
(Bobby meets Helen and Mike at the courthouse, followed by Eugene)

Bobby: Helen! (she walks over to him) He's got a barricaded door, you'll have to break it down.

Helen: We know, Mike's going to go get Lindsay's statement, it's the only way we can get a warrant. (worriedly) Is she okay?

Bobby: I think so. The guy she put back out there, can you believe it?

Eugene: Come on, Bobby...

Bobby: Because of her, he walks, and she-

Helen: We'll get him! We'll get him, Bobby, don't worry. (Bobby sighs and walks away with Eugene)


(Kittleson's jail cell. She's asleep. A guard comes over and unlocks her cell.)

Guard: Okay, ma'am. You're free to go. (She stands up and shakes her shoulders, then walks out. She's walking down the hall when she sees Jimmy standing at the end of it. She walks up to him, tight-lipped, angry)

Jimmy: I'm so sorry. I saw the picture of Bobby and Lindsay with the face all scratched out, and... my brain just started going sideways. (she looks at him a moment, then walks past him and away. He sighs sadly.)



Bobby: He asked for his lawyer.

Simmons: No, he said he wanted to call his lawyer. There's a difference.

Bobby: What difference?

Simmons: We have no evidence he wanted to engage the legal services-

Hiller: No, he was calling to find out the price of fresh fruit. Come on, Mr. Simmons! (we see Eugene laughing in the back of the courtroom)

Simmons: Even if the court wants to conclude that he asked for an attorney-

Hiller: The court does.

Simmons: He did not have an attorney. He was not represented by counsel; he had only left a message on a machine.

Bobby: As soon as he asks for his lawyer, all-

Simmons: This man was not interrogated!

Bobby: (sarcastically) Not interrogated?

Simmons: Detective Smily said it would be better to cooperate. He never denied him the right to a lawyer. He didn't push forward with questions! All he said was, it would be better for him to talk without a lawyer. And at that point, Mr. Watson agreed.

Bobby: It doesn't matter that he agreed!

Hiller: Why not are you suggesting that he's not free to change his mind?

Bobby: That's exactly what I'm suggesting! Once he asks for his lawyer-

Hiller: Your client is a career criminal. One could argue he knows how this works! You're saying he lacks the right to change his mind and waive cousel?

Bobby: Yes. Once a suspect asks for his lawyer-

Simmons: You sound like a broken record.

Bobby: The law is a broken record, don't you get that, you idiot?

Simmons: Hey!

Hiller: Bobby...

Bobby: The law says that once he says "I need a lawyer" or "I want a lawyer" or "I *think* I want a lawyer", that's it as far as the police goes. They don't even get to say, Hi, how's it going.

Hiller: Why, if he-

Bobby: Because we don't trust the police not to interrogate and we don't trust these suspects to know what the hell is going on... they're stupid! We don't give them the right to waive counsel because they're so stupid they would! They're scum with third grade educations! They kill people, and laugh, and the courts are here to protect them at all costs!

Hiller: Counsel...!

Bobby: We don't care about the victims! They're dead already! (we see Eugene sigh like, here we go again) We come in here worrying about the constitution and the rights of these brain dead peices of crap, because they're what the system is all about!

Hiller: All right, Bobby!

Bobby: Now you may not like that. But that's the way it works. We need to protect these asses! And his sixth amendment rights were violated here! So as a matter of federal law, we need to go put him back out there so he can go shoot somebody else! (he walks over to the defendant and picks him up by the collar, dragging him over to the judge) Which is what you're gonna do, right? You've gotta go out and kill somebody because you're running behind schedule! (Eugene stands up)

Eugene: Bobby!

Bobby: No! We need to protect the bill of rights! We need to protect the bill of rights! (He stands still for a moment, fuming and staring at Hiller.)

Hiller: (shocked, quietly) That's enough, Bobby. (He stands there a moment longer, then looks like he's going to burst into tears)


(Helen, Mike, and a bunch of SWAT guys with pistols are walking down a hallway towards Kingston's apartment. Helen has a bulletproof vest on, and Mike stops her before they reach the door)

Mike: This is as far as you go.

Helen: Mike...

Mike: This guy's got a gun fetish, remember? (Helen sighs and backs up to the wall. The gunmen make a circle around the door, and Mike knocks from the side. The door opens a crack and we see the familiar face of Michael Kingston looking out.)

Mike: (sarcastically) Police. Can we come in? (Kingston slams the door. Mike nods to the officers, who raise a battering ram and break the door in just in time to see Kingston raise a gun and squeeze off a shot. An armored officer runs in and shoots him with a machine gun. Kingston jerks in the air as dozens of bullets hit him. We see Helen in the hall, jumping and covering her face as the shots go on. Finally they stop.)

Officer: Clear! (Helen walks into the apartment. On the walls she sees photos and newspaper clippings of Lindsay everywhere, thousands of pictures. She looks horrified, then walks over to the dying Kingston and kneels)

Helen: Do you know why you're dying? (he gasps for breath) You stabbed the wrong girl. Can you hear me, Mike? Do you know why you're dying? (Detective Mike nudges her, looking towards the wall. Helen looks and sees a blond woman huddled, tied up, with a gag in her mouth, and moaning. She looks horrified)

Helen: My God. What, does he just collect 'em?


(Hospital. Lindsay's bed is slightly elevated, and she looks better, but she's still weak)

Lindsay: So he had another one? (We see Rebecca coming through the door with flowers)

Bobby: If you had waited another day to regain consciousness and ID him, she could be dead too. (Helen walks over)

Helen: Hey babe.

Lindsay: Hey.

Helen: You look great. (Lindsay scoffs and rolls her eyes at this)

Rebecca: (looking at the flowers) Hey, a tape came with these.

Lindsay: Who's it from?

Rebecca: It doesn't say.

Lindsay: Put it in, it's probably from my parents. (she looks at Helen) So it was Kingston.

Helen: Seems so, only the latest girl he kidnapped, it was the same night as your assault, and...she doesn't think he ever left the apartment.

Lindsay: (looks shocked) So...maybe it wasn't him?!

Helen: Well, she can't be sure he didn't leave, and we think he must have... (she is interrupted by a whistle coming from the tv screen)

Joey Heric's voice: Hello. (they all look up in shock) Heard you were having some chest pains, Lindsay. (she looks shocked and moves her head up) Whenever I hear of someone getting stabbed, my head just goes to that poor Susan Robin girl. So young to be losing her head. (Helen looks horrified) Anyway, I just wanted to say... hope you're feeling better. (Lindsay looks like she wants to kill him, she's so mad) Kisses to Bobby. (Bobby looks utterly disgusted) And to Ellenor. Why doesn't she ever work late? (Ellenor looks, in Lucy's words, 'riled'. They all sit in shock for a moment)




(Still in the hospital. Helen, Bobby, Eugene, and Ellenor are walking down a hallway, obviously to talk without worrying Lindsay.)

Helen: I'll bring him in for questioning.

Eugene: It isn't Joey Heric. He just can't resist a game; that's all it was about.

Helen: I don't like him knowing about Susan Robin... what is that about?

Eugene: Everyone knows about Susan Robin. It was front page news!

Bobby: What's your theory, Helen, that Joey Heric killed Susan Robin?

Helen: He's always had some sort of special hatred towards Ellenor; Ellenor dated George Vogelman; maybe it was about framing George!

Eugene: That's a bit of a chess game, isn't it?

Helen: And who's the sickest chess player we know?

Ellenor: Well, if he has this special hatred towards me, then why did he stab Lindsay!

Helen: I don't know! Like any of this is supposed to make sense. We're dealing with a psychotic here!

Eugene: So what are you going to do now, get another warrant and knock down Joey Heric's door?

Helen: (glares at him) Shut up, Eugene. (she looks at everyone else, biting her lip) What if Michael Kingston didn't do this... we just asassinated the guy.

Ellenor: Oh yeah, an innocent man... all he did was kill a nun!

Helen: (sighs and shakes her head) I'm bringing Joey in, I suggest you find George. If Joey did frame George, then maybe he saw him that night. (Just then Bobby's beeper goes off, and he looks at it)

Bobby: Hiller's back with her ruling. (he leaves)


(Office. Ellenor and George Vogelman are talking.)

George: What?!

Ellenor: (sighing) It's just a theory.

George: Why would he want to frame me?

Ellenor: I don't know. Maybe he thought you would come running to us... maybe he thought you and I were still dating, I- I don't know.

George: That doesn't make sense...

Ellenor: Look, George, some murderers want to be caught by specific people. And Joey Heric, he is this...narcissistic, sick... (she sighs) Look, I...don't think he's really the one who stabbed Lindsay. And I don't think he's the one who killed Susan Robin, but stranger things have happened! And God knows he loves seeing us spin, which we're certainly doing now! (she turns away and grabs a picture off of her desk.) Here's his picture. Did you see *anyone* that night who looks like him? (George looks at it, his brow furrowed.

George: Well, his face looks familiar, but... it's probably from seeing him in the news when you guys were defending him.

Ellenor: George. You have got to think back to the night that Susan Robin was murdered. You didn't see anyone like him? (George looks back down at the photo and shakes his head.)

George: I don't think I did, Ellenor. (Ellenor sighs)


(Courtroom. People are sitting down in their seats.)

Hiller: It seems silly... a suspect can't change his mind. Here, the defendant was given his rights. He wasn't coerced or beaten...he decides to cooperate. But the law says, too bad; once he asks for his lawyer, the police can't even ask him what he wants for dinner. And, without a confession, this man walks...because they've got nothing else. (she sighs and sits back in her chair) A month ago, I was faced with putting a nun killer back on the streets because of a bad search. Though I recognized the absurdity of the application of the fourth amendment in that case... I was the good judge. I followed the law. And I set the man free. And *two nights* ago... the lawyer who championed both him and the fourth amendment... (she sighs) It seems... he stabbed her. (Bobby looks upset, and he shakes his head.) The way we keep putting them back out there... (she shakes her head) It takes a brave judge to look beyond the horror at hand and cling to the principles of our constitution... principles we proudly live by... in this room. (she looks away, pauses for a moment, then raises her head again) Well, I- I'm afraid I'm not that brave any longer. (She looks at the defendant.) If you see the streets again, Mr. Watson, it'll be through the appeals court; you won't get there by my gavel. The motion to suppress is denied. The defendant will stand trial. Adjourned. (Bobby looks mad, but also a little relieved.)


(Bobby and Eugene are leaving the courtroom. They go out in the hall and are walking when Detective Mike walks up to them.)

Mike: We just found the murder weapon. (Bobby stops)

Bobby: What?!

Mike: In a dumpster behind Kingston's apartment building.

Bobby: And Joey Heric?

Mike: Says he was on a date, we're trying to verify. (He looks at Eugene, then back at Bobby.) I think Eugene's right, he was just having some fun with you. (He turns to leave.) I've got to find Helen. (he leaves. Bobby and Eugene stand for a moment in thought.)

Eugene: Kingston.

Bobby: Unless Joey planted the knife. (Eugene shakes his head and sighs) I never rule him out, Eugene. (Eugene looks at him straight on.)

Eugene: It wasn't Joey Heric! (He pushes past Bobby)


(Kittleson's office. She and Hiller are sitting and talking.)

Hiller: I might as well go home and burn my robe. (Kittleson shakes her head.)

Kittleson: You were completely within your discretion. Listen, these laws don't get revisited higher up unless some superior court judge forces the issue. (Hiller thinks about this, then changes her expression.)

Hiller: How're you doing?

Kittleson: (sighs and laughs a little bit) I'm fine.

Hiller: You were booked on a homicide, Roberta. Don't tell me you're fine. (there's a knock at the door and it opens to reveal Jimmy. Hiller raises her eyebrow at Kittleson and gets up.) I'll be in my chambers. (She walks over to the door, stopping next to Jimmy before she goes out.) You don't ever want to be appearing before me, Counsel. (she leaves. Jimmy looks slightly deflated.)

Kittleson: Please...get out.

Jimmy: I never thought you really did this. I just had to recognize that-

Kittleson: You couldn't be certain I didn't?

Jimmy: (sighs) Look, some people react bigger to things when emotions are running higher. This was... a friend of mine. A dear friend, and you- you might be someone I've... fallen in love with... a little. So, just the very idea that you might not be the person I knew...it made me have this big... overreaction. (he sighs and shakes his head) I don't know how to say how sorry I really am.

Kittleson: Trust me. Whether you are able to convey your sorrow here is completely irrelevant. Please leave!

Jimmy: I don't want it to be over between us...

Kittleson: It is. Whetever you believe, Jimmy, believe that. (Jimmy sighs and leaves. Kittleson looks a little sad.)


(Hospital. Bobby is standing next to Lindsay's bed.)

Lindsay: I'd still feel better if they found his prints on the knife...

Bobby: It was him, Lindsay, you can relax... (he smiles at her.) You really okay?

Lindsay: Yeah, I think I'm just tired from all the visits... my parents, everyone form the office... (she rolls her eyes) Joey Heric... (Patrick, standing at the foot of her bed, laughs)

Patrick: I guess that's my cue to leave. (he smiles and rubs Lindsay's knee) Take care.

Lindsay: Thanks, Father. (Bobby smiles at him)

Bobby: Yeah. Thanks. (Helen walks up just as he's leaving. She smile and nods at him.)

Helen: Father.

Patrick: Kiss my ass. (Bobby and Lindsay exchange looks of confusion)

Helen: Excuse me?

Patrick: I read in the paper your little quotes... what you said to the archdiesis. (Helen shakes her head)

Helen: Oh, Father, I was acting out, I thought a nun had... (his expression stays the same) Well, she's my best friend, my roommate! I- (he still doesn't relent) Look, I'm Catholic!

Patrick: With Catholics like you, who needs Protestants! (he leaves)

Helen: Oh, now there's a sound bite for tolerance.

Bobby: Helen...

Helen: (Yelling after Patrick) Maybe you can kiss my-

Bobby: Helen! (she turns to him, openmouthed) Come on... (she relaxes and smiles at Lindsay)

Helen: How are you doing?

Lindsay: I'm fine...

Bobby: Listen, Helen, I've been waiting... all day to be alone with her...

Helen: What, are you asking me to leave? (Lindsay grins at this)

Bobby: Yes.

Helen: Well, I won't. (Bobby looks surprised)

Bobby: Helen...

Helen: Oh, come on! I've hardly had any time with her. And it's not like you could do anything... she's got tubes all over her.

Bobby: I want to talk to her!

Helen: Well then talk to her. There's nothing you can't say to her in front of me, after all we've been through--

Bobby: There are some things!

Helen: Well, I'm not leaving. Say what you gotta to say, make it quick, I'll cover my ears. (She puts her fingers in her ears and moves to the foot of the bed, facing the other way.)

Bobby: Um, ok... (searches around for a chair, finds one, pulls it up and sits on it. He faces Lindsay, she looks back at him with a radiant, loving smile. He has a happy, relieved look on his face.) Marry me.

Helen: (Whips around, fingers in ears forgotten, shocked) What?!

Bobby: (annoyed) Do you mind?

Helen: (detached, still in shock) Sorry.

Lindsay: (Has shocked look on her face as well, but also a tiny smile) Marry you?

Bobby: The past two days... I've realized that I can't live without you. And I don't want to.

Lindsay: Well-- don't you think marriage isn't something you should decide in the heat of a crisis?

Bobby: If there's anything this crisis has taught me, it's that I want to grow old with you. I love you. I want to be your husband... and I want you to be my wife. (As he talks, Lindsay's smile gets bigger and bigger)

Lindsay: I-- I don't know what to say...

Helen: (heartfelt, puts her hand over her heart) Just say yes!

Bobby: Quiet!

Helen: (still lost in the moment) Sorry...

Bobby: (to Lindsay) Do you want some time to think about it?

Lindsay: (she nods, bites her lip, but is still smiling) Yeah, I-- I think I should...

Bobby: (smiles and pats her hand) Okay. (he is standing up when Lindsay's hand reaches up and grabs his lapel, keeping him near her. He stops and looks at her, startled)

Lindsay: I thought about it. (looong pause, then she breaks into a huge smile) Yes.

Bobby: (grins madly) Really?

Lindsay: (big smile and nod) Really.

Helen: (overcome with emotion) Really?! Oh, god... (she starts laughing/crying and grabs Bobby and hugs the life out of him, they're both laughing. Lindsay, in the background, grabs for Bobby's sleeve)

Lindsay: Bobby-- Bobby.... that's not how it works-- (Bobby and Helen stop hugging and turn back to her, all smiles.)

Bobby: (to Helen) Please can you leave now?

Helen: Not a chance! (Tears in her eyes, so happy she can barely speak)

Lindsay: Just ignore her, Bobby.

Bobby: Oh, I forgot-- (he reaches into his coat pocket and brings out a small velvet box. Lindsay's face lights up and she gasps as he opens it)

Lindsay: Oh, Bobby...

Helen: It's so big! (Both Bobby and Lindsay look annoyed this time) Sorry... (Bobby takes the ring and puts it on Lindsay's finger. She looks at it, enraptured, then turns to him)

Lindsay: (smiling gently) I love you. (He looks at her like she's the most wonderful thing he's ever seen)

Bobby: (to Helen) One second, look away... (takes her shoulder and turns her around, pushing her away. She pays no attention and openly stares at them happily. He leans over Lindsay) I love you... (They kiss for a long time, while Helen looks on with tears in her eyes, but at the same time looking slightly sad. Bobby leans closer and takes Lindsay's shoulders, and they kiss even more deeply.)


(Nighttime. The camera slowly zooms down through the buildings of Boston, focusing on a lone nun walking through the streets. The camera gets closer and closer, and we see the nun stop at a crooswalk and turn towards us. She lifts her face, and we see that it's not a she after all, but none other than George Vogelman!)

--------END OF EPISODE--------------

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