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Here we call it "The Kiss", but his famous song Simarik really means "Spoilt"!


This article appeared in the mexican magazines Notas Musicales (April 7, 2000) and TV Notas (March 21, 2000). It is about the translation and some interesting facts about Simarik.


Notas Musicales
(April 7, 2000)
    TV Notas
(March 21, 2000)


Now, everyone knows who is Tarkan, and his famous song Simarik (that means "Spoilt" and not "The Kiss", as it is known in Mexico) has been danced from Turkey to Europe, Mexico and other Latin countries.

"I'm aware that the success of this song comes from its universality, I would really like the people to understand the meaning of my songs, in the future I want to sing in English", said the young singer, a star of pop music, during a short visit to Mexico City.

Nevertheless, many ask themselves what the song is about, so we interviewed a turkish woman, who translated it into Spanish.



(written by Sezen Aksu)

Takmış koluna elin adamını
Beni orta yerimden çatlatıyor
Ağzında sakızı şişirip şişirip
Arsız arsız patlatıyor

>>only in the long version<<
>>Belki de bu yüzden vuruldum
>>Sahibin olamadım ya
>>Siğar mi erkekliğe seni şımarık
>>Değişti mi bu dünya

>>Çekmiş kaşına gözüne sürme
>>Dudaklar kıpkırmızı kırıtıyor
>>Bi de karşıma geçmiş utanması yok
>>İnadıma inadıma sırıtıyor

Biz böyle mi gördük babamızdan
Ele güne rezil olduk
Yeni adet gelmiş eski köye vah
Dostlar mahvolduk

Seni gidi fındıkkıran
Yılanı deliğinden çikaran
Kaderim püsküllü belam
Yakalarsam … …

Ocağına düştüm yavru
Kucağına düştüm yavru
Sıcağına düştüm yavru
El aman


(translated by Neslihan Tonga)

She hangs from another's man arm
She makes me look like a fool once more
She makes bubbles with her chewing gum
And bursts them noisily

>>only in the long version<<
>>Maybe that's why I'm so in love with her
>>She is hard to get
>>She makes fun of men, she's spoilt
>>Has she turned the world upside down?

>>She plucked her eyebrows,
>>Painted her eyes, her lips are flaming red
>>you won't meet someone crazier than her,
>>She walks in front of me with a smile

That's not the way we were raised,
She's making us look like fools,
New customs have come to our town
Boys, we're lost

You've really captivated us
You can even make a snake come out of its nest
And you've made me loose my head over you
If I could get you ... ... (kiss kiss!!!)

I've surrendered to your bosom, baby
I've visited your interior, baby
I've fallen for your warmth, baby
Have mercy


"Simarik" is a song full of slangs, which only makes sense in Turkish. For example:

  • The first sentence is a turkish saying meaning: "one breaks in half, because of jeaulousy".
  • In the last paragraph, the word "fındıkkıran", which literally means "nutcracker", in Turkey it is a double-meaning word, used for naming someone who dates many people, at the same time. The paragraph is composed of sayings that lovers use when they need their partner.
  • The last sentence, "el aman", means "it's enough, have mercy", "be aware of your deeds".
  • In summary, Simarik talks about a spoilt girl he dated, who now flirts with many men. She is too liberal for the conservative customs under which she was raised, and everyone critizices her. However, he still loves her, despite everything.



  • He's the first and only Turk who becomes famous worldwide with one song, sung in a unknown language (for the rest of the world), Turkish.
  • His name, Tarkan, means "bold and famous", which suits him very well.
  • He is 27 years old and he was born in Germany, although his parents are turkish. At the present time he lives in the United States.
  • His discography includes four albums: Yine Sensiz, Aacayipsin, Ölürüm Sana, and Tarkan; the latter attaining great success.
  • Although he began his career in the early '90s, he became famous abroad with his last CD "Tarkan", there were sold more than 150,000 albums in Mexico.
  • He'll return to our country to make some performances between June and August (now we know this is totally false, because he never returned)



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