Hikaru Chidou: A Bit About Her name means “Light of the Lion Shrine” in Japanese.
Her birthday is on August 8, which makes her a Leo (*sigh*) Her blood type is “O”. (Ah...nevermind) She’s 14 and in grade 8, but judging my her size you would say she was younger (I know the feeling Hik-chan ^_^) Her favourite subject is biology (I love that too! ^_^), but she dislikes music (ah well...). She practices Kendo along with her brothers, which makes her tough; so don’t base your opinions on someones looks alone...small can be deadly ^_^. She loves ice-cream but dislikes spicy food with a passion (strange... I didn’t see that one coming...*G*) Her favourite colour is red (...no, I won’t say it ^_^) and she loves playing with her dog Hikari (oh, cute! ^_^) She lives with her mother, father and brothers Satoru, Masaru, and Kakeru (do YOU see the pattern? ^_~) Her goal is to become a seeing-eye dog trainer (no...not a seeing-eye DOG *giggles*) Her source of magical power comes from fire and her God machine is Rayearth (I still don’t know what the God machine is...) She is very naïve (but that’s what makes her cute!!), she loves animals and is very loyal to her friends. She believes in justice and friendship and is always happy and cheerful. She doesn’t do too well on the subject of romance, for her brothers are...rather protective of her ^_^, how cute! Her spells are: "Akai Inazuma" (Scarlet Lighting) "Honono Ya" (Blazing Arrows) **Little Japanese Note** Normally, the family name of a person comes before the first name in the Japanese language/custom. It's as if your family is more important then your name. If you STILL don't understand what I mean, here's an example for you... Here, we have a girl, her name is Nani Jinuo...but in Japan, if she was to be introduced she would be called Jinuo Nani. Get it now? Also, for a friendly address -chan is added to the first name of the friend (and this is only used for people that are, say, good friends with eachother). So, if Nani was my best friend, I would call her Nani-chan. See? ^_^ |