HA! This is it, after I said I would be finished so long ago. 'Course, that was before I knew my computer was going to die on me. . . *grumbles* Anyway, I worked my butt off to finish this, and I can't stay too much longer, or I'll be late for class. *sheepish grin* Please, PLEASE tell me what you think about this! Oh, before I forget, the email addy has changed, it's now ely_chan@yahoo.com. Cross your fingers for me that I'll get a new computer soon! More than Meets the Eye--Epilogue by Sailor Elysia rating: heck yeah, it's a G... 7 months later. . . The two of them walked hand in hand around the lake, talking little and just enjoying the approaching evening. Well, it was more of a waddle than a walk in Usagi's case, considering how close she was to the end of her pregnancy. During the last seven months, their roles had been dramatically reversed. With Mamoru nearly fully recovered from his operation, it was now his turn to assume all the duties that Usagi had taken care of before while she progressed in her pregnancy. Usagi closed her eyes and felt the warm summer breeze flow over her as they strolled along the stone path, remembering how wonderful it was to have Mamoru fuss over her so much, even if he did tend to overreact on occasion. Glancing over in her direction, Mamoru stopped, a concerned look crossing his features. He drew her close to him, and whispered, "Usako, daijobu?" Opening her eyes slowly, Usagi smiled lovingly at Mamoru, and slipped her arms around his neck, stopping only when her round tummy got in the way. "Hai, Mamo-chan, I'm just fine. A little tired, but that's normal." Mamoru spotted a nearby bench, led Usagi to it, and gently helped her to sit down. Sitting down next to her, he remarked, "Maybe we should go home now. You need to rest." Placing a hand on his arm, Usagi shook her head. "Iie, Mamo-chan, the fresh air makes me feel better. I--" She gasped as a sharp pain shot through the lower half of her body, one that she couldn't ignore. She bent over, and breathed in and out slowly. Feeling her grip tighten on his arm, Mamoru glanced worriedly at his wife. "Usako? What is it? What's the matter?" Through gritted teeth, she replied, "Slight change of plans, Mamo-chan. What's the quickest way to the hospital?" ^*^*^*^*^ Counting the speckled black and white tiles, Mamoru paced up and down the hallway of the maternity ward, anxiously awaiting any bit of news. "Mamoru-san?" A low voice brought his head up, and he found himself face to face with Kenji and Ikuko. Mamoru stared at them momentarily, realizing this was the first time he had actually seen Usagi's parents. He was not disappointed. Usagi had gotten her beautiful eyes from her mother, and by the looks of it, he was sure she had the same strong-willed nature as her father. Mamoru shook himself out of his trance. "Hai, Tsukino-san, I'm glad you could come so quickly. The doctor says it shouldn't be much longer, but that's all I've heard so far." He turned to look down the hallway. "I can't wait," he whispered huskily. Kenji couldn't hold in his opinion any longer. "How do you expect to support a family with your condition, Mamoru-san? Usagi will have to stay home now and take care of the baby, and there's no way--" Holding up a hand, Mamoru interrupted him. "Gomen ne, Tsukino-san, but I have no condition. The operation seven months ago took care of all that. And I do have a job now, a well-paying one as a matter of fact. I knew that I would be supporting Usako and the baby, so I prepared early on. As for fatherhood. . . well, I'm sure that will come with time. Usako and I are extremely happy, our love for each other and for our child is more than enough. We just wish you would share that happiness." Mamoru continued, his voice gentle and his manner calm. "I know you feel like I took your daughter away from you and turned her against you, but I didn't. I just helped her to find the person that she is now; an incredible wife and a soon-to-be wonderful mother. This is a huge stepping stone for us, and we may need your help along the way. Please don't shut us out any longer." The three of them stood in the middle of the waiting room in an uncomfortable silence, then Ikuko stepped closer to Mamoru and took her hand in his. "Arigato, Mamoru-san," she replied softly, winning a stern look from her husband and one of shock from Mamoru. "Arigato for helping our Usagi to grow up." She squeezed his hand in gratitude, and was completely surprised with Mamoru scooped her up into a warm embrace. "Chiba-san?" The doctor stood in the middle of the hallway, obviously embarrassed to break the mood. "The delivery went wonderfully. Usagi-san's tired out, but she asked for you." Mamoru let go of Ikuko, and quickly followed the doctor down to Usagi's room. He stood in the doorway, gazing upon his beautiful angel. Her eyes were closed, her blonde hair matted down and her face was still shiny with sweat. She opened her eyes slightly when she heard someone enter the room. Her face broke into a loving smile when she saw him. "Mamo-chan. . ." she mumbled, reaching for his hand. He took it in his, leaned down and tenderly kissed her. Usagi gingerly turned to her side, and pointed to the tiny bassinet at the side of her bed. "Come see your son, Mamo-chan. He looks just like you." Mamoru's eyes widened, and they brimmed with tears. "I have. . . a son?" He walked briskly around to the other side of the bed, where the tiny infant lay, gazing at his new surroundings before drifting off to sleep again. Usagi slowly sat up in the bed and nudged Mamoru. "The doctor says he weighs eight pounds. I just fed him, so he'll be asleep for a while." Not taking his eyes off his son for one moment, he bent over and delicately picked the baby up in his arms, careful not to wake him. He lightly touched the tiny fingers and toes, and marveled at the soft downy black hair that covered his head. Usagi smiled at the picture before her, and said softly, "Are you happy, Mamo-chan?" He looked down at his wife with loving eyes, then turned back to his son. "Hai, Usako," he murmured gently, "more than you could ever imagine." From the dim hallway, Kenji and Ikuko looked on in silence, not wanting to disturb the heartwarming scene before them. The two of them walked back to the waiting room, satisfied that the love Usagi and Mamoru had for each other and their new family would always be more than enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *sings* Sap, sap, sap, sap. . . *L* What? You didn't want me to finish there? :P Well, you can come up with your own name for the baby, I can't think of anything right now. Before I go, I just have to thank those again who helped me with this story: Sidnei and Sailor Europa, who kept me going with our nightly brainstorming chats, and also threatened me numerous times to finish this thing; Sailor Starlite, who also threatened me a little and gave me encouragement over the phone. . .*sheepish grin* Kali and Alicia Blade, who got me going in the first place, and last but not least, all the readers who sent me great feedback. I love it all! I hope to be back soon, that is, if school doesn't kill me first. Oh, and one more thing, all members of the SMFA (you know who you are!) make sure that you report to the president ASAP, cause we're going to get this thing going and we want you there! Any other questions, you can ask me, I still have a minor link to the outside world. *sobs over her broken computer* umm, I think I'll go now. . . Ja matta ne! Sailor Elysia [ely_chan@yahoo.com] October 1999 The characters within the story don't belong to me, (aside from the made-up ones) but you already knew that...