Industrial Chemical Cleaning
Chemical cleaning has been accepted
- Power Plant
- Oil Refinery - Petrochemical Industry - Pulp & Paper Mill - Sugar Industry - etc. |
Features of Chemical
1. High cleaned & passivated surface 2. Economical 3. Minimum manpower requirement 4. Minimum downtime 5. Minimum interference with plant operations 6. Improved plant efficiency 7. Improved plant safety 8. Improved fuel consumption |
Services Including
- Laboratory Research &
Scale Analysis
Chemical Cleaning Processes
- Citrosolv [ammoniated citric acid] - Hydroxyacetic + Formic Acid - ACR [Alkaline Copper Removal] by ammoniated EDTA - Hydrochloric Acid - Sulfuric Acid - Phosphoric Acid - Aromatic and Aliphatic Solvent - Chlorinated Solvent |
Nowadays, the cleaning of petroleum storage tanks becomes a necessity for a number of reasons, e.g. - to prepare a tank for a different product; - to prevent product comtamination; - to prepare for repairs or modifications; - to prepare for inspection; and - as a step before dismantling even through, it is basically a hazardous operation due to the presence of toxic compounds in addition to the flammable gases associated with the sludge in the petroleum tanks. |
Petroleum Tank Cleaning |
After a long period of services and careful planning with the fullest experience of safety, Valence can offer various tank cleaning procedures to meet the require- ment of the customers. - Crude Oil Washing[C.O.W.] - Chemical & Oil Washing - Chemical & Water Washing - Chemical cleaning |
Rail Tank Car Cleaning
All tankers are usually utilized
- Non-corrosive property - Effecient - Cleanliness - Restore colorful appearance - Ideal condition for inspection, maintenance and product changing |
High Pressure Water Jet Cleaning
Valence can help solve many different
Features of Water Jet Cleaning
- No spark, can be applied
in the
Gas Turbine Cleaning & Maintenance
Modern Gas Turbines are being used
Valence can supply the complete
system for cleaning the gas turbine by: - On-line cleaning - Crank-soak cleaning - Abrasive cleaning |
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