I felt an angel near today,
though one I couldn't see.

I felt an angel, oh-so-close,
sent to comfort me.

I felt an angel's gentle kiss,
soft upon my cheek.
And oh, without a single word,
of caring it did speak.

I felt an angel's loving touch,
soft upon my heart.
And with that touch, I felt the pain,
and hurt within depart.

I felt an angel's tepid tears,
fall softly next to mine.
And knew that as those tears did dry,
a new day would be mine.

I felt an angel's silken wings,
enfold me with pure love.
And felt a strength within me grow,
a strength sent from above.

I felt an angel, Oh-so-close,
though one I couldn't see,

I felt an angel near today,
sent to comfort me.

Author unknown

May your angel always be with you.

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