Vampire Princess' Rei Shrine
Hino Rei…The Sailor Mars

Rei was the 3rd (2nd) Inner Sailor Senshi (Scout) to be discovered. I don’t remember how it happened…I believe it was when the Negaverse (Dark Kingdom?) attacked the temple that Rei ran, along with her Grandfather. Her Grandfather is quite a character unto himself isn’t he? He sure likes to tease the young girls doesn’t he? ~_^…All innocent fun though…he’s not a sick old man!

Rei is the Princess (or Goddess…depending…(see Ami’s Shrine)) of the planet Mars, and is a member of Usagi’s court on the Moon Kingdom…and all other Kingdoms that come after.

I noticed that Rei went to a different high school then the other girls did (Minako went to a different junior high), but there’s something odd about the school…Isn’t Rei a Shinto? I could be wrong about what religion she’s under…but I do know that she’s not Catholic. Her Grandfather…a priest of the Shinto religion, sent his only living relative to a Catholic High school!! In addition, Rei’s a Priestess herself…so why would she be going to a Catholic school? I think that’s a little bit off!

More Hino Rei Facts…

Rei’s North American name is Raye Hino (another big translation gap ^_^*).

Rei’s birthday is April 17th, which makes her an Aries. Aries, God of War, the father of the Mars planet…the planet of war, main colour; red…all these astrological and mythology connections, I hope these people don’t think their pulling the wool over out eyes! ;)

Her blood type is AB (again, I wonder where they find this stuff out!)

Rei’s favourite colours are red (never would have guessed) and black.

Her hobbies are fortune telling, reading, and chasing guys **;;.

Her favourite food is Fugu (what the heck is Fugu???) and her most hated food is canned asparagus (can’t say I blame her ~_^)

Her favourite subject in school is Ancient Writing and her worst is Modern Society. She plans to be a High Priestess…so ancient writings come into that quite a bit, or…at least I’ve heard.

Her favourite gemstone is ruby…gee…never thought! Hey!! And that’s my birth stone! ^_^

Rei’s the most religious of the group, with strong spiritual ties and spends a lot of time communing and meditating…good for her. Though, she is the hardest on Usagi and is often mean and spiteful with her, I believe it is because underneath, their similar people. Rei could have a jealous streak when it comes to Usagi…after all…Mamoru was HER boyfriend in this life first…@_@. Though I respect her, she’s not my most favourite Senshi.