Group Pictures of the Inner Senshi
Pictures of the Inner Senshi

On this page, I am displaying my collection of pictures of the Inner Senshi. Not always all of them at the same time, but know what I mean ^_^. The Inner senshi get the most publicity, I guess because their in it all the way through. I like most of the Inners, and find that they have quite effective powers and are essential to any plot in Sailor Moon; without them, the show would sease to be meaningful...*L* ^_^

The pictures on this page are free to be taken, under one condition. If you plan on using a picture or more from this page on a personal homepage or something like that, could you do me a favour and link me to your page, not much to ask. And perhaps you could

and send me the address of your page so I can go check you out and link you to me! *S* the way...if you know where I can find more pictures of the Sailor Senshi...please email me about them *S*...of course you'll get all the credit for the long as I don't already have them *S* ^_^*
