Vegeta Goku Trunks
Made Up Characters


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+Well If you wonna have a made up character email me plus you can already be a normal character


Name: John
Charatcer Name: Vegeta Bonds
Age: 10
Attack: Mystery Blast
Quote: I am the greatest foghter in all time much stronger than Kakorat and Gohan
Race: Saiyan
Energy: 200,000,000
Other: Hes SS4


Name: Donna

Character: Reka Nashema

Age: 20


Aim: None

Attack: Tatana oelebo ( dark sayain princess power wave ) & Final Kamehameha Flash

Quote: âIf u wanna die its fine with me, but please if u donât power up to your fullest or youâll be dead in a matter of seconds

Energy: 200,000,000

Item: Sword

Other: Shes SS4

Race: Saiyan