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Turtle goes to school

There once was a little turtle who was very warm & seeked some shade. He crawled along until he came to a cool dark bag. He then crawled inside & fell asleep. A little while later the school bus came to pick up the kids. The kids grabbed their school bags & got on the bus. Cassidy did not know she had a turtle in her bag! In the classrom Cassidy put her school bag inside her desk. "Now children get ready for your spelling test", said the Teacher. The turtle woke up & decided to take a walk-but he couldn't get out of the bag! KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK went his shell as he bumped against the desk. "Who's there?" asked the Teacher. Knock knock- went the turtle. "Come in." said the Teacher. Knock Knock went the turtle."Who's playing games?" said the teacher. Knock knock went the turtle again. The children began to laugh, as the teacher tried to figure out who was doing the knocking. The Teacher went over to Cassidy's desk. "Are you knocking and holding up the spelling test?" "No Teacher Iam not." Cassidy answered. "Stop playing games or you can go to the office!" said the Teacher. "It's not me." replied Cassidy. Just then the little turtle tumbled out of the bag and out of the desk. He landed on the floor at the Teachers feet making a big Kplunk noise! "Are you the one who has been knocking?"Teacher asked Turtle. The turtle looked up at the Teacher.He wondered where he was & how he had gotten there! All the kids laughed. "Does he have to go to the office?" asked Cassidy. The children laughed again at the thought of a turtle being sent to the office! "Well he certainly doesn't mind or answer very well does he? But we can't blame him for wanting a education." replied the Teacher. "I guess he can stay for today" And that was Turtle's first day at school!


PO Box 8181
Michigan, 48501 USA

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