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We have put a lot of work into this page. Most of the designs are ours, except where permission for the use of artwork has been granted and links are shown on our "Friends" page. 
(Please visit the artist's on this page as they are all very talented and a big THANK YOU from us goes out to each one!)
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On our "Genealogy Research" (Out on a Limb, But Still Climbing...") is restricted to private use only with our written permission. 

We are more than willing to share our research files with others who are hobbyist, we love meeting missing branches of our family tree, but professional researchers "do not use our information for profit".   If we find any of this data has been published (including the World Family Tree Project) without our permission and without your own verified sources we will pursue legal action.

The following is taken with permission from

Mark and Cyndi's Family Tree

If you have not seen this page it is a must
for anyone doing Genealogy Research!

All works are covered by a copyright upon creation - its not necessary to display a copyright symbol or statement in order to maintain a copyright on your work. Web pages are protected by a copyright. Information contained on those web pages and all original information that is not in the public domain is protected by copyright. URLs to web sites are not under copyright protection because they are in the public domain, just as telephone numbers are. However, any text accompanying those URLs can fall under copyright protection, particularly if it is original. Graphics and other multimedia on a site are also protected by a copyright, unless they are clearly marked as public domain.

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Doing so would constitute a copyright violation.

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Copyright Resources on the Web

10 Big Myths About Copyright Explained

Access ~ Intellectual Property Law (sm) Index Page

Can I Borrow A Bit of Digital? By Marie D'Amico for NetGuide Magazine

CIPO-OPIC : Canadian Intellectual Property Office - Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle

Copyright & Fair Use - Stanford University Libraries

Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Age

Copyright and Intellectual Property Resources

Copyright and the World Wide Web

Copyright Clearance Center Online (CCC)

Copyright FAQ

Copyright in the New World of Electronic Publishing
An article by William S. Strong

Copyright on the Internet

Copyrights & Wrongs By Mark Howells

Cyber-Property: Copyright, Citation, and the World Wide Web

Web Issues from The Copyright Website

Database Copyrights

FindLaw: Copyright

GeoCities Info - FAQ -- Copyright Laws and the Internet

ILT Web - The ILTguide to Copyright

The Patent Office - Copyright United Kingdom

Is Material on the Internet Protected by Copyright?

Royalties, Fair Use & Copyright in the Electronic Age

SUL: Copyright & Fair Use: Articles and Publications

United States Code Title 17 - Copyrights
From the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School

U.S. Copyright Office

Web Law FAQ

Who Owns Genealogy? - Cousins and Copyrights
An article by Gary Hoffman for Family Tree Maker Online


For more information or a phone interview contact:
Valerie Schuster
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Copyright © 1999 ~ Revised: March 02, 1999.