As you know, Trunks has all kinds of neat thingies that he uses in times of danger and stuff! So, yeah! Now, keep in mind I don't know the names of a lot of these things, the names are mostly made up ^^ This section will show you all of his weapons, ships, capsules, and even a bit on his fashion, so yeah! Here we go!
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The Watch
Yes, Trunks' fabulous watch! It has many uses! Not only does it tell you what time it is (wow!), but it can also predict the exact position a ship will land, and when it will. If that's not gratification, I don't know what is! You can kind of call this a mappy watchy teller thing....Yeah.... Invented By: Dr. Briefs Sr. |
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Yes, the amazing capsules from Capsule Corps. Well, not much there is to say about them, but you can basically keep things like ships or such in tiny compact capsules so they won't get stolen, and you can carry them around with you for convenience. These were actually invented years and years before Trunks' time, but I thought I should mention them. In the picture, you can't see he's got them, but he's reaching for them/putting them away. Yup. Invented By: Dr. Briefs Sr. |
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The Fridge
Battling baddies can make anyone thirsty! Lucky for Trunks, he keeps a capsule full of sodas when a time like that comes! Drink up, hero! Invented By: Dr. Briefs Sr./Dr. Bulma Briefs (unsure) |
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The Medicine
The whole reason Trunks made his first visit in the first place was to give Goku this miracle antidote that would save his life! Huzzah! With this, Goku was able to survive and help in the war against the androids, so this is VERY important. Invented By: Dr. ?
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The Sword
Not that! Get your mind out of the gutter, please ;) Anyway, yes, Trunks' sword. He only uses it when he has short hair, and I don't know why because it might of helped him against Cell. *Shrugs* Well, its been argued how he got the sword. Some say it was that Tapion guy, but others say that doesn't make sense because if that was so, he got that sword in the time line where Goku lives, and Mirai Trunks ISN'T from that time, so its all very complex to say who invented it -_- Invented By: ? We may never know... |
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The Jacket
Yes, the famous, trademark jacket. Here we see Trunks modeling the fabulous denim fabric. It is cut short around his torso, and the he keeps his collar up most of the time. Ah, and yes, the most important part of the jacket, the Capsule Corps. logo, bringing the present time line question when they meet. Invented By: Dr. Bulma Briefs? |
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Finally! The means of time transportation that Trunks uses, the Time Machine! He used it about 6 times, if my calculations are correct. This machine took a long time for Bulma to build, but it was worth it. At the end of the Trunks TV Special, you see Bulma engraved it a name that was rather symbolic and fitting, Hope. Great ship, it is. Invented By: Dr. Bulma Briefs |