In My Hard Shelled Opinion
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  Domesticated Turtles
  Abundance of Turtles
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  No-Kill Conservation
  Turtles Can Play

Save Alabama Red-bellies

Pennsylvania Laws

Texas Laws


Pennsylvania Laws

     Effective January 1, 2007 the Pennsylvania laws governing reptiles and amphibians native to Pennsylvania have changed. Authority for making the rules for reptiles and amphibians in Pennsylvania belongs to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). It is my opinion that the PFBC is moving to prevent the keeping of native reptiles and amphibians as pets in the state regardless of the abundance of the species. I regard these actions as social engineering and over regulation, not conservation or management.
     I intend over time to review these rules in detail giving you my opinions. I plan to lay the ground work for these opinions first. This will take time. In the mean time I am providing several links for you.

PFBC Summary Book Reptiles and Amphibians
Order Adopting Amendments and Regulations
Summary of Public Comments
Third Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Second Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
First Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
2006 Pennsylvania Rules

     If you disagree with the new rules in Pennsylvania, there are several things you can do about it. The most immediate action is at hand - your Pennsylvania tax return. Do not donate to the Wild Resource Conservation Fund! These funds support the elite professionals who are out to keep all reptiles and amphibians to themselves as "specimens to be protected".  More on this later.

     The other action you can take is to not support the PFBC via the purchasing of fishing licenses, boat registrations, and purchases of their merchandise. Or at least delay such purchases as late into the year as possible. Again more on this later.

     This page will be added to from time to time so check back occasionally.

Thomas R. Schucker
