Wedding Bells Love Shrine
Wedding Bells: A Shrine to Usagi's and Mamoru's Love

Of all the plots in Sailor Moon, the most touching would be the eternal love that Usagi and Mamoru have for each other. Their story of eternal love and eternal hope is touching and frustrating. I know I've been begging for them to finally get married, but I haven't seen the episode where they do.

You know, Usagi would be a pretty young bride...around 17 or 18, what example does that set for young girls? I know that no one probably thinks about age when it comes to the shows that you like; in real life some of those "teen" stars playing highschool students are actually in their 20s... so I will stick to the topic of Usagi and Mamoru and enough with this!! *L*

From Princesshood to NeoQueenhood, Usagi and Mamoru have been destined for eachother, what is strange to me is they only have one child (not that there's anything wrong with that...). The love between the two of them has survived evil after evil...brainwashing and evil dreams; no matter what the obsticle, they always come through.

There is nothing more heartbreaking then watching Usagi suffer through a breakup with Mamoru, and there is never a happier moment in the show when they are together again, but one thing is sure, "Usagi and Mamoru are ment to be."

Listen up here!! I'm working on my first be'll not be ready for a bit...but as you read...I'm working on putting it together!! Check back here soon for a link to my ring!! *S*

** RING UPDATE** the good part is that it does exist...but the bad part is...that it's about as likely for a fish to fly as it is for me to get this stuff working!! ARG!! I'd like to kick the person that made this stuff so complex!! *L*...I just want to get it up there...and it keeps throwing strange things at me!! *L* I'll keep going at it though...wish me luck!!

If you've got any ideas...suggestions...ANYTHING... you'd like to tell me about this page (topic) or Webring making

Now Playing...My Only Love (english version)
