"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness,
Prepare ye the way of the LORD,
make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
Isaiah 40:3

Did I Hear Someone....Whisper?
Judith Johnson Kypta

Did I hear someone…. Whisper
Is it my Lords voice, I’ve heard
Shall I do as He has bid me
Following out…his every word

Will His hand, lead and guide me
As I venture along my way
Giving to me…. Utterance
As people listen, to what I say

Shall I continue in… my mission
Trusting in the light, He cast
Spreading His word, er'e I go
Right up to the very last

Can He trust me, to obey Him
Will I honor his command
As he walks along beside me
While I traverse in this land

Oh yes, It was his voice I heard
As He whispered in my ear
And I will hearken to it
For I hold my Lord so dear

Faithfully going, about my way
Surrounded…by Angels, I’ll be
Spreading His words of Salvation
That will set sinners…. Free!

Copyright © 2005 Judith Johnson Kypta
Used with permission * All rights reserved

Please email Judith to request permission
for use of her poetry.

Please visit Judith's website of Inspirational
~Heavenly Poetry~

Please read the Terms of Use before using the set as linkware.

Please place a logo and link on each page used.

Link logo back to: http://until_then.tripod.com



Please DO NOT link directly to these graphics.

Zip File


Computer Generated Art, "The Way"
is ©Cebarre, all rights reserved to the artist
and Used with permission.
You "Have to link back" to his site
at http://www.arts-system.com/
with the logo provided.

Music: Ave, Maris Stella,
Traditional Canadian Folktune
Sequenced by Barry Taylor
Midi is not included in the zipped file.

Font used is Dauphin
Created 01/20/04