre
possessions to our pack animals, we journeyed on.
We finally stopped for lunch at Creeks Hollow some 40 miles from the Buckland's
estate where young Hamfast produced from his luggage an ample supply of herbs,
spices and a bottle of Mountain Delight, which we sampled, a mere taste, to
down the meal of cheese, fruits and cram (not the dwarf cram, but a lesser one,
for small bellies and habits).
After lunch we set off again hoping to reach the town of Vanstrel, on the road
to Stillwater. Fortunately we made it before dark, unfortunately for us this
not unadventurous.
About 2 hours before dark Dr. Monti notice a pack of Dire wolves prowling on
edge of his vision, and both Tim and Jim smelt something strange in the air,
if the scent was being wafted in our direction.
After some moments of discomfort both Johsirus and I decided that we should
stand our ground where we were so slowly (so as not to disturb or shadowers)
unlimbered our weapons and placed our animals within our protective circle.
All of a sudden there was a scream that rent the air and the Dire wolves
I unlimbered my pistol, and passing a small revolver to Hamfast aimed at the
nearest beast, while both Johsirus and Jacinta muttered under their breath.
and Jim just waded into the midst of the animals while Perinio stationed himself
between Jacinta and danger (I noticed his careful way, to ensure the young Miss
was not aware of his endeavours to protect her at all costs).
Suddenly a firewall erupted between us and the animals escape route, while
could just see a slight glowing emanation from Johsirus' sword and Jacinta's
I fired and missed a creature as it leapt for my throat, yet it was knocked
aside as Hamfast slammed it with short axe from behind.
Tim and Jim's endeavours seam to be paying dividends, as the action became
fast to record accurately.
Let me say now that without Dr. Monti I believe that we would have been at
heavily wounded by the attack, as at the end we counted 15 beasts. And this
course is most unusual for their pack mentality dose not lend itself to large
group attacks.
Finally the brief attack over we recuperated, gee up the animals and headed
town, (after marking the spot on one of our Maps that our employer had supplied)
so as to be able to check the area later for a den during daylight hours.
Arriving at Vanstrel we bedded down at the Rust Spike (a mediocre establishment)
for the night.
I have decided to commence young Hamfast's tuition today. On Scratch's
instructions I am to assess his skills and teach him the basics and fundamentals
of Weapons and other Tech disciplines.
We left the Rust Spike at around 10, after securing our belongings in one of
rooms. Dr. Monti and Jacinta were see to spend some time together speaking to
each other, after which the room's doors and windows could be seen to glow
We headed back to last night's location and started searching (my employer
always had given explicit instructions to investigate unusual incidents, unless
the party is in dire danger). After about an hour Tim smelled the scent towards
the west, so armed ready for action we headed intothe forest.
We traveled for about 10 minutes till Dr. Monti saw some caves in the distance
through the trees, whereupon we headed straight for them.
Taking my new "Porta lights" from my pack I handed one to Hamfast
and held one
myself, with my other hand I held my trusty pistol, while Tim & Jim reached
their usual weapons and Johsirus and Jacinta armed themselves and cast Light
We entered the caves causally and as always Tim led followed by Johsirus, then
Hamfast (who had volunteered for this position), followed by myself, then
Jacinta and faithful Perinio with Jim last but not least.
As we entered the caves we noticed that they spread out in may directions.
signaled a stop and I withdrew my "Magic decrement device" and scanned
the area,
while Johsirus looked for traps and Jacinta renewed her light spell (she doesn't
seam to have that one quite down yet, I must mention that to Johsirus).
We edged forward and had to cover our noses to repel the stench that was
emanating from the eastern passage. I signaled a stop and withdrew some "Odour
of forest" applicant from my pack, which I proceeded to share with my
companions. I watched as even the mages applied small marks of the substance
directly under their noses (of course both Tim and Jim refused the offer,
something about "deadening the senses").
Changing our order slightly so that the young ones where behind we entered
passage. Creeping forward we came upon the decomposing remains of Orcs, Humans
and wild animals.
Both Jacinta & Hamfast were sickened by the sight (I believe this may be
first time they have seen something like this).
Johsirus motioned to Jim and he carefully and reverently checked the remains
traps as Johsirus checked for magic, and I checked for Tech traps. Luckily for
us there were none so Tim and Jim removed the corpses and took them out to the
main passage for decent burial later. After their removal we found the usual
items, some coin, a ring or two and weapons, as well as a well-worn document
folder, which we placed into Tim's backpack.
Continuing down the passage we eventually found the source of the smell.
I can only describe the mess as animal of some sort, large, obviously dead
weeks, slowly rotting into the soil. Definitely a wyvern, or Dragonus reptilian,
couldn't tell how it died but seeing the mess it was in obviously the Dire
wolves where feeding from its corps, and I doubt that they killed it. Obviously
the wolves had smelled the decaying of this once formidable enemy and where
enjoying its demise (in full).
The smell was overpowering and both Dr. Monti and I decide that if we left
it would only attract further trouble to the area. So having decided to destroy
the remains we were left with the question of how to do it.
It was at this point Jacinta amused us all by saying, "Surely we should
look for
its treasure before we do anything."
Unfortunately both Johsirus and I laughed before we could stop ourselves and
was left to Perinio to explain that the legends of Dragon wealth where just
that, and that usually the only wealth found was that from the bones of those
unfortunate enough to fall pray to its hunger. Still to please her we did search
the rest of the cave's passages and found only a few more coins and very old
After some more discussion it was decided to close the entrance to the caves
(which I might add provided an opportunity for me to show Hamfast the power
explosives) so returning to the entrance with the bodies, (which Tim and Jim
buried), I set one batch of explosives and supervised Hamfast while he set
Moving to a safe distance we ignited the wicks using Jacinta's new Fire spell,
and then watched the satisfying explosion as the cave mouth collapsed in upon
itself, leaving nothing but rubble 'round where the cave had been.
Satisfied with our day's work we headed back to the Rusty Spike to refresh
Upon our return Dr. Monti opened our door and fetched the message encoder,
whereupon I encoded a message to our employer about today's exploits and affixed
it to our carrier bird, and let it loose.
I have to say I will not stay at this place again, the food is bland, the beds
too soft and the landlady meager in her drinks. If it had not been for our
youngsters I do believe that we would have slept out last night (perhaps for
Jacinta's sake last night was worth it, she seems to have had trouble with bad
dreams, visions and memories of death).
Mr. Nostrimani came to me this morning and handed me a sealed note from Scratch.
Dear Firebrand and Dear Monti,
As you know I have sent my daughter with you on this mission. I have many
reasons for sending her, some of which can be summed up by my telling you that
she needs to see real life, and to grow up in some of her ideas.
I have entrusted her safety to the bearer of this letter, and I would trust
with my life, as I trust Tim.
I ask that you extend to him your vast skills, knowledge and counsel, as I
that your advice may serve to help my beloved Jacinta through some of the
tougher times you may encounter.
Finally friends I ask that you also look after young Hamfast, as I would hate
have to tell his father any sad news.
I would also reiterate that you are at liberty to explore any likely adventure
as long as the Letters are delivered by the 9th of New moon, which should give
you plenty of time to "Field Test" the items I gave you, and train
your charges.
Yours truly, Scratch.
I read the note and looked at him waiting.
"Scratch said I was to talk to you if the young Miss had problems,"
he said
I nodded. "Yesterday seems to have had an impact on her, she was awake
all last
night, dreams and such."
Again I nodded. "Do you have anything for her headache?" Motioning
him to sit
I quickly prepared a potion from the ingredients in my pack, and handed the
result to him, "Tell her to take this with water," I said. He nodded
and left.
About 9 we left the Rust Spike and continued on our way. At noon we rested
the creek and as Jim made lunch Dr. Monti examined the goods found yesterday.
While he examined the folder I spent time instructing young Hamfast in pistol
maintenance and assembly and indicated to him that "At the next opportunity
had, we would get him some parts to experiment on."
The document folder proved to the most interesting as it contained some
schematics for a Teslar Rifle, with multiple attacks and quick recharge time,
well as some other undecipherable papers. After a leisurely lunch Johsirus and
Jacinta practiced while we cleaned camp and repacked the supplies.
It was then that I noticed the weevils in the food mix; it seems that our last
stop had left us a present. Opening the rest of the bags proved that our
supplies where all tainted and that we would have to divert to one of the nearby
mountain villages to obtain fresh items.
Mr. Nostrimani then pointed out that we were only 1 day from South Hillvale,
that one of our employer's trading partners was there, so perhaps that was a
better choice, as it was only 1/2 a day out of the way of our objective. After
some discussion we all agreed and headed towards South Hillvale.
That night we posted guards, with Tim and Jim having the night off, and Hamfast
with Jacinta watching together, so as to also watch each other. Again the night
was relatively peaceful as the fire was large and we regularly added more fuel.
On our way to South Hillvale we came across small trouble in the shape of mantis
bugs, about 30 of them crossed our path 'round noon', from the East.
They attacked looking to eat whatever they could, and where shortly dispatched
by our company. This attack seems to have strengthened both Jacinta and Hamfast,
as they now seem more capable, but naturally battle helps harden one.
After that the trip was uneventful till we reached South Hillvale, where Hamfast
remembering that I had told him we would get him some parts to experiment with
at our next stop (which should have been White Hills), he was eager to see what
was available.
Following Perinio's lead we ended up on Winnen Road outside a smallish grey
building. Stepping inside we where astounded at the variety of goods on display:
food from all quarters, books, papers, tools of all shapes and descriptions,
ammunition for various weapons, swords, bows, arrows, staffs, axes, as well
watches, clocks, various batteries, Fuel and other Tech goods.
And of course Hamfast was straight to the parts table, I wandered over to the
weapons racks and examined his selection, while Monti examined the arcane books,
and Tim and Jim selected foods and containers for our journey.
Oh, it must have been an hour later when we finally had had our fill of the
shop, and I could see why my employer had dealings with this Master Trader.
Hamfast had found the most excellent parts (well beyond his meager means),
he was eagerly showing them to me when I noticed that I too could not afford
them (being made of forged steel and with the finest springs and bolts).
I motioned to him that I would not purchase them and said,
"Let us try to find something less grand for your first attempt,"
to which he
replied, with that look on his face,
"These seams good parts why not use them?" I shook my head no and
said, "One
must start small, and learn the trade before you can make a masterpiece."
Dejected he put the parts back and we settled on some lesser value goods (which
in my opinion would still make a fine weapon), and our purchases complete we
paid for the goods and with our fresh supplies headed back down the path to
turn off to White Hills, sleeping that night at Fork Road Junction.
Here I showed Hamfast the methods of construction which (I hope) will see him
start down the road to being a competent Gunsmith, for which he shows promise.
After spending 3 hours teaching the lad he was able to assemble and disassemble
the small pistol I keep for such purposes (as a training weapon) with ease,
handing him some tools and the parts we obtained in South Hillvale we proceeded
to construct (from first principles) a weapon suitable to be Hamfast's first.
The day passed with ease and we made White Hills in leisurely style, Jacinta
practicing her newfound knowledge and Hamfast was testing the new barrel and
assembly we made together last night.
The night at White Hills was all I'm used to, Fine food, wine and company.
Tomorrow we venture off into the true wilderness of the Deserts, forests and
byways of Inner Arcanum on our way to Stillwater (although our stop is before
that far off place).
Tomorrow is the last chance for 6 days to get foods and resupply in general,
I expect to be occupied with these tasks. We (both myself and Dr. Monti) have
recommended an excellent teacher here in White hills train our charges in
Stealth, Trap find and (if time allows) Trap set, so as to round off their
hunting skills which should prove useful in the coming days.
Spent the day readying our young charges, with instruction and training in
craft as well as readying the pack animals, seeing to minor business details
generally resting up.
If we had been without Jacinta I believe we would have departed today, but
Mr. Nostrimani's insistence (along with a quiet word from Dr. Monti) we delayed
to "better equip."
No doubt that Miss Jacinta needed the time, it seems she's had trouble with
of her mage law, but the problem is now fixed (I'm assured) so the day was not
wasted, as it also gave me a chance to examine Hamfast's work and give him some
finer points on weapon loads and ammunition types.
We set off early morning after a breakfast of eggs, bacon, tea, bread (with
cheese) and something-called 'Cereal', which my employer wishes to trial (tastes
like cardboard, but appears to be made of wheat, and with milk and sugar is
ok.... Just... ).
Midday saw us in the plains heading towards the outcropping of trees on the
of the river that leads (eventually) to the Island of Despair. We stopped for
lunch and ate sparingly as storm clouds were gathering from east.
In the afternoon we reached the first ford and crossed the still high river
be confronted by a single Rage lion (the first I've seen for about 20 years).
It took us nearly an hour to track down the beast and kill it after it was
wounded from our initial conflict.
During this time we studied Jacinta's and Hamfast tracking stills and realized
the monies had been well spent back in White Hills.
We stopped for the night on a rise to the hilltop and posted the usual watch.
I have to say now that I forgive Hamfast his acts, although we have had strong
words together over the matter and although I still feel the pain of the injury,
Dr. Monti and Jacinta have healed me completely.
I will set the matter out in full so as to better explain why young Hamfast
not in as much trouble as he could have been.
The day started well and our journeys where uninterrupted till lunch when we
passed by some small stand of trees, near one of the hills to our west. Heading
into the trees we stopped for lunch and both Tim and Jim went hunting, along
with Jacinta and Perinio (her ever-present shadow).
I settled down for a quick nap while Dr. Monti pondered the documents (still
undeciphered) we had found in the wyvern's cave. About ten minutes into the
a glint of sun shone on my face waking me, to a sight I will remember for some
There was Hamfast waving a new pistol in the air (like a great galoot). It
made of the finest forged steel with the finest springs and bolts steel. I
looked and gasped; it could only have been made from the parts that I had told
him to return in South Hillvale.
"Put that down you ruffian!" I said quite strongly (I must admit).
"Look what I
have made," replied Hamfast joyfully, "It's a marvel isn't it?"
"Put that weapon down I say before you hurt someone," I continued,
but to no
avail; he continued to wave his new prize around.
It was at this point that the hunting party returned, and thinking we must
under attack (as weapons were drawn), they flung themselves to protect our
charges (Tim and Jim that is).
Whereupon Hamfast's weapon discharged (due to a fault in its construction which
I later corrected), and the projectile struck my right ear, sending pieces of
flying off into the nearby bushes.
The projectile of course, continued on its course, narrowly missing Dr. Monti
(who deflected it with a wave of his hand), whereupon it sped off into the
bushes to wound a passing animal (which out of mercy we later tracked and
The blood flowed freely from my head and the defining noise momentarily stunned
me (and caused some loss of hearing for the next few days).
The sound of the shot brought Hamfast to his senses, as he quickly dropped
weapon and confessed his stupidity to the assembled party. Meanwhile Dr. Monti
and Jacinta ran for my unconscious body (this part was related to me by the
Dr.), whereupon Jacinta (who had been having difficult with the healing arts)
quickly reached within her self and stopped the flow of blood with just one
word. Dr. Monti (quite impressed) helped her complete the art and sealed the
wound, leaving me missing only the top part of my ear as a permanent reminder
the incident.
Hamfast was mortified; not only had he injured his tutor, he had carelessly
injured the party, (for I was out of action for 3 hours). Tim and Jim set off
after the injured animal (its cries still being heard throughout the area) to
at least silence the beast.
After I woke, (I think that this may lead to a new weapon of STUN), both Monti
and I questioned Hamfast as to the means by which he had obtained his parts.
After some time (and a little tear) he confessed to a momentary lapse of
character, and to taking the parts. Needless to say both of us impressed upon
him the foolishness of his actions as well as the harm it may have caused my
employer (currently his employer).
I examined his weapon and noticed the flaw immediately...(unfortunately I was
NOT in the mood to correct Hamfast) so the weapon was confiscated and placed
into our travel luggage (under seal).
Hamfast was quiet.. but eventually said, "How stupid can I be, I'm sorry,
cannot say how sorry I am.. really." To which I could not think of a reply
the time.
Eventually Tim and Jim returned with the animal (which to our amusement turned
out to be a Siren Spider). It seems that Hamfast weapon had caught it just at
the time it was readying to strike out at its prey. Not only that but they had
discovered an unusual rock formation only 2 miles to the west that they thought
was worth investigating.
So after some thought, we marked the location on a map and continued our journey
to fulfill my employer's tasks.
NOTE: If time permits on the return journey we will investigate the formation.
DAY 10
We ran into no troubles today and made good time. The only thing of note is
Hamfast seems unable to meet my gaze, and Jacinta's stopped talking to him...
this continues our party will suffer.
DAY 11
I have forgiven Hamfast and have told him so in the presence of all. NOW he
to forgive himself.
I decided to forgive him as I remembered some of the rash acts that I committed
in my youth, I also had a quiet word with Jacinta and she said she understood
and will forgive him too.
This did lighten the load on our group, but not unfortunately on young Hamfast,
as he has only to see my ear, and he cannot look at me for ages.
DAY 12
Only 3 days form our goal and the party has settled down again, although Hamfast
still lingers on the edge of the party (which today proved useful).
Around 4 ish, as we were just about to make camp on the plains Jim discovered
unusual tracks heading off in the general direction we were heading, which after
closer examination these proved to be the tracks of the greater dune Scorpion.
Knowing these beast as I/we do both, Dr. Monti and I decided to hunt them, first
to give our young friends more combat experience and second, they are dread
beasts that they should never be left free if found.
Tracking them was difficult, as you know; they can travel underground and have
been known to lay traps for the unwary in this manner.
Carefully we tracked them for hours 'til finally we sighted them near the
streambed (no doubt a favourite place to get prey). After much discussion we
decided to team the youngsters with Tim, Jim and Perinio, with myself and Dr.
Monti as the second team. This will allow them the freedom to practice there
skills, along with the protection of solid of dependable fighters and will also
allow both the Dr. and myself to see if we can work in concert with each other.
We approached the streambed from the north and south in a timed attack, to
surprised by an eruption form the sand on the west, where two adults broke the
Immediately the Dr. and I realised the situation and attacked them first,
leaving the others the task of intercepting what remained. I fired my pistols
and cut off the tail of the lead adult as Johsirus charmed the other beast.
I fired again and hit the creature's carapace, where the round bounced off,
meanwhile Johsirus' charmed beast turned on its mate and attacked. Over my
shoulder I noticed that the others where deep into the battle. I fired again
managed to strike the beast in its left eye, while its former mate struck with
its stinger right through the main shell.
The scream of a dying scorpion is hard to describe, but I would say it like
high-pitched scream of a lobster (as you throw it into the cooking pot) and
someone running their long nails over the chalkboard at school.
I left the dying beast and ran to assist our charges while Johsirus directed
charmed animal to start attacking the remaining animals.
As I got closer I notice four Jacintas and until one moved, was unable to
determine which was the real one. Her long arms whirled with unusual speed as
she hit the leading juvenile beast with a blow from her clenched fist, knocking
it backwards with the force of the hit. Hamfast's short knife was working
overtime as he dodged between the claws of a nearby beast, stabbing in and out
so quickly I almost missed the blow.
(The fight lasted about 3 minutes at the most, however I have discovered that
is always, mostly impossible to remember it all, as ones concentration is on
self-preservation, and survival, not on accurate notes for posterity.)
Suffice it to say only Jim was injured, that being minor and quickly treated
After the battle ended I extracted (from Tim's pack) one of our employer's
devices, a portable gold detector, and passing it over the grounds of the
underground lair we were able to find it and dig it out netting the party 6
gold, 40 bronze and 20 silver, as well as 2 very rusty short swords and a long
spear with a Dragon's head motive carved into the ebony-laminated shaft.
Dr Monti informs me that the spear is from the Elven horde of Clanstine, (not
that valuable as they were made for the royal guards en masse), but unusual,
more so way out here (another mystery).
We headed back towards Stillwater and although tired, posted a night guard,
Hamfast and Tim.
DAY 13
Nothing of interest passed today, except that we are beginning to run low on
food, Tim hunts and Jim keeps saying his arm still hurts. Johsirus will look
it tomorrow if he continues.
DAY 14
Finally the outskirts of Lower Cragfast (our destination), and Jim was right
complain; it seems that one of the beasts had managed to leave its one of its
spikelets in his arm... (very tiny though it was). Johsirus found it in the
light of day.
We will deliver the Letters and documents this afternoon after bedding down
the Loyal Toast Inn, where they have fine food and ale, enough even to satisfy
my current needs.
We left the young ones at the Inn and made contact with our goal, where we
received news that Scratch has allowed us only 14 days for the return journey,
not the original 20 as had been arranged. It seems that he will return early
form his holidays and new business requires our services to the east, where
talents will be used to the fullest.
New contracts in hand, and the rest of the day to ourselves, we returned to
Inn and feasted, having decided that we would only rest for tomorrow before
leaving, as we wanted to investigate that rock formation we found.
DAY 15
We rested today and spent most of it leisurely walking 'round town, trying
and that at the fruit stalls (taking the best for our supplies and return
DAY 16
Set off for home and the unusual outcrop, nothing unusual happened.
Hamfast came to me after the others were asleep and we had a serious chat about
the issues. He left in a better frame of mind, knowing all was forgiven, BUT
having promised me he would (in future) invest my wisdom and advice with greater
DAY 17
Hamfast has apologised to the party again, and been forgiven again, but this
time he's joining into our discussions and debates, with almost the same
eagerness he did at first.
I also spent this afternoon showing him the faults with his weapon and
correcting them, however I reminded him that at this moment the property was
merely on loan to him, 'til arrangements could be made.
DAY 18
Another day, another opportunity to work together. Along the way today we (that
is Johsirus and myself), taught our charges more in their field of endeavour
including tracking, concealment and weapons handling.
Not surprisingly Perinio turned out to be skilled in martial arts; it seems
favours neither Technology of magic and instead relies upon his skills in
stealth and hand weapons to protect himself and his friends.
We (of course) had seen him using a whip and dagger before, but as we were
teaching our charges, he offered to act as hunted if our charges needed practice
in tracking. So making a game of it we set about tracking him.
It was not till lunch that they, Hamfast and Jacinta, finally managed to catch
Perinio and corner him. I do believe that he may be a Master in his field, at
the very least he has sufficiently impressed both Johsirus and myself that we
have asked him to explain certain parts of his skills (as we do ours), more
fully so as to enable us to better use these valuable talents.
DAY 19
We spent today with Perinio as the lecturer, and a fine day it was, I believe
that we have not had better amusement in ages. His method of training was shear
practicality in itself.
He would chose an animal (to become), show how its tracks were made, proceed
take whatever steps were necessary to duplicate its track, then show how to
that track while covering his own. He would then challenge each of us to
duplicate his efforts.
I spent all afternoon trying to duplicate elephant tracks, for although these
great beasts may seem huge they are delicate in their passing, and only leave
signs of their passing in trees and on very soft ground.
Such fun, Johsirus left tiger tracks, Jacinta and Hamfast wolves' tracks (being
pack animals), while Perinio created the most realistic Manti and Scorpion track
we had seen (apart from the actual beast that is).
At dinner we laughed and discussed the day. Tomorrow we will arrive in the
of the outcrop, so tonight we prepare. Johsirus has taught Jacinta a new spell,
while I have showed Hamfast the quickest way to reload weapons in combat.
DAY 20
We finally arrived at the location marked on the map for the rocky outcrop
Jim and Tim found. After searching the area exhaustively and investigating
the stones themselves we were able to discern a strange script on one of the
main stones.
Dr. Monti examined the stones and so did I (for traps), and finding none we
pulled the crowbars from the pack animals and proceeded to remove the capstone
(upon which the script was found). We managed to move the stone enough to
ascertain that it leads down into the earth, through a natural cavern entrance.
After the discovery we discussed our plans and decided that we had 3 days to
explore the discovery before we must head home, all were in agreement so camp
was struck. Wards where placed and spells spoken to ensure the safety of the
camp, the animals were set to wander within the confines of the wards (where
enough food for one day was placed), and possessions were secured against
passing scavengers (high in the nearby trees).
After this equipment was drawn, I took both pistols, my Porto-helmet-lantern,
short sword, my mechanical arachnids, flares, 2 days Cram, water, rope, pack,
magic-detector, Lock pick set, crowbars and the usual daggers. Hamfast took
along with the new pistol, a porta light, pack, tools (various), flares, 2 days
Cram, water, rope, and other essentials.
The Orcs carried other equipment, including, bags, batteries, ammunition and
spare food and water, as well as weapons while Dr. Monti and Jacinta changed
into leather attire (Which I must admit was very fetching on Jacinta) and
carried sword, dagger, bow and other equipment.
Mr. Perinio changed into chain mail and carried the meanest looking flail,
and long swords I have ever seen, the swords remind me of something, but I just
can't put my hand on it. I will update the journal if I remember exactly what
We decided to team Jacinta with Perinio and myself while Hamfast, Jim and
Johsirus formed the other team. Tim was to act as back marker, while my team
went first followed by Johsirus'. This enabled both teams to search for magic
and Tech traps, devices and other things. I deployed the arachnid as the forward
scout, while its mate still traveled in a backpack that Perinio was carrying.
We entered the caves on the first day, to explore the area and determine the
extent of them, as well as their purpose. Nothing much for the first hour, a
rats and spiders but no major discoveries.
We where attacked about an hour ago by something I can only now describe as
"Granite Rats," having never see these creatures before we were unaware
they could blend in with the surrounding strata, and attack from ambush. They
attacked without warning, biting off the toe of Perinio, while swarming over
rest of the party, we were immediately on the defensive as the first shot I
glanced of the creature without any affect, while the fire spell sent them into
a frenzy.
I fired again and achieving the same results drew my short sword and daggers,
while Hamfast seeing my failure did the same. The arachnid performed superbly
while it was surrounded by 6 of the beasts that proceeded to attack its legs
Perinio's swords whirled thought the air becoming invisible with their speed;
Tim attacked those coming forms behind while Jim guarded Johsirus and Jacinta
they cast spell after spell at the creatures. When we had finally killed them
all, we counted 18 bodies, whose carcasses bled grey blood. Luckily our party
was little hurt and the toe was sealed for later full healing. We examined
the area from where the attack began and noticed the same script (this time
fully legible on the walls reaching to the ceiling).
Johsirus was able to translate about a 1/6th and what we could translate is
'Tomb, SIMORP, MAGE, final, until, forever.'
Neither Johsirus or myself have ever heard of Mage SIMORP, nor is there any
reference to him or a mage of that name in any literature that we can remember.
Obviously this tomb is well concealed for a reason, and its distance from any
major center, and off the beaten track indicates (in my opinion) that either
He/she was a major player in some forgotten past, or was concerned to keep
whatever secrets they had within their grasp even in death.
Leaving the obvious entry to the tomb alone we explored the rest of the natural
caves on this level.
Another attack by the rats, this time only 6, finished them easily this time
we knew better their weakness (water then fire), it seams that the temperature
differential CAN make them more accessible to being hit, for greater damage.
After this there were no more attacks today, but we did find the remains of
least 10 large bodies (obviously Orc), quite old... Nothing else.
We returned to the surface and decided to explore the tomb entrance (at least)
DAY 21 - 23
Today we will examine the entrance to the Tomb and explore what is behind the
We set off at about 8 to venture down to the door, not knowing how long it
take to discover a means of either bypassing it or opening it (without too much
damage to the door, a map of the first level is included below).
We found the door to be spiked shut, and warded with one or two minor spells,
which were easily vanquished, although removing the spike was the hardest part
of entry we were finally able to open it after about a hour of work.
The stench that emanated from the open door had to be smelled to be believed
once again we resorted to the balm under our noses to proceed.
The first passage was covered from floor to ceiling in arcane writings and
stretched down each side of passage to an ornate second door, which was also
covered in the same symbols.
This one proved easy to open. Upon entering we discovered an ornate carved
staircase descending into the bowels of the earth with regular doors off each
side, evenly spaced at about 10 meters from each other. It reminded me of my
dwarf mines back home, apart form the fact that they were definitely not
friendly in feel.
Deciding to examine the first door we opened it to reveal what had obviously
been some type of greeting area, as we could see the places on the wall carved
out to receive weapons, tunics and other traveler's paraphernalia.
Examining these niches we discovered a staff, elaborately carved with runes,
animals and other mystical symbols. Johsirus cast an identify spell and
proclaimed that the staff was definitely magical in nature and had 12 charges
remaining, but that was all he could tell, as the room was too full of magic
essence to read more.
We decided to leave the staff there for our return journey and marked its
location on the map that Hamfast was drawing.
Continuing down we came to another room, this time it had an enormous well
it, and casting a light spell into it we were able to ascertain that it reached
deep into the earth to draw its water.
Here we also found some small amount of armor, which although it was rusted,
prove valuable.
We continued the descent until the next room, which we open and entered, unaware
that spiders had taken this room for their own.
The first we knew was when one dropped from over the door onto Perinio back.
attempted to bite him but his armor was strong. We quickly dispatched these
pests and swept the room, where we discovered the lifeless husks of Granite
Rats, the insides of which had obviously been feeding the spiders.
In the far corner we found an egg sack which we proceeded to burn. After it
out we discovered some coin, another few live Rats bound in silken cord in an
alcove behind the now lifeless sack, and more Arcane writing.
We continued down the steps examining the rooms as we went.
Here what had obviously been food stores with more dead rats, there what could
only be described as a large storage area.
It was then that the Umberhulk attacked us. It lumbered out from the back of
the store room, its huge rocklike fists crunching one against the other as it
smashed its way towards us.
Taken aback we prepared ourselves and searching for its weak spot (under its
face near the center of its eyes), we attacked it from range.
Jacinta's bow sang sweetly as she notched arrow after arrow, all flying true
towards their target, I drew my pistol and released the mechanical arachnid,
while the rest of the party spread out offering our opponent as little a target
as possible.
It picked up some of the discarded wreck of whatever lay around and threw it
Jacinta, knocking her off her feet, while I took aim and shot it.
I admit that it was not my shot that killed it, Hamfast's new pistol provided
that, striking it squarely in the spot and penetrating deep into the creature,
it reached some critical area and the beast fell forward, shattering what
remained of the fittings in the room.
After this experience we proceeded with more caution, and it was just as well
did, for at the next door, spikes sprang out from the floor and ceiling, which
would have impaled whomever had been attempting to open it. Upon closer
examination the door was seen to be false. Thereafter we sent the arachnid to
each door first.
After some hours exploring each of the main entry rooms we reached an open
where we found the remains of torches, a fountain (with dried blood in it) and
what I could only describe as a lift type of device, leading down.
We descended the hole using the ropes we had, to arrive in another large cavern.
The minute we entered the area, however, we could see that the walls were
covered in the remains of books and other papers (now most of which had rotted
in the dampness that pervaded the whole area).
Again we were attacked, this time by Dire Rats, spiders and a salamander of
sort, one after the other they assailed us, and it was only through the combined
efforts of us all that we were able to repel them.
Searching the room we eventually found a scroll (glowing softly) in an alcove
behind glass. Johsirus carefully checked for traps and so did I. Finding none
lifted the glass, only to be darted by small needle like objects coming from
It took 3 hours to remove the objects from our bodies. When Jacinta examined
them (under light) she discovered the remains of a rare poison still on them,
can only suppose that the age of the poison is the reason we are still here
talk about it.
We decided to camp here, so as to enable the examination of the scroll and
recover form the exhaustion of our exploration. Round midnight we were woken
with an eerie sound - emanating from beyond the far door - warned we prepared
only to be attacked by a vampire.
How such a creature survived down here is beyond me, but it took all our wiles
and skills to kill the monster, and burn its corpse. Its attack was unexpected
and immediate, as it launched itself towards Johsirus. Perinio's whip deflecting
it at the last moment; it grazed Jim's arm with the blade it was carrying.
Jacinta cast Fire over the creature, but it merely hovered centimeters from
its body and did no damage. It was then that Perinio's swords removed its head,
its lifeless corpse drifted slowly to the floor. We had trouble regaining sleep
after that and set further wards to protect us.
(Although no light can be seen where we are but for our own created light)
After last night we are not sure that further exploration is safe without a
larger party. So after some discussion we have decided to return to the surface
and leave this place altogether, to return with a larger party at some later
For although our party is quite large, the adventure begins to take its toll
us. We will stick together with Tim as scout, Jim as tail man, and the rest
in-between and we will only explore within the areas already opened, including
the door from whence the vampire came.
Once entered we found a side passage and decided to explore it. We were fools
continue our discoveries, yet we were also unaware of our perils at the time.
Of course now we know that the 'DARK GODS' were worshiped in this place and
that SIMORP was one of the most devoted of followers.
We of course discovered the lair of the vampire, which we burnt scoured. Here
found a few rings, some gold and more rusted armor. So we continued to the next
closed door, from which an eerie glow could be seen emanating.
Opening it carefully we spied an altar, encrusted with skulls and bones, with
two large candles (half used). As we approached it (keeping a safe distance)
could see caked blood over all the articles that lay on the table, as well as
silver dagger and open book, which again was written in the same arcane script
we had seen throughout the tomb.
Not wishing to disturb the altar Johsirus cast an Identify spell.
(NOTE The next part is recorded after the events, which follow and contains
material which may cause anguish, fear and fright in some gentle readers)
*** AHHHHH.... The pain.. It beats down upon us all, Johsirus seems to have
triggered something. It comes in waves and drains our energies, sucking the
out of us. Tim and Jim were the only ones left unaffected by its initial
appearance. I can see it, so can the others, it wants to own us all, for us
surrender ourselves to it. It demands we give it our lives (which at the time
would gladly have done, had it not been for our trusty Orcs and Perinio, who
though affected faired better that us).
DARKNESS engulfed us, taking us into its realm.
I could hear the chanting, such foul words, with such power I had never heard
before. Johsirus began to chant to, so did Jacinta, they seemed the most
It began to fully materialise, when Perinio, Jim and Tim dragged us screaming
from the room, but not in enough time to avoid what it had been building up
A lesser daemon appeared and proceeded to attack us with its foulness, wounding
both Tim and Jim before Hamfast's shot struck it in the mid body and Perinio's
swords stuck its face.
We were just able to close the door before the creature within the room could
strike again. Weapons drawn we defended ourselves and somehow managed to
defeat the evil spawn.
However Jim and Tim are horribly wounded, and the rest of the party fairs little
We watched as the door to the room began to bulge outwards, knowing that what
was inside wanted out, when Johsirus recovered sufficiently to pull the scroll
we found out from its hiding place and read it.
Such terrible power bound up in such a small piece of parchment. Not only did
seal the door, but also we could hear screaming from within the room as lights
played over the runes on the door making them glow.
We left the area immediately and headed toward the main shaft, only to be
attacked by more spiders and Rats. They injured Jacinta and myself, as well
leaving Perinio's right hand bleeding from numerous bites.
I asked Johsirus what the parchment contained, all I got out of him was, "It
best you don't know my friend," and when pressed all he would say was,
"I need
to seek wiser minds on this matter."
We made the surface (retrieved the staff), not necessarily poorer (financially)
but definitely poorer in spirit, as Johsirus had finally said one word I had
hoped never to hear.
I will say little more on this subject as most can be read in my earlier
entries. All that matters is that we seal this place and leave the area as soon
as we can tomorrow.
DAY 24
We have left the accursed area, carrying our wounded with us, although Johsirus
and Jacinta applied all their skills to those two brave Orc lads, their injuries
still remain deep.
We have appointed Perinio chief scout, while Hamfast guards the injured and
Jacinta tends to their wounds.
Johsirus is also not well, the curse still plaguing him and I am helpless to
help him as my own wounds still worry me. My afterthought is that we should
never continued the exploration, but afterthought is always accurate and luckily
we lost no one.
We continue towards home with a heavy heart (after sealing the tomb once again).
We now hurry home, looking to each other for comfort and healing. Jacinta is
proving her worth; she has been tireless in her ministrations and gentle (yet
firm) regarding our manners and methods of travel. She ministers to all
undivided, as well as ensuring we eat.
DAY 25
Today we feel better; I believe that the light of day has restored us, in some
Johsirus has finally managed to identify the curse and remove it and
consequently his health returns in leaps and bounds.
Perinio has proved an excellent choice, as we ate fresh game for dinner last
night as well as lunch today.
Jim and Tim's injuries slowly heal, Johsirus believes that this also was part
the curse and hopes to be able to identify it.
If not he says that he knows someone called "Brother Nikko" who may
be able to
help in this matter (being more skilled in the matter of Gods and healing the
dark arts) than him. If all else fails we will stop in at the Brother's
monastery before we return home.
Tim keeps muttering in Orcish, which I fear none of us understand and we worry
that he may not recover. Jim is of the same vein and I fear that our little
party may lose them if we do not find a cure soon.
DAY 26
Hamfast left us today as we finally reached the boarders of the Buckland
I have bound him with an oath that he not discusses matters with his father,
especially the tomb, until Scratch can decide the matter. This seamed only
sensible, as the consequences for an unprepared assault on the tomb are too
to consider. However I have assured him that he will receive ample reward from
my employer regarding the matter, whether or not any further expeditions are
sent to the area.
We have decided that the only safe means of return to Tarant is to urgently
visit the Brother. So we will make a side trip today to gain his assistance.
I hope Johsirus is right, I would hate to lose their brave souls.
DAY 27
We arrived at the monastery to find it closed up, with a beautiful chant coming
from within.
Hearing this chant alone seamed to lift our injured companions out of their
dreams, back into the light. Johsirus went ahead and returned shortly with news:
yes the brothers would allow us entry and would endeavor to treat our injured.
It was only later that Johsirus told me that Brother Nikko had himself been
with some type of 'PIT' disease, causing minor outbreaks of purple blotches
cover his skin.
It seamed that he had been in the country tending to a village where his healing
arts were required, however he had worked himself so hard that he had caught
disease himself, and had only just returned to the monastery, to rest and await
the cure's ministrations.
We were attended by Brothers Nikko's abbot (who seamed to know Johsirus quite
After a half day in prayer he told us that the curse was indeed from the Dark
Gods, and that he understood it. He then set about (with his brothers), to pray
and beseech the greater Gods for healing. Meanwhile the Master of Herb law
applied certain poultices and mixtures to their wounds.
We were fed with simple, yet filling fare and ministered too gently and expertly
by the brothers deep into the night.
DAY 28
About midday I awoke to hear one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard.
I listened intently and realised that the brothers were offering thanks to the
gods for their gifts and assistance. I liken their songs to those I have heard
in the mines as a youth, filled with passion and purpose.
I left my chambers and found the Orcs awake and eating, (always a good sign).
fact they were so much better that this afternoon we will take our leave of
Brothers and return to our homeward journey.
Brother Nikko seams to be better and Johsirus spent about an hour in his
chambers. Although I know not what they discussed, Nikko was not at all pleased
by the conversation, which became obvious when Johsirus left his rooms, although
they did part friends with obvious affection.
I believe that Johsirus may have mentioned our "find" to him and
that this is
the matter that worries him.
DAY 29
Point Lux again and we camped at the same spot, a pleasant time, although Jim
and Tim are still recovering form their injuries. We made camp at sundown as
last rays of the sun crested the trees, we could see the reddish hue of the
lights of Tarant in the distance warming the night sky.
So near and yet we may still be troubled by adventures.
I grow tired of them sometimes (while I would never admit this to all), I find
the homeward trip to always be quicker than the outward.
Always the outward trip holds the unexpected (even if you know where you are
going, and have been there many time before), and the return trip is always
quicker (no matter how long it takes).
Personally I think there is magic unknown in travel itself that works these
tricks upon the mind.
DAY 30
Returned home today and made our way once again 'round the ring road and in
through the southern gate of Tarant. As always the hustle and bustle of the
markets lifted the spirits of the party as we all realised that soon we would
Arrived at 64-65 Orkish Road South Tarant at 4ish, three days late. Thankfully,
Scratch understood (especially when he finally understood the matter in its
Tomorrow we will have a meeting to discuss the travel in full, and I must
explain to Scratch the events that transpired regarding Hamfast, as well as
and Jim's injuries.