Majestically…. Clothed in honor
Covered in luminous light
Watching over His many Mansions
Aware of all, both day and night

Sitting on His Throne, established of old
Sounding like many rivers, when He talks
The clouds are His…."Chariot"
On the wings of the wind, He walks

He is the King of Ages…
Mightier than the waves at Sea
Yet plenteous and merciful
To sinners like you and me

From Everlasting to…Everlasting
It was He that named every star
He rejoices over us with singing
Blessing each of us…. From afar

He accepts us with arms wide open
When we face Him at the "Mercy Seat"
With forgiveness as wide as the Ocean
When we place our sins at His feet

We call Him the "King of Kings"
And He is "God of all Gods"
Our Lord and Master of all things
We worship....the ground He trods!

Copyright ©2005 Judith Johnson Kypta
Used with permission * All rights reserved

Please email Judith to request permission
for use of her poetry.

Please visit Judith's website of Inspirational
~Heavenly Poetry~


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