the unforgettable fire
Lyrics Shrine

These songs are... me. They show different sides of my personality and whatnaught...

So, yeah, I already warned ya I'm a BIG U2 fanatic, so if you don't like 'em you'll probably want to just skip over this.... ^_^

Commentary? Yeah...

If God Will Send His Angels: A very sad song, but very fitting of my pessimistic view of hope--why should I have any? It serves me little good... Not to mention I love the guitar in it, The Edge makes a stellar performance here. ^_^ The first time I heard the song (I now own the album Pop, thanks to my Brian) was through a .wav file that an old friend who plays guitar emailed me--he claimed to have mastered the intro. So I looked up the lyrics and downloaded a couple versions. It really spoke out to me, especially now when I get in my writer's moods: sad, pensive, and sullen.

Please: Most Wirelings argue about Pop, always claiming that the album is about exploring sexuality, which I don't quite agree with.  Or they just say the album sucks.  They argue that this song exemplifies exploration with its extremely suggestive tone in lyrics like "get up off your knees" and the two main verses--not knowing love/desire/life without going to the opposite extreme, etc. I disagree. Of course, I take it from the perspective of discovering yourself and realising that being "the smartest ass at the top of the class" will get you nowhere if you don't know yourself and discover who loves you. Skillet (an AWESOME Wireling) first burned this song for me when he sent me a copy of the album October, since we both love U2, which is a great example of how cool Wirelings can be in spite of all the bickering.

The Unforgettable Fire: That guitar friend once told Mariá that the album is a mouthful of music; the title track, The Unforgettable Fire, has a definitive title (which I've somewhat adopted) and is just music... It's not really about anything, but it's one of those songs that gets me through really hard times... The song is about nothing and everything; you have to hear it to understand how it just makes you *feel* and I know that makes little sense. It is just a personal song that really spoke to me....

Ultraviolet (Light My Way): This song is considered to have strong Biblical references, which dates back to U2's earlier stuff. However, I always took the person, the "Ultraviolet," to be someone loved. I always wanted someone to view me that way, to love me that way. I think it's been reversed on me, to an extent, in that I have someone who "makes me feel clean" and who "light[s] my way." Consider the speaking part at the beginning: that would be me talking about my Other Half... ^_^

Drowning Man: This is another song rather for my Other Half; he's quite a sweetie. This song is also known to have heavy Biblical references. It's most widely known to be speaking of God's love for humanity. I saw it that way later, but when I first heard it, I thought of an incredible human love--so I'm really humanistic and a romantic hell-bent on finding someone Right for me. It's a beautiful song, I love the music set to it--I think it's just right. At times, I really wonder if Bono's doing the singing or if it's The Edge.... I love the lyrics, probably because that's the kind of Love I want to find myself in when I marry. Bono wrote this song when he and Ali were on their honeymoon. Isn't that Ultimately Romantic? I think so.

Note: I could babble on like this for pages and pages, but I'll stop there. I've already added on an extra song I wasn't planning on (Drowning Man) but I feel it's too important to leave out. Don't like U2? Oh well, you're really missing out. =P


*~*violet*~* | Through My Soul | Friendship | My Other Half | shoot me | Song of the Moment | Lyrics Shrine | Punk Lives... | Radio is Dead | The Schedule | poetry | *Snip Snip* | Linkage | Randomness | Cow Poly