"Material Things"
by Judith Johnson Kypta

Crystal, brass, copper and lace
Things of beauty and stance
Each item sitting in it’s place
Waiting... An appreciative glance

Sparkling, shining...Reflecting sun
Material things, held so dear
Yet...After all is said and done
Will it matter... That they are there

Things, showing a status...In life
What kind of car, how big a house
Even judging a husband or a wife
A value...Placed on A spouse

These things aren't so important.....
It's what's in your heart and mind
Not a showcase..Full of riches
But....Love and spirit that's kind

If you have the "Fruits of the Spirit"
Yet.... Have nothing of value to display
Your richer by far, in the bargain...
For no one.... Can take that away!

Copyright ©2005 Judith Johnson Kypta
Used with permission * All rights reserved

Please email Judith to request permission
for use of her poetry.

Please visit Judith's website of Inspirational
~Heavenly Poetry~

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Music: Carrigfergus,
Traditional Irish Folktune
Sequenced by Barry Taylor
Midi is not included in the zipped file.

Artwork: Grape Vine by John Godward

Font is Amaze