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Simarik cover released in the United States


A new american singer called Stella Soleil released a cover version of Simarik in English. The sad truth is, for most of Tarkan's fans, her song is terribly bad compared to the original one. And many of the fans thought she had stolen Tarkan's song, violating Tarkan's and Sezen Aksu's copyright. The reality is, she didn't steal the song. Sezen Aksu signed an agreement with Universal Music so Stella could make the cover.

However, the result was just terrible! Stella Soleil put her own English lyrics in it (she changed Simarik completely, the lyrics have no relationship with the original idea in turkish) and sang over the same song. You can even hear the original background vocals!

In spite of all this, the song was kind of popular in MTV. So maybe it could help Tarkan to become known in the USA, because now americans want to know who is the man who sings the original song.

If you want to listen to Stella Soleil's Simarik cover version, here's the link for her official website:



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